§ 1

Roy Glashan's Library (hereinafter referred to as RGL) was created as a public service designed to give book-lovers cost-free access, via the Internet, to literary treasures that have come into the public domain in Australia.

§ 2

Although the texts in this library are out of copyright in Australia the books themselves have been enhanced by the addition of proprietary elements that are protected by copyright laws. Such elements include RGL cover pages, RGL style sheets, illustrations not included in the original print editions of the books, and all supplementary text added to the original public domain text for the RGL editions, such as prefaces, introductions, bibliographic notes, annotations, glossaries, and explanatory footnotes.

§ 3

RGL considers the commercial exploitation of books in the public domain unethical. Unpaid volunteers have spent countless hours preparing the books in this library for the benefit of their fellow book-lovers. These books are free and must remain free. If you see any book from this library offered for sale in its original form please notify RGL.

§ 4

RGL grants readers the right to redistribute any book in this library freely and free of charge under the following conditions:

1. The book as a whole is not marked as being in copyright. Such books may be downloaded for personal use only. If you wish to redistribute them you must obtain permission from RGL.

2. The reader redistributes the book within the limits of his/her country's copyright laws and without charge or cost to others.

3. The reader redistributes the book as is, without deleting or changing any part of it.

§ 5

Readers may convert books in this library to other display formats, so long as the only changes they make are intrinsic to the conversion process and they adhere to the conditions of distribution described above.

§ 6

Readers who wish to re-combine or otherwise modify RGL books for inclusion in their own private or on-line libraries must first remove all of the proprietary elements described in §2 above.

Roy Glashan, 24 May 2014