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[PDF]L001-(1912) Apollonius Rhodius - The Argonautica [Seaton].pdf5.6M
[PDF]L001b-(2008) Apollonius Rhodius - The Argonautica [Race].pdf 15M
[PDF]L002-(1972) Appian I - Roman History I-1-8.1 [White].pdf 35M
[PDF]L003-(1912) Appian II - Roman History II-8.2-12 [White].pdf 11M
[PDF]L003b-(2019) Appian II - Roman History II-8.pdf 41M
[PDF]L004-(1964) Appian III - Roman History III The Civil Wars 1-3.26 [White].pdf 13M
[PDF]L005-(1961) Appian IV Roman History IV The Civil Wars 3.27-5 [White].pdf 30M
[PDF]L006-(1921) Catullus - Poems Tibullus & Pervigilum Veneris [Cornish; Postgate; Mackail].pdf 17M
[PDF]L007-(1912) Cicero XXII - Letters to Atticus I_1-6 [Winstedt].pdf 16M
[PDF]L007b-(2006) Cicero XXII - Letters to Atticus vol. 1_1-89 [Bailey].pdf7.9M
[PDF]L008-(1913) Cicero XXIII - Letters to Atticus II 7-11 [Winstedt].pdf 10M
[PDF]L008b-(1999) Cicero XXIII - Letters to Atticus vol. 2_90-165a [Bailey].pdf8.1M
[PDF]L009-(1916) Euripides I - Iphigeneia at Aulis, Rhesus, Hecuba, The Daughters of Troy, Helen [Way].pdf9.1M
[PDF]L009b-(1998) Euripides III - Suppliant Women. Electra. Heracles [Kovacs].pdf 13M
[PDF]L010-(1912)[cf L484] Euripides II - Electra, Orestes, Iphigeneia in Taurica, Andromache, Cyclops [Way].pdf 12M
[PDF]L010b-(1999) Euripides IV - Trojan Women. Iphigenia among the Taurians. Ion [Kovacs].pdf 13M
[PDF]L011-(1912) Euripides III - Bacchanals, Madness of Hercules, Children of Hercules, Phoenician maidens, Suppliants [Way].pdf8.9M
[PDF]L011b-(2002) Euripides V - Helen. Phoenician Women. Orestes [Kovacs].pdf 15M
[PDF]L012-(1912) Euripides IV - Ion Hippolytus Medea Alcestis [Way].pdf 12M
[PDF]L012b-(2001) Euripides I - Cyclops. Alcestis. Medea [Kovacs].pdf 12M
[PDF]L013-(1913) Julian I - Orations 1-5 [Wright].pdf 23M
[PDF]L014-(1914) Lucian I - Phalaris Hippias or The Bath [Harmon].pdf 13M
[PDF]L015-(1913) Petronius (Heseltine) - Satyricon_Seneca - Apolocyntosis [Rouse].pdf 14M
[PDF]L015N-(2005) Petronius - Satyricon_Seneca - Apolocyntosis [Rouse & Warmington].pdf 18M
[PDF]L016-(1912) Philostratus I - Life of Apollonius of Tyana I_1-5 [Conybeare].pdf 10M
[PDF]L016N-(1989) Philostratus I - Life of Apollonius of Tyana I_1-4 [Conybeare].pdf109M
[PDF]L016b-(2005) Philostratus I - The Life of Apollonius of Tyana I_1-4 [Jones].pdf 12M
[PDF]L017-(1912) Philostratus II - Life of Apollonius of Tyana II_6-10 [Conybeare].pdf 11M
[PDF]L017b-(2005) Philostratus II - The Life of Apollonius of Tyana II_5-8 [Jones].pdf9.2M
[PDF]L018-(1916) Propertius - Elegies [Butler].pdf 12M
[PDF]L018b-(2006) Propertius - Elegies [Goold].pdf 12M
[PDF]L019-(1913) Quintus Smyrnaeus - The Fall of Troy [Way].pdf 12M
[PDF]L019N-(1984) Quintus Smyrnaeus - The Fall of Troy [Way].pdf 26M
[PDF]L019NN-(2006) Quintus Smyrnaeus - The Fall of Troy [Way].pdf 28M
[PDF]L020-(1912) Sophocles I - Oedipus the king, Oedipus at colonus, Antigone [Storr].pdf 11M
[PDF]L020b-(1997) Sophocles I - Ajax, Electra, Oedipus Tyrannus [Lloyd-Jones].pdf 11M
[PDF]L021-(1913) Sophocles II - Ajax, Electra, Trachiniae Philoctetes [Storr].pdf7.5M
[PDF]L021b-(1998) Sophocles II - Antigone. The Women of Trachis. Philoctetes. Oedipus at Colonus [Lloyd-Jones].pdf 13M
[PDF]L022-(1918) Terence I - Lady of Andros, Self-Tormentor, The Eunuch [Sargeaunt].pdf4.9M
[PDF]L022b-(2001) Terence I - The Woman of Andros, The Self-Tormentor, The Eunuch [Barsby].pdf 79M
[PDF]L023-(1959) Terence II - Phormio, The Mother-in-Law, The Brothers [Sargeaunt].pdf 27M
[PDF]L023b-(2001) Terence II - Phormio, The Mother-in-Law, The Brothers [Barsby].pdf9.9M
[PDF]L024-(1919) Apostolic Fathers I Clement Ignatius Polycarp Didache Barnabas [Lake].pdf7.0M
[PDF]L024b-(2003) The Apostolic Fathers I - I Clement & II Clement & Ignatius & Polycarp & Didache [Ehrman].pdf4.1M
[PDF]L025-(1917) Apostolic Fathers II Hermas Polycarp Diognetus [Lake].pdf7.3M
[PDF]L025b-(2003) The Apostolic Fathers II - Epistle of Barnabas & Fragments of Papias and Quadratus & Epistle of Diognetus & The Shepherd of Hermas [Ehrman].pdf4.3M
[PDF]L026-(1912) Augustine I - Confessions I 1-8 [Watts].pdf 17M
[PDF]L026N-(2006) Augustine I - Confessions I 1-8 [Watts].pdf 15M
[PDF]L026b-(2014) Augustine I - Confessions I 1-8 [Hammond].pdf 16M
[PDF]L027-(1912) Augustine II - Confessions II 9-13 [Watts].pdf 14M
[PDF]L027N-(2006) Augustine II - Confessions II 9-13 [Watts].pdf 13M
[PDF]L027b-(2016) Augustine II - Confessions II 9-13 [Hammond].pdf 18M
[PDF]L028-(1912) Greek Bucolic Poets - Theocritus. Bion. Moschu [Edmonds].pdf6.1M
[PDF]L028N-(1919) Greek Bucolic Poets - Theocritus. Bion. Moschu [Edmonds].pdf 14M
[PDF]L028NN-(1928) The Greek Bucolic Poets - Theocritus. Bion. Moschu [Edmonds].pdf 14M
[PDF]L028b-(2015) Greek Bucolic Poets - Theocritus. Moschus. Bion [Hopkinson].pdf 16M
[PDF]L029-(1913) Julian II - Orations 6-8 [Wright].pdf 16M
[PDF]L030-(1913) Cicero XXI - De Officiis On Duties [Miller].pdf 12M
[PDF]L031-(1979) Suetonius I - The Lives of the Caesars I [Rolfe].pdf 34M
[PDF]L032-(1914) Cassius Dio I - Roman History 1-11 [Cary].pdf5.4M
[PDF]L033-(1968) Horace - Odes and Epodes [Bennett].pdf3.5M
[PDF]L033b-(2004) Horace - Odes and Epodes [Rudd].pdf 40M
[PDF]L034-(1914) St. John Damascene - Barlaam & Ioasaph [Woodward & Mattingly].pdf 10M
[PDF]L034N-(1937) St. John Damascene - Barlaam & Ioasaph [Woodward & Mattingly].pdf 33M
[PDF]L035-(1914) Tacitus I Dialogue on Oratory Agricola Germania [Peterson].pdf 13M
[PDF]L036-(1914) Plato I - Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Phaedrus [Fowler & Lamb].pdf 34M
[PDF]L036N-(2005) Plato I - Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Phaedrus [Fowler & Lamb].pdf 21M
[PDF]L036b-(2017) Plato I - Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Phaedrus [Emlyn-Jones & Preddy].pdf 16M
[PDF]L037-(1914) Cassius Dio II - Roman History 12-35 [Cary].pdf7.6M
[PDF]L038-(1959) Suetonius II - The Lives of the Caesars II [Rolfe].pdf 48M
[PDF]L039-(1914) Julius Caesar II - The Civil Wars [Peskett].pdf 21M
[PDF]L039b-(2016) Julius Caesar II - Civil War [Damon].pdf 39M
[PDF]L040-(1914) Cicero XVII - De Finibus [Rackham].pdf 11M
[PDF]L041-(1914) Ovid I - Heroides Amores [Showerman].pdf 16M
[PDF]L042-(1971) Ovid III - Metamorphoses I_1-8 [Miller].pdf 19M
[PDF]L043-(1958) Ovid IV - Metamorphoses II_9-15 [Miller].pdf 14M
[PDF]L044-(1922) Apuleius I - Metamorphoses (The Golden Ass) I-1-6 [Adlington rev. Gaselee].pdf 18M
[PDF]L044b-(1996) Apuleius I - Metamorphoses I_1-6 [Hanson].pdf9.1M
[PDF]L045-(1917) Achilles Tatius - Leucippe & Clitophon [Gaselee].pdf 26M
[PDF]L045N-(1984) Achilles Tatius - Leucippe & Clitophon [Gaselee].pdf 15M
[PDF]L046-(1914) Plutarch - Parallel Lives I Theseus and Romulus. Lycurgus and Numa. Solon and Publicola [Perrin].pdf9.5M
[PDF]L047-(1914) Plutarch - Parallel Lives II Themistocles and Camillus. Aristides and Cato Major. Cimon and Lucullus [Perrin].pdf9.6M
[PDF]L048-(1914) Procopius I - History of the Wars 1 & 2 (Persian War) [Dewing].pdf 12M
[PDF]L049-(1917) Strabo I - Geography I [Sterrett rev Jones].pdf 16M
[PDF]L050-(1949) Strabo II - Geography II_3-5 [Jones].pdf 23M
[PDF]L051-(1914) Xenophon V - Cyropaedia I_1-4 [Miller].pdf 15M
[PDF]L052-(1914) Xenophon VI - Cyropaedia II_5-8 [Miller].pdf 12M
[PDF]L053-(1914) Cassius Dio III - Roman History 36-40 [Foster rev Cary].pdf7.4M
[PDF]L054-(1915) Lucian II - The Downward Journey or The Tyrant [Harmon].pdf 13M
[PDF]L055-(1961) Pliny the Younger I - Letters I_1-6 [Melmoth].pdf 15M
[PDF]L055b-(1969) Pliny the Younger I - Letters and Panegyricus I_1-7 [Radice].pdf 19M
[PDF]L056 (1915) Pindar I & II - Olympian & Pythian Odes [Sandys].pdf2.4M
[PDF]L056b-(1997) Pindar I & II - Olympian & Pythian Odes [Race].pdf2.4M
[PDF]L057-(1914) Hesiod -Homeric Hymns and Homerica [Evelyn-White].pdf8.3M
[PDF]L057b-(2006) Hesiod - Theogony Works & Days Testimonia [Most].pdf5.5M
[PDF]L057bN-(2018) Hesiod I - Theogony Works and Days Testimonia [Most rev. Most].pdf 15M
[PDF]L058-(1916) Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - Collected Works [Haines].pdf 18M
[PDF]L059-(1947) Pliny the Younger II - Letters II_7-10 [Melmoth].pdf 18M
[PDF]L059b-(1969) Pliny the Younger II - Letters and Panegyricus II_8-10 [Radice].pdf 20M
[PDF]L060-(1916) Plautus I - Amphitryon Comedies I [Nixon].pdf8.4M
[PDF]L060N-(1950) Plautus I - Amphitryon Comedies I [Nixon].pdf 25M
[PDF]L060b-(2011) Plautus I - Amphitryon. The Comedy of Asses. The Pot of Gold. The Two Bacchises. The Captives [Melo].pdf 26M
[PDF]L061-(1917) Plautus II - Casina Comedies II [Nixon].pdf7.0M
[PDF]L061b-(2011) Plautus II - Casina. The Casket Comedy. Curculio. Epidicus. The Two Menaechmuses [Melo].pdf 15M
[PDF]L062-(1917) Seneca the Younger VIII - Tragedies I Hercules Furens Troades Medea Hippolytus Oedipus [Miller].pdf6.9M
[PDF]L062b-(2002) Seneca the Younger VIII - Tragedies I Hercules Trojan Women Phoenician Women Medea Phaedra [Fitch].pdf2.9M
[PDF]L063-(1930) Virgil I Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid 1-6 [Fairclough].pdf 21M
[PDF]L063N-(1938) Virgil I Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid 1-6 [Fairclough].pdf 25M
[PDF]L063NN-(1999) Virgil I Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid 1-6 [Fairclough and Goold].pdf5.2M
[PDF]L064-(1918) Virgil II - Aeneid 7-12 Minor Poems [Fairclough].pdf 15M
[PDF]L064N-(2000) Virgil II - Aeneid 7-12 Appendix Virgiliana [Fairclough and Goold].pdf7.8M
[PDF]L065-(1916) Plutarch - Parallel Lives III Pericles-Fabius Maximus Nicias- Crassus [Perrin].pdf 12M
[PDF]L066-(1916) Cassius Dio IV - Roman History 41-45 [Foster rev Cary].pdf7.3M
[PDF]L067-(1927) Greek Anthology I_1-6 [Paton].pdf 16M
[PDF]L067N-(2014) Greek Anthology I - Books 1-5 [Paton & Tueller].pdf 10M
[PDF]L068-(1919) Greek Anthology II_7-8 Epigrams [Paton].pdf 19M
[PDF]L069-(1916) Longus - Daphnis & Chloe [Thornley] Pathenius - Love Romances Fragments [Gaselee].pdf6.2M
[PDF]L069b-(2009) Longus. Xenophon of Ephesus - Daphnis and Chloe. Anthia and Habrocomes [Henderson].pdf 10M
[PDF]L070-(1916) Theophrastus I - Enquiry Into Plants I_1-5, Minor Works on Odous and Weather Signs [Hort].pdf 19M
[PDF]L071-(1916) Galen - On the Natural Faculties [Brock].pdf 10M
[PDF]L071N-(1952) Galen - On the Natural Faculties [Brock].pdf 11M
[PDF]L072-(1917) Julius Caesar I - Gallic War [Edwards].pdf 27M
[PDF]L073-(1934) Aristotle XIX - The Nicomachean Ethics [Rackham].pdf 23M
[PDF]L074-(1918) Boethius - Theological Tractates Consolation of Philosophy [Stewart & Rand].pdf 19M
[PDF]L074N-(1968) Boethius - Theological Tractates Consolation of Philosophy [Stewart & Rand].pdf9.9M
[PDF]L074NN-(2003) Boethius - The Theological Tractates [Stewart & Rand & Tester], The Consolation of Philosophy [Tester].pdf 21M
[PDF]L075-(1917) Seneca the Younger IV - Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales I 1-45 [Gummere].pdf 16M
[PDF]L075N-(2006) Seneca the Younger IV - Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales I 1-65 [Gummere].pdf 15M
[PDF]L076-(1920) Seneca the Younger V - Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales II 66-92 [Gummere].pdf 18M
[PDF]L076N-(2006) Seneca the Younger V - Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales II 66-92 [Gummere].pdf 16M
[PDF]L077-(1925) Seneca the Younger VI - Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales III 93-124 [Gummere].pdf 13M
[PDF]L077N-(2006) Seneca the Younger VI - Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales III 93-124 [Gummere].pdf 17M
[PDF]L078-(1917) Seneca the Younger IX - Tragedies II [Miller].pdf 16M
[PDF]L078b-(2004) Seneca the Younger IX - Tragedies II [Fitch].pdf 20M
[PDF]L079-(1916) Theophrastus II - Enquiry Into Plants II_5-9 Minor Works on Odous and Weather Signs [Hort].pdf 18M
[PDF]L080-(1916) Plutarch - Parallel Lives IV Alcibiades and Coriolanus. Lysander and Sulla [Perrin].pdf6.2M
[PDF]L081-(1916) Procopius II - History of the Wars 3-4 Vandalic War [Dewing].pdf6.8M
[PDF]L082-(1955) Cassius Dio V - Roman History 46-50 [Foster rev Cary].pdf 19M
[PDF]L083-(1917) Cassius Dio VI - Roman History 51-55 [Foster rev Cary].pdf 17M
[PDF]L084-(1917) Greek Anthology III_9 Declamatory Epigrams [Paton].pdf 15M
[PDF]L085-(1918) Greek Anthology IV_10-12 Hortatory & Admonitory Convivial & Satirical Epigrams Strato Musa Puerilis [Paton].pdf 13M
[PDF]L086-(1918) Greek Anthology V_13-16 Various Metres Problems Riddles Oracles [Paton].pdf 13M
[PDF]L087-(1917) Plutarch - Parallel Lives V Agesilaus_Pompey Pelopidas_Marcellus [Perrin].pdf7.5M
[PDF]L088-(1918) Xenophon I - Hellenica I_1-5 [Brownson].pdf 14M
[PDF]L089-(1921) Xenophon II - Hellenica II_6 & 7 Anabasis 1-3 [Brownson].pdf 10M
[PDF]L090-(1947) Xenophon III - Anabasis 4-7 [Brownson] Symposium Apology [Todd].pdf 18M
[PDF]L090N-(1980) Xenophon III - Anabasis 1-7 [Brownson].pdf 16M
[PDF]L090NN-(2001) Xenophon III - Anabasis 1-7 [Brownson & Dillery].pdf 28M
[PDF]L091-(1918) Juvenal & Persius - Collected Satires [Ramsay].pdf 13M
[PDF]L091b-(2004) Juvenal & Persius - Collected Satires [Braund].pdf 14M
[PDF]L092-(1919) Clement of Alexandria - The Exhortation to the Greeks & The Rich Man’s Salvation & To the Newly Baptized [Butterworth].pdf 18M
[PDF]L093-(1918) Pausanias I - Description of Greece I_1-2 [Jones].pdf 14M
[PDF]L094-(1919) Martial I - Epigrams I_1-7 [Ker].pdf7.9M
[PDF]L094b-(1993) Martial I - Epigrams I_1-5 Spectacles [Bailey].pdf4.1M
[PDF]L095-(1920) Martial II - Epigrams II_8-14 [Ker].pdf7.7M
[PDF]L095b-(1993) Martial II - Epigrams II_6-10 [Bailey].pdf 13M
[PDF]L096-(1919) Ausonius I_1-17 [Evelyn-White].pdf 35M
[PDF]L097-(1918) Cicero XXIV - Letters to Atticus III 12-16 [Winstedt].pdf 10M
[PDF]L097b-(1999) Cicero XXIV - Letters to Atticus vol. 3_166-281 [Bailey].pdf7.9M
[PDF]L098-(1918) Plutarch - Parallel Lives VI Dion_Brutus Timoleon_Aemilius Paulus [Perrin].pdf 17M
[PDF]L099-(1919) Plutarch - Parallel Lives VII Demosthenes & Cicero, Alexander & Julius Caesar [Perrin].pdf 15M
[PDF]L100-(1919) Plutarch - Parallel Lives VIII Sertorius_Eumenes Phocion_Cato the Younger [Perrin].pdf5.4M
[PDF]L101-(1920) Plutarch - Parallel Lives IX Demetrius_Antony, Pyrrhus_Gaius Marius [Perrin].pdf7.7M
[PDF]L102-(1921) Plutarch - Parallel Lives X Agis_Cleomenes Tiberius_Gaius Gracchus Philopoemon_Flamininus [Perrin].pdf6.1M
[PDF]L103-(1926) Plutarch - Parallel Lives XI Aratus_Artaxerxes Galba_Otho [Perrin].pdf 20M
[PDF]L104-(1919) Homer I - Odyssey I. 1-12 [Murray].pdf 16M
[PDF]L105-(1919) Homer II - Odyssey II. 13-24 [Murray].pdf 11M
[PDF]L106-(1919) Aeschines - Speeches [Adams].pdf 17M
[PDF]L107-(1919) Procopius III - History of the Wars III 5-6 [Dewing].pdf6.8M
[PDF]L108-(1956) Thucydides I - History of the Peloponnesian War I_1-2 [Smith].pdf 17M
[PDF]L109-(1920) Thucydides II - History of the Peloponnesian War II_3-4 [Smith].pdf 14M
[PDF]L110-(1921) Thucydides III - History of the Peloponnesian War III_5-6 [Smith].pdf9.6M
[PDF]L111-(1925) Tacitus II - Histories 1-3 [Moore].pdf 15M
[PDF]L112-(1919) Marcus Cornelius Fronto I - Correspondence I [Haines].pdf 12M
[PDF]L113-(1920) Marcus Cornelius Fronto II - Correspondence II [Haines].pdf 18M
[PDF]L113N-(1988) Marcus Cornelius Fronto II - Correspondence II [Haines].pdf 21M
[PDF]L114-(1919) Livy I - History of Rome I_1-2 [Foster].pdf 12M
[PDF]L115-(1921) Ausonius II_18-20, Paulinus Pellaeus Eucharisticus [Evelyn-White].pdf 13M
[PDF]L116-(1921) Sallust - War with Catiline, War with Jugurtha [Rolfe].pdf 11M
[PDF]L116N-(1931) Sallust - War with Catiline, War with Jugurtha [Rolfe].pdf 15M
[PDF]L116NN-(2013) Sallust - War with Catiline, War with Jugurtha [Ramsey rev. Rolfe].pdf 23M
[PDF]L117-(1920) Herodotus I - The Persian Wars I_1-2 [Godley].pdf 27M
[PDF]L118-(1921) Herdotus II - The Persian Wars II_3-4 [Godley].pdf6.3M
[PDF]L119-(1922) Herodotus III - The Persian Wars III_5-7 [Godley].pdf9.1M
[PDF]L120-(1925) Herodotus IV - The Persian Wars IV_8-9 [Godley].pdf 14M
[PDF]L121-(1921) Apollodorus I - The Library I_1-3.9 [Frazer].pdf 11M
[PDF]L122-(1921) Apollodorus II - The Library II_3.10-Epitome [Frazer].pdf 12M
[PDF]L123-(1928) Plato VII - Theaetetus. Sophist [Fowler].pdf 24M
[PDF]L124-(1920) Quintilian I - The Orator's Education I_1-3 [Butler].pdf 10M
[PDF]L124b-(2001) Quintilian I - The Orator's Education I_1-2 [Russell].pdf5.7M
[PDF]L125-(1921) Quintilian II - The Orator's Education II_4-6 [Butler].pdf 11M
[PDF]L125b-(2001) Quintilian II - The Orator's Education II_3-5 [Russell].pdf6.3M
[PDF]L126-(1922) Quintilian III - The Orator's Education III_7-9 [Butler].pdf9.9M
[PDF]L126b-(2001) Quintilian III - The Orator's Education III_6-8 [Russell].pdf9.5M
[PDF]L127-(1922) Quintilian IV - The Orator's Education IV_10-12 [Butler].pdf 13M
[PDF]L127b-(2001) Quintilian IV - The Orator's Education IV_9-10 [Russell].pdf8.2M
[PDF]L128-(1922) Polybius - The Histories I_1-2 [Paton].pdf 25M
[PDF]L128N-(1998) Polybius - The Histories I_1-2 [Paton].pdf 20M
[PDF]L128NN-(2010) Polybius I - The Histories I_1-2 [Paton rev. Walbank & Habicht].pdf 21M
[PDF]L129-(1921) Callimachus - Lycophron Aratus [Mair & Mair].pdf9.9M
[PDF]L130-(1921) Lucian III [Harmon].pdf 15M
[PDF]L131-(1956) Epictetus I - Discourses I_Books 1-2 [Oldfather].pdf 13M
[PDF]L132-(1921) Menander I - The Principal Fragments, The Girl from Samos, The Girl Who Gets Her Hair Cut Short, The hero, Fragments [Allinson].pdf 15M
[PDF]L132b-(2006) Menander I - The Shield, The Farmer, Twice a Swindler, The Peevish Fellow, The Dagger, Men at Arbitration [Arnott].pdf 20M
[PDF]L133-(1922) Livy II - History of Rome II_3-4 [Foster].pdf 18M
[PDF]L134-(1922) Philostratus III - Lives of the Sophists & Eunapius - Lives of the Philosophers & Sophists [Wright].pdf 28M
[PDF]L135-(1922) Claudian I - Panegyric on Probinus and Olybrius. Against Rufinus 1 and 2. War against Gildo. Against Eutropius 1 and 2... [Platnauer].pdf 21M
[PDF]L136-(1922) Claudian II - On Stilicho's Consulship 2-3. Panegyric on the Sixth Consulship of Honorius. The Gothic War. Shorter Poems. Rape of Proserpina [Platnauer].pdf 21M
[PDF]L137-(1922) Polybius II - The Histories II_3-4 [Paton].pdf 28M
[PDF]L137N-(1979) Polybius II - The Histories II_3-4 [Paton].pdf 24M
[PDF]L137NN-(2010) Polybius II - The Histories II_3-4 [Paton rev. Walbank & Habicht].pdf 26M
[PDF]L138-(1923) Polybius III - The Histories III_5-8 [Paton].pdf 11M
[PDF]L138N-(2011) Polybius III - The Histories III_5-8 [Paton rev. Walbank & Habicht].pdf 18M
[PDF]L139-(1991) Scriptores Historiae Augustae I [Magie].pdf 14M
[PDF]L140-(1924) Scriptores Historiae Augustae II [Magie].pdf 13M
[PDF]L140N-(1993) Scriptores Historiae Augustae II [Magie].pdf 16M
[PDF]L141-(1945) Cicero XVIII - Tusculan Disputations [King].pdf 11M
[PDF]L142-(1922) Lyra Graeca I_Terpander. Alcman. Sappho. Alcaeus [Edmonds].pdf 19M
[PDF]L142N-(1928) Lyra Graeca I_Terpander. Alcman. Sappho. Alcaeus [Edmonds].pdf 22M
[PDF]L142b-(1990) Greek Lyric, Volume I Sappho and Alcaeus, [Campbell].pdf4.3M
[PDF]L143-(1924) Lyra Graeca II_Stesichorus. Ibycus. Anacreon. Simonides [Edmonds].pdf 16M
[PDF]L143b-(1988) Greek Lyric Poetry IIb - Anacreon Anacreontea Choral Lyric [Campbell].pdf9.6M
[PDF]L144-(1927) Lyra Graeca III_Corinna. Bacchylides. Timotheus. The Anonymous Fragments. The Folk Songs. Scolia. An Account of Greek Lyric Poetry [Edmonds].pdf 27M
[PDF]L144b-(1993) Greek Lyric, Volume V The New School of Poetry and Anonymous Songs and Hymns [Campbell].pdf4.3M
[PDF]L145-(1922) Aeschylus I - Suppliant Maidens Persians Prometheus Seven Against Thebes [Smyth].pdf4.5M
[PDF]L145b-(2008) Aeschylus I - Persians. Seven against Thebes. Suppliants. Prometheus Bound [Sommerstein].pdf 19M
[PDF]L146-(1926) Aeschylus II - Agamemnon, Libation-Bearers, Eumenides, Fragments [Smyth].pdf 15M
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