yeh shih, karmavijñâna? the assertion of the "Will to Live."
Affectional hindrance
fan nao chang, kleçâvarana, hindrance to the attainment of Nirvâna, arising from the assertion of the "Will to Live."
Affirmation, or Non-emptiness,
pu k‘ung, açûnyatâ, suchness as constituting the basis of reality; it is equivalent to the Tathâgata's Womb.
All-conserving mind, The,
, a lai ya shih, or tsang shih, or
a li ya,
mu mo shih, âlaya-vijñâna, a stage in the evolution of suchness, in which consciousness is awakened to recognise a distinction between suchness and birth-and-death.
fa hsin, cittotpâda, desire to attain the most perfect knowledge.
wu, (1) ego-soul; (2) noumenon or thing-in-itself. Anâtman is a negative form of the same.
shêng mieh, samsâra, the material principle in contradistinction to the formal principle, suchness.
shih, vijñâna, mentation in general.
, jan, a cognisance of dual aspect of suchness; not necessarily moral or intellectual fault.
fa, (1) that which subsists, or substance; (2) law, doctrine, or regulative principle.
fa shên, absolute being, or absolute knowledge when considered from the idealistic point of view.
i, manas, the subjective mind which believes consciously or unconsciously in the existence of the ego-soul.
i shih, manovijñâna, egocentric thoughts in general; the mind that makes a deliberate assumption of a dualistic existence of the ego and the non-ego,
chiao (buddhi?), another name for suchness, psychologically considered.
chuan shih, pravrtti-vijñâna, a state of suchness out of which mentation in general evolves.
wu ming, avidya, a state of suchness in its evolution; practically the same as birth-and-death.
Intellectual hindrance
so chih chang, jñeyâvarana, the hindrance to the attainment of Nirvâna, which arises from intellectual prejudices.
Interrelated defilement
hsiang ying jan, a conscious assertion of dualism.
Karma-hindrance, yeh chang, karmâvarana, the hindrance in the way to Nirvâna, that is brought forth by evil deeds done in previous lives.
tai chang, literally, great conveyance, another name for suchness.
Means. or expediency
fang pien, upâya, when philosophically considered, the process of evolution, whereby the unconditional suchness becomes conditional.
hsin, citta, relative aspect of suchness. Soul, mind, and suchness are to a certain extent synonymous, but in this translation the following distinction is made: Suchness, when unqualified, signifies its absolute aspect and is practically the same with the soul, while the term mind is used to denote a state of suchness in its operation or evolution.
Negation, or emptiness
k‘ung, çûnyatâ, an aspect of suchness as transcending all forms of relativity.
nieh p‘an, the recognition of the truth or suchness.
pu chiao (nirbuddhi?), another name for ignorance, psychologically considered. Non-enlightenment, defilement, birth-and-death, and ignorance, are more or. less synonymous and interchangeable.
wu fên pieh, the subjective attitude that is free from a deliberate assertion of dualism; i is similar in a sense to Lao-Tze's "Non-assertion."
Not-interrelated defilement
pu hsiang ying jan, an unconscious assertion of dualism.
fên pieh shih, the consciousness that adheres to the dual aspect of existence; a synonym of phenomena-particularising-consciousness.
fan nao, âçrava or kleça, the subjectivity that averts the due exercise of will and intellect.
san mei, or
ting, literally equilibrium, a state of consciousness in which all modes of mental activity are in equilibrium.
hsin, hrdaya or citta, that which constitutes the kernel of things, but not in the Christian conception of the word; a synonym of absolute suchness.
Soul as birth-and-death,
hsin shêng mieh, relative aspect of suchness as material principle; a synonym of ignorance.
Soul as suchness
hsin chen ju, absolute aspect of suchness as purely formal.
wang nien, or
wang nien hsin, or
hsin nien, or simply
nien, smrti, literally, recollection or memory, or
fên piéh, particularisation; the mentation that is not in accordance with the conception of suchness.
chên ju, bhûtatathatâ, the highest reality, or the "purely formal" aspect of existence.
Tathâgata's womb
ju lai tsang, tathâgata-garbha, a state of suchness as containing every possible merit.
Totality of things
fah chieh, dharmadhâtu, literally, the basis of things, that is, the universe as a whole.
yüan, or
shih yüan, pranidhâna, commonly translated prayer, but not in the Christian sense, for Buddhists think that a vow or vehement desire has power enough to achieve what is desired, according to their idealistic conception of the world.