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The FictionMags Index

Version Date: 2023-03-06

* Babylonian Nights' Entertainment (series)

     * 1. The Tale of the Phoenician (story)
          The Weekly Tale-Teller, #334, September 25, 1915

     * 2. The Scribe's Progress (story)
          The Weekly Tale-Teller, #335, October 2, 1915

     * 3. Seneferu and Sebek (story)
          The Weekly Tale-Teller, #336, October 9, 1915

     * 4. The Mountain of the Chair (story)
          The Weekly Tale-Teller, #337, October 16, 1915

     * 5. The Hoplites of Hellas (story)
         The Weekly Tale-Teller, #338, October 23, 1915

     * 6. The Curse of Shavriri (story)
          The Weekly Tale-Teller, #339, October 30, 1915

* Babylonian Nights' Entertainment (collection)
     Subtitle: Narratives from the Text of Certain Undiscovered Cuneiform Tablets
     Denis Archer, London, 1934

* The Badger (story)
     The 20-Story Magazine, #118, April, 1932
     The Ash-Tree Press Annual Macabre 2001, Ash-Tree Press, 2001

* The Bag on the "Bermoothes" (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #327, August 7, 1915

* Bess o' the Sands (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #343, November 27, 1915

* The Caliph's Convert (story)
     Pearson's Magazine, January, 1924
     Holland's, January, 1926

* The Camels of Allah (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #318, June 5, 1915

* Church Property (story)
     The Grand Magazine November, 1916

* The Country House Fire (story)
     Tales of Murder and Mystery, Everybody's Books,, 194?

* The Curse of Shavriri (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #339, October 30, 1915

* The Fivefold Combination (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #360, March 25, 1916

* The Gold of Hermodiké (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #288, November 7, 1914

* The Girl from Kurdistan (novel)
     Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1918

* The Hoplites of Hellas (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #338, October 23, 1915

* The Lost Oasis (npvelette)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #328, August 14, 1915

* The Miracle in the Meidan (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #346, December 18, 1915

* Miss Haroun Al-Raschid (novel)
     Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1917

* Mirza Roustam, Detective (story)
     The Windsor Magazine, July, 1928

* Morad and the Magic Mirror (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #333, September 18, 1915

* The Mountain of the Chair (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #337, October 16, 1915

* The Prodigal Persian (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #355, February, 19, 1916

* The Scribe's Progress (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #335, October 2, 1915

* Seneferu and Sebek (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #336, October 9, 1915

* The Square of Cotton (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #365, April 29, 1916

* St. Cuthbert's Guest (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #359, March 18, 1916

* The Swaying Vision (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #298, January 16, 1915
     The Ash-Tree Press Annual Macabre, 1997, Ash-Tree Press, 1997
     Fighters of Fear, Talos Press, 2020

* The Tale of the Phoenician (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #334, September 25, 1915

* The Taurat of Nebbi Mousa (story)
     The Weekly Tale-Teller, #349, January 8, 1916

* The Undying Monster (novel)
     Heath Cranton Limited, London, 1922
     The Macmillan Company, New York, 1936
     Famous Fantastic Mysteries, June, 1946 (abridged)
     Ash-Tree Press, 2006

* The Wonderful Tune (story)
    At Dead of Night, Selwyn & Blount, 1931


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