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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at

                                        Sex & Magic 
                                      Fra.: Apfelmann

          In this article I would like to address the issue of sex and magic.
          I am quite aware of the fact that this is a loaded subject. It is
          one of the oldest disciplines in occultism and virtually every magic
          tradition applies it somewhere down the road. Yet it has always been
          regarded as the innermost secret discipline. Witches, Shamans,
          Runesters, Yogis and Magicians of all varieties work with it in one
          form or another.

          To build up, strengthen, direct and aim this powerful energy is an
          awesome magical tool, as anyone who has ever worked with it knows.
          Being limited in time and space, but having such a wonderful and
          eclectic medium to work with, I want to give you a few unbiased
          ideas on the subject.

          No discipline of magic has attracted as much mumbo jumbo or
          misinformation as sex magic does. Nothing stirs the mind more than
          the left and right of the so-called middle path quite as vividly.
          Nothing is more ancient, powerful and misunderstood as Sex magic.
          Yes, the market on Tantra is booming, as a visit to any occult book
          shop will show you. Yet well researched, practical introductions
          into sex magic are virtually non-existent. Male sexist tunnel vision

          One of the reasons being that the general approach towards sexuality
          and women is steeped in Judeo-Christian hang ups.
          The most common approach seems to be: "Just lay down and be the
          altar dear, you are going to love it." Even such revolutionaries as
          Aleister Crowley have done very little to improve this. Louis
          Culling even dares to state in his contemporary work (1971), that a
          frigid woman is more conductive to sex magic practice than a sensual
          or, mind you, sexually aggressive one. For this would surely disturb
          ones concentration on the Great Work.
          No wonder that there are few women attracted to these kinds of
          partners! You will always get what you want in magic and the
          so-called true will does reveal itself in strange ways. Doing some
          soul searching and clarifying your motives is quite effective.

          Now, regarding literature on this subject there is hope. My german
          friend Fra.: U.D. has written a comprehensive, pragmatic book on sex
          magic. It`s title is "Secrets of the German Sex Magicians"
          (Llewellyn) and he told me last weekend that it is available in the
          States right now. (I hope he will give me some extracts to post them
          here...) It beats everything that has ever been published on the
          subject. Get it!

                         Last amended June 11, 1989  --  Page NEXTRECORD 


          Now let me point out, one more time, that magic is a practical
          science. Merely reading about it or going to a workshop will not get
          you anywhere.
          The multitude of sexual expressions is just as great and manifold as
          human behavior in general. Here, like everywhere in Chaos Magic, it
          is useful to keep in mind that if it works for you, use it!
          Remember, the real sex magicians, male and female, have always known
          that and discarded social conditioning and taboos, right along with
          the do`s and don`ts of dogma.
          We do magic to liberate ourselves. So if it is possible for one
          thing to be sacred we logically conclude that everything else can be
          sacred too.

          Auto-, Hetero- and Homosexual expressions are equally valid in
          sex magic. It is more about expanding ones horizons that about
          finding a certain "right" way, partner or ritual to do it. The Chaos
          Magical paradigm kicks right in: Nothing is True, and Everything is

          The next issue I want to address is the Auto-erotic practice. So let
          me state this loud and clear: Without auto erotic practice it is
          impossible to achieve anything in Sex magic!
          Auto-eroticism is of central importance because it is the ideal
          practice and playground. It constitutes a powerful technique in
          itself, and it makes us independent of partners. Especially in the
          beginning it is much easier to explore, prolong and amplify orgasmic
          trance states. For this very same reason it is possible to do
          effective sex magic with a partner who knows nothing about it but
          working with a partner who is equally trained in this art is ever so
          much more effective. Most amateurs believe that sexual magic is
          something that solely happens between partners in a ritual, but in
          reality the vast majority of sex magical arts are performed

          Regarding the physical aspects of the sexual magical training first
          thing to consider is that your body is really _your temple_. And for
          it to be your ultimate tool and asset it has to be in peak
          condition. Physical and mental dependencies, be it alcohol,
          stimulants or even tobacco, will interfere with your ability to
          develop and direct this tool. I do not want to project a moral
          attitude on this, or any other subject, but mind, spirit and body
          are deeply intertwined. And the more you alter your mind from the
          outside by using drugs of any sort, the harder it gets to focus your
          will and physical reaction. If you are in a frizzy condition, you
          will get frizzy results! Here, as in all magic, the borders are
          fluid. A good training in practical magic will greatly enhance your
          sexual magic and vice versa.

                         Last amended June 11, 1989  --  Page NEXTRECORD 


          A lot of physical exercises in sex magic derive from Tantra Yoga.
          The only point of disagreement appears to be the way of using the
          orgasm. In particular, the "traditional" Tantra authors seem to cling
          to the idea that there is only a limited amount of sperm available
          to men. Therefore this precious substance is carefully guarded, held
          back and reassimilated when spent. Western magic does not agree
          with this belief. Its approach is rather like: the more you spend -
          the more you get! This applies to male magicians, women have always
          been pretty much inexhaustible in their orgasmic capacity. What
          joins both is that the intent in Sex magic is much more result
          oriented and concrete than in Tantra, where it is mainly

          The longing for transcendence seems to be inherently natural in
          human behavior. Yet being western magicians living in the nineties
          we know that we have to handle the "real world", our physical
          reality first, and then we can move on to the loftier goals.

          A good manual for your physical preparation and training is
          "Stalking the Wild Orgasm" by Christopher Scott Kilham. Hie work not
          only includes some excellent yoga exercises, but also gives you some
          great clues regarding nutrition and aphrodisiacs.
          When you get going in this direction you will find that it soon
          penetrates into many other areas of your magical work. You will be
          in better physical shape, more relaxed, focused and grounded. Magic
          is a gut level art. We have to remove it from the intellectual
          stuff. Trust your own experiences. Strive to conduct your magic work
          from this part of your body where all magic originates - your loins.
          Have fun!

          With fractalic greetings and laughter  * Fra.: Apfelmann *

                         Last amended June 11, 1989  --  Page NEXTRECORD 


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