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Internet Book of Shadows, (Various Authors), [1999], at


                                       PAN TO ARTEMIS 
            Uncharmable charmer 
            Of Bacchus and Mars, 
            In the sounding, rebounding 
            Abyss of the stars! 
            O virgin in armour, 
            Thine arrows unsling 
            In the brilliant resilient 
            First rays of the spring! 
            By the force of the fashion 
            Of love, when I broke 
            Through the shroud, through the cloud, 
            Through the storm, through the smoke, 
            To the mountain of passion 
            Volcanic that woke-- 
            By the rrage of the mage 
            I invoke, I invoke! 
            By the midnight of madness, 
            The lone-lying sea, 
            The swoon of the moon, 
            Your swoon into me; 
            The sentinel sadness 
            Of cliff-clinging pine, 
            That night of delight 
            You were mine, you were mine! 
            You were mine, O my saint, 
            My maiden, my mate, 
            By the might of the right 
            Of the night of our fate. 
            Though I fall, though I faint, 
            Though I char, though I choke, 
            By the hour of our power 
            I invoke, I invoke! 
            By the mystical union 
            Of fairy and faun, 
            Unspoken, unbroken-- 
            The dusk to the dawn!-- 
            A secret communion, 
            Unmeasured, unsung, 
            The listless, resistless, 
            Tumultuous tongue!-- 
            O virgin in armour 
            Thine arrows unsling, 
            In the brilliant resilient 
            First rays of the spring! 
            No Godhead could charm her, 
            But manhood awoke-- 
            O fiery Valkyrie, 
            I invoke, I invoke! 


Next: ALOHA! Serge King (Hugh Read)