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With the exception of Edison's Conquest of Mars this bibliography does not include any of Serviss' newspaper articles, many of which were published anonymously.


A Columbus of Space
All-Story, Jan-Jun 1909
• D. Appleton and Co., New York and London, 1911
Amazing Stories, August-Oct 1926
• Roy Glashan's Library, 2017, (e-book edition)
Edison's Conquest of Mars
New York Evening Journal, Jan 12-Feb 10, 1898
• Carcosa House, Los Angeles, 1947
• Roy Glashan's Library, 2016, (e-book edition)
The Moon Maiden
Argosy, May 1915
The Moon Metal
• Harper and Brothers, New York and London, 1900
All-Story,May 1905
Amazing Stories, Jul 1926
Famous Fantastic Mysteries, Nov 1939
• Roy Glashan's Library, 2017, (e-book edition)
The Second Deluge
• McBride, Nast & co., New York, 1912
• Grant Richards, London, 1912
Amazing Stories, Nov 1926-Feb 1927
Amazing Stories, Quarterly, Winter 1933
The Cavalier, Jul 1911-Jan 1912
• Roy Glashan's Library, 2017, (e-book edition)
The Sky Pirate
The Scrap Book, Apr-Sep 1909
• Roy Glashan's Library, 2017, (e-book edition)


Achievements of Astronomical Photography
Outlook, Apr 1, 1905
Alexander Graham Bell
The Cosmopolitan, May 1902
Alpha Centauri
Harper's Weekly, May 5, 1894
Among the Stars with an Opera-Glass
Sidereal Messenger, May 1891
Another Theory About Mars
Harper's Weekly, May 22, 1897
Arcturus, the Greatest of All Suns
The Scientific American, May 26, 1894
Are There Planets Among the Stars?
Popular Science Monthly, Dec 1897
The Artificial Creation of Life
The Cosmopolitan, Sep 1905
Astronomy with an Opera-Glass (series)
1. The Stars of Spring
Popular Science Monthly, Apr 1887
2. The Stars of Summer
Popular Science Monthly, Jun 1887
3. The Moon and the Sun
Popular Science Monthly, Aug 1887
4. The Stars of Autumn
Popular Science Monthly, Nov 1887
5. The Stars of Winter
Popular Science Monthly, Feb 1888
An expanded version of this series was published by D. Appleton and Co. in 1888 (see below)
Astronomy in the 20th century
Popular Astronomy, May 1901
Auriga's Wonderful Star
Harper's Weekly, May 8, 1897
A Belt of Sun-Spots
Popular Science Monthly, Dec 1883
Can We Always Count Upon the Sun?
Popular Science Monthly, Sep 1891
Celebrated American Astronomers
Harper's Weekly, Dec 1, 1894
Digging up Caesar's Camp
Harper's Weekly, Dec 31, 1910
The Dimensions of the Universe
The Chautaquan, May 1895
Nature Magazine, Jul 1927
Facts and Fancies About Mars
Harper's Weekly, Sep 19, 1896
From Chaos to Man
And illustrated lecture in the Urania Scientific Theater, at Carnegie Hall
The Scientific American, Jun 25, 1892
Greenland's Icy Mountains
The Mentor, Feb 1927
How Burbank Produces New Flowers and Fruit
The Cosmopolitan, Dec 1905
Is Mars Inhabited?
Harper's Weekly, Jul 27, 1895
The Kite Principle in Aerial Navigation
The Scientific American, Jun 27, 1903
The Latest Marvels of Astronomy
The Mentor, Oct 1921
Luther Burbank
The Chautaquan, May 1908
The New Conquest of the Heavens
The Cosmopolitan, Apr 1912
A New light on a Lunar Mystery
Popular Science Monthly, Dec 1888
The New Philosopher's Stone
The Cosmopolitan, May 1908
The New Shakespeare-Bacon Controversy
The Cosmopolitan, March 1902
The Opposition of Mars
Harper's Weekly,Aug 20, 1892
Pleasures of the Telescope (series)
1. The Selection and Testing of a Glass
Popular Science Monthly, Jun 1894
2. In the Starry Heavens, Part 1
Popular Science Monthly, Jan 1895
3. In the Starry Heavens, Part 2
Popular Science Monthly, Feb 1895
4. Virgo and Her Neighbors
Popular Science Monthly, Apr 1895
5. In Summer Starlands
Popular Science Monthly, Jun 1895
6. From Lyra to Eridanus
Popular Science Monthly, Aug 1895
7. Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and the Northern Stars
Popular Science Monthly, Oct 1895
See also the book "Pleasures of the Telescope"
Progress of Science
The Cosmopolitan, Jul 1902
Recent Magnetic Storms and Sun-Spots
Popular Science Monthly, Jun 1883
Riding Through Space
The Mentor, Nov 1923
Rome of the Gravel Walk
Harper's Weekly, Jul 30, 1910
Scenes on the Planets
Popular Science Monthly, Jan 1900
The Sky from Pike's Peak
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Feb 1894
Soaring Flight
The Scientific American, Apr 30, 1904
Solving the Mystery of the Stars
The Cosmopolitan, Aug 1905
Star Streams and Nebulae
Popular Science Monthly, Jan 1891
Strange Markings on Mars
Popular Science Monthly, May 1889
Studies in Astronomy (series)
The Chautaquan, Oct 1890-Jun 1891
The Sun and His Family
Outlook, Mar 23, 1912
Transforming the World of Plants
The Cosmopolitan, Nov 1905
What a Five-Inch Telescope Will Show
Popular Astronomy, Apr 1894
What is Astronomy?
The Chautaquan, Feb 1894
What Is the Music of the Spheres?
The Mentor, Dec 1927
What the Stars Are Made Of
The Chautaquan, Apr 1895
What We Know About the Planets
The Chautaquan, Feb 1895
When Shall We Have Another Glacial Epoch?
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Jan 30, 1892


Astronomy in a Nutshell
Subtitle: The Chief Facts and Principles Explained in Popular Language for the General Reader and for Schools
• G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York and London, 1912
Astronomy with an Opera-Glass
Subtitle: A Popular Introduction to the Study of the Starry Heavens with the Simplest of Optical Instruments, with Maps and Directions to Facilitate the Recognition of the Constellations and the Principal Stars Visible to the Naked Eye
• D. Appleton and Co., New York and London, 1888
Enlarged from a series of articles in Popular Science Monthly
Astronomy with The Naked Eye
Subtitle: A New Geography of the Heavens, with Descriptions and Charts of Constellations, Stars, and Planets
• Harper and Brothers, New York and London, 1908
Curiosities of the Sky
Subtitle: A Popular Presentation of the Great Riddles and Mysteries of Astronomy
• Harper and Brothers, New York and London, 1909
The Einstein Theory of Relativity
With illustrations and photos taken directly from the Einstein relativity film, illustrations by R. D. Crandall
• E.M. Fadman, Inc., New York, ca. 1923
American Book Supply, London, 1923
Subtitle: Counsel On The Art Of Public Speaking, with Many Illustrative Examples Showing the Style and Method of Famous Orators
• Harper and Brothers, New York and London, 1912
The Moon
Subtitle: A Popular Treatise
• D. Appleton and Co., New York, 1907
The Moon
in Science in Literature (editor: Frederick H. Law)
• Harper and Brothers, New York, 1929
Napoleon Bonaparte
in Modern Eloquence (editor; Thomas B. Reed)
John D. Morris and Co., Philadelphia, 1901
Other Worlds
Subtitle: Their Nature, Possibilities and Habitability in the Light of the Latest Discoveries
• D. Appleton and Co., New York, 1901
• Hirschfeld Brothers, London, 1902
Pleasures of the Telescope
Subtitle: An Illustrated Guide for Amateur Astronomers and a Popular Description of the Chief Wonders of the Heavens for General Readers
• D. Appleton and Co., New York, 1901
• Hirschfeld Brothers, London, 1901
Round the Year With the Stars
Subtitle: The Chief Beauties of the Starry Heavens as Seen With the Naked Eye
• Harper and Brothers, New York and London, 1910
Solar and Planetary Evolution
in Evolution: Popular Lectures and Discussions Before the Brooklyn Ethical Association
• James H. West, Boston, 1889
The Story of the Moon
Subtitle: A Description of the Scenery of the Lunar World as It Would Appear to a Visitor Spending a Month on the Moon
• D. Appleton and Co., New York and London, ca. 1928
First published under the title: "The Moon: Wonders of the lunar world, or A Trip to the Moon"
• Urania Series, No.l, New York, publisher not given, ca. 1892