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Qui legent hosce versus, maturé censunte :
Prophanum vulgus & inscium ne attrectato :
Omnesque Astrologi, Blenni, Barbari procul sunto,
Qui aliter faxit, is rité sacer esto.


L'Arc du thresor par Achilles deceu.
Aux procrees sceu la quadrangulaire :
Au faict Royal le comment sera sceu,
Corps veu pendu au veu du populaire.

The arc of the treasure deceived by Achilles,
the quadrangle known to the procreators.
The invention will be known by the Royal deed;
a corpse seen hanging in the sight of the populace.


Par Mars ouuert Arles ne donra guerre,
De nuict seront les soldats estonnez :
Noir, blanc à l'inde dissimulé en terre,
Sous la saincte ombre traistre verrez & sonnez.

Opened by Mars Arles will not give war,
the soldiers will be astonished by night.
Black and white concealing indigo on land
under the false shadow you will see traitors sounded.


Apres de France la victoire nauale,
Les Barchinons, Sallinons, les Phocens,
Lierre d'or, l'enclume serré dedans la balle,
Ceux de Prolon au fraud seront contens.

After the naval victory of France,
the people of Barcelona the Saillinons and those of Marseilles;
the robber of gold, the anvil enclosed in the ball,
the people of Ptolon will be party to the fraud.


Le Duc de Langres assiegé dedans Dole,
Accompagné d'Ostun & Lyonnois :
Ceneue, Auspourg ioinct ceux de Mirandole,
Passer les monts conter les Anconnois.

The Duke of Langres besieged at D�le
accompanied by people from Autun and Lyons.
Geneva, Augsburg allied to those of Mirandola,
to cross the mountains against the people of Ancona.


Vin sur la table en sera respandu,
Le tiers n'aura celle qu'il pretendoit :
Deux fois du noir de Parme descendu :
Perouse à Pise fera ce qu'il cuidoit.

Some of the wine on the table will be spilt,
the third will not have that which he claimed.
Twice descended from the black one of Parma,
Perouse will do to Pisa that which he believed.


Naples, Palerme, & toute la Cecile,
Par main babare sera inhabitée,
Corsicque, Salerne & de Sardeigne l'Isle,
Faim, peste guerre, fin de maux intemptée.

Naples, Palerma and all of Sicily
will be uninhabited through Barbarian hands.
Corsica, Salerno and the island of Sardinia,
hunger, plague, war the end of extended evils.


Sur le combat des grands cheuaux legers,
On criera le grand croissant confond.
De nuict tuer mont, habits de bergers,
Abismes rouges dans le fossé profond.

Upon the struggle of the great light horses,
it will be claimed that the great crescent is destroyed.
To kill by night, in the mountains,
dressed in shepherd�s' clothing, red gulfs in the deep ditch.


Flora, fuis, fuis le plus proche Romain,
Au Fesulan sera conflict donné :
Sang espandu, les plus grands prins à main,
Temple ne sexe ne sera pardonné.

Florense, flee, flee the nearest Roman,
at Fiesole will be conflict given:
blood shed, the greatest one take by the hand,
neither temple nor sex will be pardoned.


Dame à l'absence de son grand capitaine,
Sera priée d'amour du Viceroy,
Faincte promesse & mal'heureuse estreine.
Entre les mains du grand Prince Barroys.

The lady in the absence of her great master
will be begged for love by the Viceroy.
Feigned promise and misfortune in love,
in the hands of the great Prince of Bar.

VII 10

Par le grand Prince limitrophe du Mans,
Preux & vaillant chef de grand exercite :
Par mer & terre de Gallois & Normans,
Caspre passer Barcelonne pillé Isle.

By the great Prince bordering Le Mans,
brave and valiant leader of the great army;
by land and sea with Bretons and Normans,
to pass Gibraltar and Barcelona to pillage the island.

VII 11

L'enfant Royal contemnera la mere,
Oeil, pieds blessez, rude, inobeissant,
Nouuelle à dame estrange & bien amere,
Seront tuez des siens plus de cinq cens.

eye, feet wounded rude disobedient;
strange and very bitter news to the lady;
more than five hundred of here people will be killed.

VII 12

Le grand puisnay fera fin de la guerre.
Aux dieux assemble les excusez :
Cahors, Moissac iront long de la serre,
Reffus Lestore, les Agenois rasez.

The great younger son will make an end of the war,
he assembles the pardoned before the gods;
Cahors and Moissac will go far from the prison,
a refusal at Lectoure, the people of Agen shaved.

VII 13

De la cité marine & tributaire,
La teste raze prendra la satrapie :
Chasser sordide qui puis sera contraire,
Par quatorze ans tiendra la tyrannie.

From the marine tributary city,
the shaven head will take up the satrapy;
to chase the sordid man who will the be against him.
For fourteen years he will hold the tyranny.

VII 14

Faux exposer viendra topographie,
Seront les cruches des monuments ouuertes :
Pulluler secte, faincte philosophie,
Pour blanches, noires, & pour antiques vertes.

He will come to expose the false topography,
the urns of the tombs will be opened.
Sect and holy philosophy to thrive,
black for white and the new for the old.

VII 15

Deuant cité de l'Insobre contrée,
Sept ans sera le siege deuant mis :
Le tresgrand Roy y fera son entrée,
Cité puis libre hors de ses ennemis.

Before the city of the Insubrian lands,
for seven years the siege will be laid;
a very great king enters it,
the city is then free, away from its enemies.

VII 16

Entrée profonde par la grand Royne faicte;
Rendra le lieu puissant inaccessible :
L'armée des trois Lyons sera deffaicte,
Faisant dedans cas hideux & terrible.

The deep entry made by the great Queen
will make the place powerful and inaccessible;
the army of the three lions will be defeated
causing within a thing hideous and terrible.

VII 17

Le Prince rare en pitié & clemence,
Apres auoir la paix aux siens baillé,
Viendra changer par mort grand cognoissance,
Par grand repos le regne trauaillé.

Le Prince rare en pitié & clemence,
Apres auoir la paix aux ƒiens baillé,
Viendra changer par mort grand congnoiƒƒance.
Par grand repos le regne trauaillé.

Le prince rare de pitié & clemence
Par grand repos le regne trauaillé,
Viendra changer par mort grand connoiƒƒance,
Lors que le grand toƒt ƒera eƒtrillé.

The prince who has little pity of mercy
will come through death to change (and become) very knowledgeable.
The kingdom will be attended with great tranquillity,
when the great one will soon be fleeced.

VII 18

Les assiegez couleront leurs paches,
Sept iours apres feront cruelle issuë,
Dans repoulsez, feu sang. Sept mis à l'hache
Dame captiue qu'auoit la paix tissuë.

The besieged will color their pacts,
but seven days later they will make a cruel exit:
thrown back inside, fire and blood, seven put to the ax
the lady who had woven the peace is a captive.

VII 19

Le fort Nicene ne sera combatu,
Vaincu sera par rutilant metal,
Son faict sera vn long temps debatu
Aux citadins estrange espouuantal.

The fort at Nice will not engage in combat,
it will be overcome by shining metal.
This deed will be debated for a long time,
strange and fearful for the citizens.

VII 20

Ambassadeurs de la Toscane langue,
Auril & May Alpes & mer passer :
Celuy de veau exposera l'harangue,
Vie Gauloise ne venant effacer.

Ambassadors of the Tuscan language
will cross the Alps and the sea in April and May.
The man of the calf will deliver an oration,
not coming to wipe out the French way of life.

VII 21

Par pestilente inimitié Volsicque,
Dissimulée chassera le tyran :
Au pont de Sorgues se fera la traffique,
De mettre à mort luy & son adherant.

By the pestilential enmity of Languedoc,
the tyrant dissimulated will be driven out.
The bargain will be made on the bridge at Sorgues
to put to death both him and his follower

VII 22

Les Citoyens de Mesopotamie,
Irez encontre amis de Tarraconne,
Ieux, rits, banquets, toute gent endormie
Vicaire au Rosne, prins cité, ceux d'Ausone.

The citizens of Mesopotamia
angry with their friends from Tarraconne;
games, rites, banquets, every person asleep,
the vicar at Rh�ne, the city taken and those of Ausonia.

VII 23

Le Royal sceptre sera contrainct de prendre,
Ce que ses predecesseurs auoient engagé :
Puis que l'aneau on fera mal entendre,
Lors qu'on viendra le palais saccager.

The Royal scepter will be forced to take
that which his predecessors had pledged.
Because they do not understand about the ring
when they come to sack the palace.

VII 24

L'enseuely sortira du tombeau,
Fera de chaines lier le fort du pont :
Empoisonné auec œufs de Barbeau,
Grand de Lorraine par le Marquis du Pont.

He who was buried will come out of the tomb,
He will cause the fort of the bridge to be tied in chains:
Poisoned with the spawn of a pimp,
the great one from Lorraine by the Marquis du Pont.

VII 25

Par guerre longue tout l'exercice expuiser,
Que pour soldats ne trouueront pecune :
Lieu d'or d'argent, cuir on viendra cuser,
Gaulois aerain, signe croissant de Lune :

Through long war all the army exhausted,
so that they do not find money for the soldiers;
instead of gold or silver, they will come to coin leather,
Gallic brass, and the crescent sign of the Moon.

VII 26

Fustes & galees autour de sept nauires,
Sera liurée vne mortelle guerre :
Chef de Madric receura coup de vires,
Deux eschapées, & cinq menées à terre.

Foists and galleys around seven ships,
a mortal war will be let loose.
The leader from Madrid will receive a wound from arrows,
two escaped and five brought to land.

VII 27

Au cainct de Vast la grand caualerie,
Proche à Ferrage empesché au bagage,
Pompe a Turin feront tel volerie,
Que dans le fort rauiront leur hostage.

At the wall of Vasto the great cavalry
are impeded by the baggage near Ferrara.
At Turin they will speedily commit such robbery
that in the fort they will ravish their hostage.

VII 28

Le capitaine conduira grande proye,
Sur la montagne des ennemis plus proche :
Enuironné, par feu fera telle voye,
Tous eschappez, or trente mis en broche.

The captain will lead a great herd
on the mountain closest to the enemy.
Surrounded by fire he makes such a way,
all escape except for thirty put on the spit.

VII 29

Le grand Duc d'Albe se viendra rebeller,
A ses grands peres fera le tradiment :
Le grand de Guise le viendra debeller,
Captif mené & dressé monument.

The great one of Alba will come to rebel,
he will betray his great forebears.
The great man of Guise will come to vanquish him,
led captive with a monument erected.

VII 30

Le sac s'approche, feu, grand song espandu,
Po, grand fleuues, aux bouuiers l'entreprinse,
De Gennes, Nice, apres long attendu,
Foussan, Turin, à Sauillan la prinse.

The sack approaches, fire and great bloodshed.
Po the great rivers, the enterprise for the clowns;
after a long wait from Genoa and Nice,
Fossano, Turin the capture at Savigliano.

VII 31

De Languedoc, & Guienne plus de dix,
Mille voudront les Alpes repasser :
Grans Allobroges marcher contre Brundis,
A quin & Bresse les viendront recasser.

From Languedoc and Guienne more than ten
thousand will want to cross the Alps again.
The great Savoyards march against Brindisi,
Aquino and Bresse will come to drive them back.

VII 32

Du mont Royal naistra d'vne casane,
Qui caue, & compte viendra tyranniser,
Dresser copie de la marche Millane,
Fauene, Florence d'or & gens espuiser.

From the bank of Montereale will be born one
who bores and calculates becoming a tyrant.
To raise a force in the marches of Milan,
to drain Faenza and Florence of gold and men

VII 33

Par fraude, regne, forces expolier,
La classe obsesse, passages à l'espie :
Deux faincts amis se viendront t'allier,
Esueiller haine de long temps assoupie.

The kingdom stripped of its forces by fraud,
the fleet blockaded, passages for the spy;
two false friends will come to rally
to awaken hatred for a long time dormant.

VII 34

En grand regret sera la gent Gauloise,
Cœur vain, leger croira temerité :
Pain, sel, ne vin, eau, venin ne ceruoise,
Plus grand captif, faim, froid, necessité.

The French nation will be in great grief,
vain and lighthearted, they will believe rash things.
No bread, salt, wine nor water, venom nor ale,
the greater one captured, hunger, cold and want.

VII 35

La grande poƒche viendra plaindre, plorer,
D'auoir eƒleu, trompez ƒeront en l'aage :
Guiere auec eux ne voudra demourer,
Deceu ƒera par ceux de ƒon langage.

La grande poche viendra plaindre, pleurer
D'auoir eƒleu : trompez ƒeront en l'age.
Guiere auec eux ne voudra demeurer :
Deceu ƒera par ceux de ƒon langage.

La grande poche viendra plaindre, pleurer,
D'auoir esleu : trompez seront en l'aage.
Guiere auec eux ne voudra demeurer :
Deceu sera par ceux de son langage.

The great fish will come to complain and weep
for having chosen, deceived concerning his age:
he will hardly want to remain with them,
he will be deceived by those (speaking) his own tongue.

VII 36

Dieu, le ciel tout le diuin verbe à l'onde,
Porté par rouges sept razes à Bizance,
Contre les oingts trois cens de Trabisconde
Deux loix mettront, & borreur, puis credence.

God, the heavens, all the divine words in the waves,
carried by seven red-shaven heads to Byzantium:
against the anointed three hundred from Trebizond,
will make two laws, first horror then trust.

VII 37

Dix enuoyez, chef de nef mettre à mort,
D'vn aduerty, en classe guerre ouuerte :
Confusion chef, l'vn se picque & mord,
Leryn, stecades nefs, cap dedans la nerte.

Ten sent to put the captain of the ship to death,
are altered by one that there is open revolt in the fleet.
Confusion, the leader and another stab and bite each other
at Lerins and the Hyer�s, ships, prow into the darkness.

VII 38

L'aisné Royal sur coursier voltigeant,
Picquer viendra si rudement courir :
Gueulle, lepée, pied dans l'estrein pleignant,
Trainé, tire, horriblement mourir.

The elder royal one on a frisky horse
will spur so fiercely that it will bolt.
Mouth, mouthful, foot complaining in the embrace;
dragged, pulled, to die horribly.

VII 39

Le conducteur de l'armée Françoise,
Cuidant perdre le principale phalange :
Par sus paué de l'auaigne & d'ardoise,
Soy parfondra par Gennes gent estrange.

The leader of the French army
will expect to lose the main phalanx.
Upon the pavement of oats and slate
the foreign nation will be undermined through Genoa.

VII 40

Dedans tonneaux hors oingts d'huile & gresse,
Seront vingt vn deuant le port fermez,
Au second guet par mort feront proüesse,
Gaigner les portes, & du guet assommez.

Within casks anointed outside with oil and grease
twenty-one will be shut before the harbor,
at second watch; through death they will do great deeds;
to win the gates and be killed by the watch.

VII 41

Les os des pieds & des mains enserrez,
Par bruit maison long temps inhabitée,
Seront par songes concauant deterrez,
Maison salubre & sans bruit habitee.

The bones of the feet and the hands locked up,
because of the noise the house is uninhabited for a long time.
Digging in dreams they will be unearthed,
the house healthy in inhabited without noise.

VII 42

Deux de poison saisis nouueaux venus,
Dans la cuisine du grand Prince verser :
Par le soüillard tous deux au faict cogneus,
Prins qui cuidoit de mort l'aisné vexer.

Two newly arrived have seized the poison,
to pour it in the kitchen of the great Prince.
By the scullion both are caught in the act,
taken he who thought to trouble the elder with death.

VII 43 *

When one will se two unicorns,
The one lifting, the other lowering,
World in the middle, to bend to the limit
The nephew will run away laughing.

VII 44 *

When a Bourbon will really be good,
Bearing in his person the marks of justice,
Bearing then the longest name of his blood
Through flight unjustly he will receive his punishment.

VII 73

REnfort de sieges manubis & maniples
Changez le sacre & passe sur le prosne,
Prins & captifs n'arreste les prez triples
Plus par fonds mis, esleué, mis au trosne.

VII 73 *

Reinforcement of sieges plunder and maniples
The holy one changes and passes over the sermon,
Taken and captives it does not stop the triple meadows,
Put in the uttermost depths, raised, put on the throne.

VII 80

L'Occident libres les Isles Britanniques
Le recogneu passer le bas, puis haut
Ne content triste Rebel. corff. Escotiques
Puis rebeller par plus & par nuict chaut.

VII 80 *

The West free the British Isles
The recognized one to pass low, then high
Discontented sad Rebel Scottish corsairs
Then to rebel much more and by warm night.

VII 81

La stratageme simulte sera rare
La mort en voye rebelle par contrée,
Par le retour du voyage Barbare
Exalteront la protestante entrée.

VII 82 *

The stratagem in the quarrel will be uncommon
The death en route in the coutry rebellion:
On the return from the Barbarian voyage
They will exalt the Protestant entry.

VII 83

Vent chaut, conseil pleurs, timidité,
De nuict au lit assailly sans les armes,
D'oppression grande calamité,
L'epithalame conuerty pleurs & larmes.

VII 83 *

Wind warm, counsels, tears, timidity,
By night in bed assailed without arms:
Great calamity from oppression,
The wedding song converted, weeping and tears.