Roy Glashan's Library
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period of 70 years or less, after the year of the author's death.
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[* Pseudonym of Gertrude Barrows Bennet, née Gertrude Mabel Barrows.]


Francis Stevens
(Gertrude Barrows Bennet)

* Avalon (novelette)
   Argosy, Aug 16, Aug 23, Aug 30, Sep 6 1919

* Behind the Curtain (story)
    All-Story Weekly, Sep 21 1918
    Famous Fantastic Mysteries, Jan 1940
    Strange Adventures, Oct 2006 

* Citadel of Fear (novel)
    The Argosy, Sep 14, Sep 21, Sep 28, Oct 5, Oct 12, Oct 19, Oct 26 1918
    Famous Fantastic Mysteries Feb 1942 

* Claimed (novelette)
  Argosy. Mar 6, Mar 13, Mar 20 1920
  Famous Fantastic Mysteries, Apr 1941
  Super Science Stories (Canada), Oct 1944 

* The Curious Experience of Thomas Dunbar (story)
    As by G.M. Barrows
    The Argosy, Mar 1904
    Perry Rhodan, #84, 1975
    As by Francis Stevens
    Incredible Adventures, #2, 1977 

* The Elf-Trap (story)
  Argosy, Jul 5 1919
  Fantastic Novels Magazine, Nov 1949
  Fantastic Novels (UK), #1 1950 

* Friend Island (story)
  All-Story Weekly, Sep 7 1918
  Fantastic Novels Magazine, Sep 1950 

* The Heads of Cerberus (novel)
  The Thrill Book, Aug 15, Sep 1, Sep 15, Oct 1, Oct 15 1919

* The Labyrinth (novelette)
  All-Story Weekly, Jul 27, Aug 3, Aug 10 1918

* The Nightmare (novelette)
  All-Story Weekly, Apr 14 1917

* Serapion (novelette)
  Argosy, Jun 19, Jun 26, Jul 3, Jul 10 1920
  Famous Fantastic Mysteries, Jul 1942 

* Sunfire (novelette)
  Weird Tales, Jul/Aug, Sep 1923

* Unseen—Unfeared (story)
  People’s Favorite Magazine, Feb 10 1919
  LampLight, Dec 2017 


Roy Glashan's Library
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This work is out of copyright in countries with a copyright
period of 70 years or less, after the year of the author's death.
If it is under copyright in your country of residence,
do not download or redistribute this file.
Original content added by RGL (e.g., introductions, notes,
RGL covers) is proprietary and protected by copyright.