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"My Sovereign Guide," George Rice & Sons, Los Angeles, CA, 1898
A short utopian lost race novel of a journey by submarine to a subterranean world where a pallid race has attained social and technological perfection. Eden is located here in the hollow earth, a bit neglected, although the Tree of Knowledge still flourishes. Basically a religious fantasy, a curious blend of allegory and science fiction, with many imaginative touches.
Title Page of "The Sovereign Guide"
William Amos Miller.
'Tis as the light of God were fled—
So dark is all around, so still, so dead;
To me thus smitten, both deaf and blind
Nor hope of change, one ray to find.
Yet must submit, though fled forever the light,
Though utter silence brings me double night.
While to my insulated mind
Knowledge, to me, her rich pages never unfold
And the "human face divine"
I am never again to behold.
Yet must submit—must be resigned.
I the author, who am both deaf and blind, in submitting this small book before the public, earnestly request my readers to note the facts and difficulties attendant upon my education and therefore pardon the errors in its grammatical construction, as it is printed just as it came from my own hands, and written by myself on the Remington typewriter.
On September 4th, 1883, at the age of eleven years, I entered the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind. But my hearing disqualified me from any regular course of instruction. I could, at times, hear what was said to me, providing it was spoken into my ear by a very fine, clear and distinct voice; and under these circumstances I went from one class to another in the hope of meeting an instructor whom I could understand, and held this irregular course during my first term and profited nothing thereby.
Early in the term of 1884 I secured the service of Mr. Klitsch, a blind teacher, to give me six hours' instruction every week, that is one hour per day.
Mr. Klitsch found his task of teaching me a very tedious one, one requiring great perseverance on his part, for my hearing was not at all times accurate, so that he would have to repeat his sentences over and over before I could comprehend the correct words. Still under this regime I made considerable progress in my studies which for that term were reading, writing and arithmetic. In the meantime I requested the principal to permit me to devote the remainder of my term to the acquisition of some trade. He did so, and placed no restraints whatever upon my actions, and did all in his power to help me forward. Thus, being a privileged character, I devoted my time to the trades as I saw fit. I devoted thirty hours a week to cane-seating, making thirty-six hours a week of regular employment. This course I held for several months, until I became very proficient in seating chairs, etc. And for the remainder of the term I devoted most of my time to literary studies and made a very good showing for this term.
In returning to school for the term of 1885 I contracted a severe cold, and lost what little hearing I had; and was confined to the infirmary for some time before being released from the effects of that cold. But, alas, I was now not only totally blind, but, for the time, totally deaf! What a dilemma I was now in!
Now the Philadelphia Institution for the Instruction of the Blind is not a school for the deaf also. But here the untiring efforts of the principal, Mr. Frank Battles, in my behalf began to show itself. He secured the service of one of the female pupils who knew the "manual alphabet system" to teach it to me so that he and others could converse with me. She gave me an hour of her own time every day, teaching and drilling me in the blind mute's alphabet, until I became quite an expert, when I thanked the young lady in that language for the great interest she took in me, and rewarded her with an occasional visit to converse with her in the method she had taught me and with which I could converse very rapidly.
I had no special instructor this term, and spent the remainder of it in the workshop. I could do nothing in the literary department, so bestowed my time to broom making, and miscellaneous readings; for it was now that I began to instruct myself, and to my endeavors in this direction I owe what little store of knowledge I now possess and enjoy.
I now began my fourth year, still deaf, and engaged Mr. Klitsch for twelve hours a week to give me lessons on reading, writing, arithmetic, history, geography, physics, typewriting and press printing, and such time as I chose to bestow on my trades, broom and brush making, filled out my roster for this year.
I entered the fifth term with the same studies as before, but the spring of that year finds me in the ample halls of adversity. I became sick, and the doctor ordered me outdoor exercise as the only recourse. My being deaf excluded my going with other pupils to enjoy themselves in their recreative sports out of doors, thus immuring myself that I may advance with my studies.
Upon returning home to Butler county, Pa., I purchased brooms from the Philadelphia workshop of the blind, and having a horse and light wagon, I went over all the county selling them, and realized about seventy-five dollars clear of expenses. With this my first money I engaged an expert oil well rig builder to construct an exact model of a petroleum oil well complete, save the oil itself. It was a fine piece of handicraft, the cost of which I made the half on my brooms, and my parents made up the balance. I sent it to the Institution for the instruction of those pupils who never saw an oil well before. As I before said the well was complete in itself, less the production. And there it stands to-day, a silent instructor of the petroleum oil fields of Pennsylvania, along with the sand and the oil from a large, gushing well.
Again I entered the Institution for the sixth term, enjoying the best of health, and my first work was to write a series of essays on the oil production in two systems, the one an embossed system, the other a typewritten copy which passed from teacher to teacher with the oil well model for the instruction of their pupils.
This was my first literary attempt, and, elated with my success, I began to indite insignificant tales which my schoolmates enjoyed reading, much to my own satisfaction.
The term had scarcely half expired when my health again declined, and by medical advice I brought my school days to a premature end, much to the sorrow of the principal, officials and teachers, and not one pupil was there but wanted to see me off for the last time, and with most of whom I am still in correspondence, though they have long since graduated and left the happy school of their boyhood days.
My school days being over I embarked in business in Butler, Pa., as a broom, whisk, and brush manufacturer, and continued this for three years, when I removed to Pittsburgh, to open up on a more extensive scale. But my father's health declining, we came to California. And here I write this book, "The Sovereign Guide: A Tale of Eden," for your perusal, and owing to my limited education acquired under the most trying ordeals, I ask your apology for all literary deficiencies. William Amos Miller.
A moment's pause—and then a heavenly light
Beamed full upon my wondering, raptured sight,
Angels on silvery wings seemed everywhere,
And angel's music thrilled the balmy air.
ONE calm, silent night, as I sat alone in my study, making the daily entries in my books, vainly striving to rally my thoughts which would stray through spheres that were foreign to my task, I was haunted by a restless spirit, nor did I find any relief in pursuing it through spheres of darkness and obscurity. For several days I had been dejected in spirit, and pre-occupied in mind; nor could I find time nor energy to bestow upon any task whatever. Books availed me nothing; society and business were intolerant; and solitude, though more preferable, was eternal torment. Nor had my financial circumstances any part of my perplexity, though it is true, they were not remotely associated with its subject, from whom they sprang. This was my guardian Manethoe, an old friend of the family, whom I had made almost owner of all that I had; and for many years he was faithful to me; but he abused his trust; and, as I never disclosed it to him, but patiently sustained its heavy consequences, leaving him to secret remorse, with coals of fire on his head, and thinking me ignorant of the injustice he had done me. At length, unable to endure remorse, and seeing the heavy losses I continued to sustain, he took leave of me, and went abroad; and I never heard from him more. But lately I had thought of him a great deal. Wherever he was, he was dying; perhaps pining for that pardon he never had. For several days I was prompted to seek him, the very Angelus-bell impelled me—it seemed to say and all nature re-echoed its call; "Go to Manethoe, go to Rome, but go without delay."
And now as I sat at my desk struggling against the inclination so strongly impelling me forward, my latent uneasiness baffled all discretion; Manethoe lies dying, pining for the assurance of my pardon. If that would enable him to close his eyes in peace, I would gladly go to Rome and give it; I should, I must, yes; come what may, I will go to Rome and seek him. But—"who will accompany me when I go to Rome?" I asked aloud. "I will," was the prompt reply given in low sweet voice which yet startled me in the silence of the night; I looked up, and there before me stood a refulgent visitor, who came, I thought, from the other world. I rubbed my eyes and looked about the apartment to ascertain if this was not a vision of the night. The room and all its objects were distinctly visible; but in no part of the room did my eyes perceive anything that would betray the least shadow of suspicion as to whether I was asleep or that the visitor was an illusion.
But there he was before me, a supernatural being, enveloped in the scintillating light of the Aurora-Borealis; I sat trembling before him, while a strange thrill of awe and alarm came over me as he advanced toward me with an assuring smile and said, "Be not afraid, I am with you always."
I hesitated no longer, and said, "Yes, take me to Manethoe, wherever he be. A card here shall announce my departure to Rome where Manethoe lies dying."
"I will, and bring you back, and I hope you will rebel against my counsel no more."
"I rebel against your counsel!"
"Even so; many a time."
"Have you not now yielded after a long and fruitless strife, while the clamorous voice of the dark powers with all natural evidence appealed to thy judgment. I seemed silent; but finding you well disposed so I patiently counseled, commanded, and finally persuaded you, and now rejoice in my triumph, which is equally yours. Remember this henceforth, 'when a deed of love is sought by a departing brother, angels go in quest of it.' Receive them, and detain them not. Therefore come, our time is precious."
So saying he led me forth, and the first thing I saw was the world like a great ball, blackened with thorns, and studded with a few diamonds only. The thorns were proud and envious, the diamonds humble and submissive, and not of a wicked design. The diamonds with one accord seemed to bow before us; the thorns to dart menacingly toward us; but my guide and I were not within the limits of their reach.
My guide looked pitifully at the thorns as they oppressed the diamonds, and looking up in adoration said: "Father, have mercy on them; they know not what they do."
On we went in his wonderful chariot. I sitting by his side, and watching the world of thorns and diamonds, far behind, as I thought, but in reality sinking directly below us.
Like one in amazement I sat looking at my refulgent companion, endeavoring to form a solution to this mystery.
My thoughts did not escape his discovery, for he looked down upon me, shook his head and smilingly said, "Nay, thou canst not solve the mind nor the ways of the Lord thy God!"
I was about to make answer when my attention was attracted by the sound of sweet singing, in which my companion immediately joined:
Come and rest among the flowers,
In the everlasting green
Of my glory 'midst the angels,
In their robes of light serene;
Here each seraph ever twineth
Garlands sweet, fresh and fair
For the faithful souls that pineth
To be free from earthly care.
Come and rest among the flowers,
Come and stay among the best,
Where the restful fleeting hours
Ever calm the troubled breast,
And thy toil shall be forgotten
And thy tears shall cease to flow;
For the sad one, and forsaken,
Here in ecstasy shall glow.
Come and rest among the flowers,
Come and leave the world of woe;
Come and share this bliss of ours,
Which alone, the blest may know.
Here thy heart shall feel no anguish;
But thy soul will taste delight,
And the rapture know no languish
That is grafted by my might.
Come and rest among the flowers,
Hasten to quit the vale of sighs;
Come and dwell within the bowers,
Where false fears shall never rise.
Come and rest among the flowers,
Come! let thy pain be o'er;
Seek the life that never dieth:
Rest in peace for evermore.
I was not accustomed to celestial ceremonies, so sat half bewildered and confused, when my companion asked me if I knew the meaning of those words.
I answered "Yes, I think it is an invitation to sinners, from the angels to come and dwell with them."
"Alleluia," said my companion, "here beginneth thy last journey, and lo! thy days are brief, so prepare thyself to share with me the endless ride through Eternity."
The manner and tone of these last words made me involuntarily start, for I saw in them the meaning "my days were brief, and my end nigh." And I who was not prepared for death, smote my breast as did the Publican, "Be merciful to me a sinner."
I raised my eyes and beheld the great host advancing toward us, the refulgency of which would be impossible for me to describe as they flew about us, one of them, I thought, touched my head and said: "Alleluia!" To which I joined in their sweet chorus without knowing the reason why. At length the happy host, with the same chorus and great sound of music, disappeared as suddenly as they came.
I was about to ask for an explanation of this scene, when my guide turned toward me and said: "Thus with thine own eyes and heard with thine own ears what no mortal e'er heard or saw before."
I looked at my companion, and for the first time did my glance penetrate the refulgent rays of my companion of the chariot, and great was my consternation to see that he possessed neither of these exteriors which impelled me to raise my hand toward my own eyes, but to find that I was bereft of those orbs; and the exterior part of my ears gone.
I called the attention of my guide to this dismemberment; but he merely replied that I did not need them until I began with him for the endless ride through the starry realms. "For," said he, "Hast thou not this day seen much, and heard much? So it shall be with thee as long as thou remaineth within the Path of Light." So saying we descended upon the world of thorns and diamonds; but in a different place than from where I came.
We alighted before the door of a humble dwelling, and the Angel of Death arriving, we entered the sick chamber.
The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power,
And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave,
Await, like the inevitable hour,
The paths of glory lead but to the grave.
THE effulgency of the apartment which, to corporal eyes, was dark, was lit up by only two small tapers, which were burning as lights of faith. Hanging from over the bed was a large crucifix, looking as I thought, with admiring pity upon a departing soul.
By the bedside knelt an aged priest and a brother and a sister of the dying man, besides four spirits whom we immediately joined, and all uniting for the welfare of one departing soul.
A moment's pause and then the Angel of Death produced a great book, and a dial with seven hands, and approaching the sufferer proceeded to inspect his heart. As he did so I watched the proceedings with wonder. For on looking into the opened heart, I saw a wonderful machine, somewhat like a weaver's loom and almost similarly used. But the chain consisting of seven threads instead of passing through the reed, passed seven eyes in a very fine needle. These eyes were so straight that the least knot or obstruction could not pass through one of them, and in trying to do so would complete the tapestry and the weaver passed away. The length of the chain or duration of life was measured by yards, cubits and dies. The same measurements applied to time, as, seven inches one yard, seven yards one cubit, seven cubits one die, one die equaling forty-nine hours.
At this loom was the weary soul, weaving his record while the Angel of Death, having closed his inspection, produced and consulted his dial saying: "O thou weary one! Thou hast woven at such a pace as to summon me ninety-sine score dies before thine allotted time, and thou hast but one more yard to weave, so weave that small yard in holy fear."
The weaver groaned deeply and said:
"It is an easy task to weave a worthless web."
The angel looked at me significantly and closed the weaver's loom again.
"Weep not for me," the sufferer muttered to those about him. "I am going to my Father; having asked His pardon He will be merciful. He spared me through a long life of iniquity, while He has cut down millions in the midst of their sins and left me until I made good my repentance. To whom do I owe this gratitude; but to those who have counselled my migratory spirit."
Here advised by my companion of the chariot, who bade me step forward to the dying man, whom I now considered as my brother, and seized his hand and said: "Dear Manethoe, have you forgotten that whatever you ask of God, believing, it shall be given you?
"Merciful God, is that you?" he cried, springing up only to fall back on the bed with the words: "I die in peace."
I bowed and looked down upon him, still clinging to his hand. I could not withdraw my eyes nor pray as did the rest.
Upon looking up I observed for the first time, a lady clothed as with the sun, and upon her head a crown of glory, inferior only to that of the Deity, and on which was engraved the sacred words: "Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy." And about her was a choir of celestial spirits, like my companion of the chariot. She held in one hand a cross, in the other a golden chalice in which was a wounded and palpitating heart, before which she bowed and prayed most earnestly. As she put the cross into the wound of the palpitating heart and drew it back I beheld on it great drops of blood which she let drop upon the expiring man, the sight of which caused me to fall into a great stupor.
When I came to all were gone, and I was alone sitting by the side of my companion in the chariot; and he was sad for in my distraction I had doubted the existence of spirits, even to that of the Most Holy Queen.
What had I gained by my stupidity? Nothing. What had I lost? Much. Lost the pleasure and the knowledge I would have had in witnessing the flight of the soul from mortality into Eternity.
This loss was so overwhelming that it threw me into a series of self reproaches, at the end of which I resolved never more offend that Heart which I had then seen.
I was greatly repaid for this resolution by observing the triumphant flush of victory over the Satanic Empire.
As I reviewed the late scene in the chamber of death and saw how easy it was to weave a "worthless web," and the significant glance I received from the Angel of Death as he elicited the confession from the overwrought spirit of the dying man, I resolved that my record should be worthy of perusal; and with my guide set out for a journey to Eden as he said.
Of enjoyment, and not of sorrow
Is our destined end or way.
But to act that each to-morrow
Finds us farther than to-day.
BEFORE I recovered from my surprise, we were on the sea-shore where I beheld a wonderful ship, lying at anchor. It resembled an egg; but its ends terminated in spires. Around the bilge was a platform about three yards in breadth, and from twelve to thirty yards in circumference. This platform, resting on the surface, supported one half of the vessel above the surface. The interior of the vessel had its corresponding peculiarities. A double floor divided it into two decks, which communicated with each other by means of a ladder passing through an opening in the floor. This ladder was under the sole control of the force of gravity, and dropped from chamber to chamber as attraction indicated. In the upper part of each spire was an electric engine for steering, propelling, and controlling the magnets. These magnets topped the outer parts of the spires and resembled a buttercup with two rows of leaves, one row inclining downwards, the other turned upwards. When the vessel was descending towards the earth's center, the magnet nearest the attraction formed a cone with its leaves strongly inclined towards earth down, while the magnet of the upper spire formed an inverted cone. When the earth's center was attained the motion of the vessel was arrested, and whatever course was taken from this point, the motion was an ascent. In the ascent the leaves of the magnet lapped over and inclined their points toward the center of the spire, while the foremost magnet contracted into a ball. These variations were effected by the raising or lowering of a small lever placed between the floors; and near to the base of the spire was another machine for the forming of air, and the ventilation of the vessel; while the vessel itself and all its equipments for the storage of food and fresh water, was formed of a bright transparent metal.
We went on board of this vessel and my guide lowered the lever one degree. In response to this our anchor came on board. Then lowering the lever to the third degree, and we were under motion. We continued thus until my companion rose and lowered the lever to the seventh, and last degree. Up flew our deck, closing in about us at the base of the spire. The magnets assumed the adverse cones, and the piston rose and fell; and we descended through the water at a rapid rate!
I started up in a great fright, for as yet I did not comprehend the nature of this voyage for which I was embarked.
I unmercifully criticized the vessel, its peculiar structure, and absolute want of rigging. Had we gone under in a storm I would not have been so surprised, but as it was I thought it an accident to which such vessels were subjected and we the victims. But as my companion smiled and assured me that there was nothing amiss, and that this was our regular course, and would hold it for a thousand leagues, I composed myself and contemplated the progress of our journey, and inquired why our course lay towards the bottom of the sea.
He informed me that this sea afforded a passage to the inner circle of the earth, where the sun never rose in the East nor set in the West.
But it would be indiscreet to excite the reader's imagination with the details of a long and curious conference that ensued. Let it suffice that we discussed various passages of the primitive history of mankind, until we perceived that our descent had nearly ceased, and that we were driving onto a dark heap of rocks.
My companion raised and reversed the lever when the buttercup magnet appeared on the southern spire, and the ball on the northern, and the leaves of the flower-like magnet pressed their inclined points against the spire, and we continued our course as though it was a descent instead of an ascent.
At length the magnetic ladder began to rise from the deck below. This indicated that we were standing upon our heads as it were until it dropped, when I ascended to inspect the compass. This instrument was also a large gauge helm, meter, regulator and dial all combined in one, and having a face like a clock, with seven hands and seven circles, one within another. The largest hand regulated the degree of velocity, and its circle had seventy degrees, each degree being the square root of the degree previous to it. To increase or to reduce in any proportion were two hands, the one plus, the other minus, thus: if one degree independent of these subdivisions indicated ten leagues, two degrees independent would indicate one hundred leagues. As the large hand indicated one degree, and the minus two degrees, our velocity was one hundred leagues. In our descent the indications were two degrees independent, or one hundred leagues. We still maintained that velocity. This pressure, though being so great, was neutralized by the suspended magnets. And our indications were five hundred leagues from the surface. As we approached the surface the magnets began to assume their flower-like aspect, and our decks unfolded and spread out till they laid flat upon the sea.
Full many a gem of purest ray serene
The dark, unfathomed caves of ocean bear—
Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
And waste its sweetness on the desert air.
IT was a cool, bright morning, and the sun's rays came from the polar circle, yet appeared directly overhead. But that is not so, since within a thousand leagues overhead there were continents and seas, for the earth being wide around the equator diminished towards the poles.
A deep, dense atmosphere envelops this inner circle, leaving an open space in the middle through which the sun's rays poured. And they who dwell in this space call it Eden.
This inner circle was not five thousand leagues in circumference around its equator; but expanded toward the poles. Therefore the continents and seas were small in comparison to those from which I came. And the peculiarities showed that beneath our seas were the continents of the Inner Circle, and beneath our continents were the seas of the Inner Circle, or the earth's center. But there was, however, one part of the earth's exterior sea which connected with that of one of the Inner Circle, and through this we came. It was at one time open to the sun; but is now closed up, and everything drifting into it is forever grafted to the Magnetic or Loadstone Rock. This Magnetic or Loadstone Rock extends all around the center of the Inner Circle and forms its equator, and extends outwards to the poles, diminishing and forming a circle around them.
The general aspect of everything was a perpetual summer. And this blooming region, so picturesquely Eden, left its name with us on earth; and its gates have been sadly closed against us for untold ages.
At the time the earth lay nearer to the sun, and its outward surface was enveloped by an atmosphere of boiling liquids, this interior region, veiled on the north by the moon, and on the south by another, long since dissolved, and its fragments scattered over the exterior seas and continents, this beautiful region was being prepared for man's habitation.
To the north of the Magnetic Rock was a large beautiful isle isolated and surrounded by unsurmountable barriers, but which at one time was a place of beauty—parks, groves, gardens, fountains of living water, transparent lakes and streams, birds in the air, fish in the lakes, beasts on the surface, all in grand and glorious confusion, was given to our pristine parents, and subject to their will. And whence came the seed which covered the exterior surface with verdure! And here in peace dwelt our first parents for ages. And what brought them to misery is obvious.
It happened one day that the woman was enjoying the shade of a certain tree, the fruit of which was prohibited, and being in season, was mellow and odoriferous. She longed to taste it. And wondered why this tree stood apart from the others—its fruit must be sweeter, hence its prohibition.
While thus musing, the enemy presented himself and taking advantage of her curiosity induced her to gratify it. She did so; but finding it not as she had anticipated, and being deceived herself, offered it to Adam who greedily accepted it, and being unable to dislodge it from his throat it remained these until the arrival of his Maker in evidence of his guilt.
They were now exceedingly miserable and feared the wrath of their God which was now to fall upon them. Which it did.
He drove the man and the woman out of the garden—out on the then cooled obnoxious surface, the poles now called, there to till, and by their own labors produce from the soil food for themselves and their progeny.
And the Evil one He commanded to go forth and crawl upon the face of the earth until He would come and root out the evil seed.
After God had driven them out of the garden, the trees pined and the rocks yearned for the return of the exiles.
But it was said to the trees, "Thou shalt not bear," to the rocks, "Thou shall not echo the return of the exiles until they have first been drawn through the bowels of the earth by the Loadstone Rock."
To this isle we were evidently going; but before landing we had to pass through the tomb of Adam which hung from a pinnacle of the Loadstone Rock. It was a massive structure, sculptured in mystery and garnished by ages, and of a peculiar architecture, corresponding in form to that of two ships placed deck to deck, one on top of another; so that one keel rose to the sky. It had two entrances, one north to the garden, the other south to the sea. Its interior structure was of a corresponding form to its outward structure. But suspended from the ridge of the dome was a great roll divided into two parts, the one containing the dust of Adam, the other the dust of Eve. It had once extended to the floor—but now was overhead swaying lightly to and fro. Whence this gradual consumption? It had been ordained that every human body should contain three grains of this generative dust—man two grains of the dust of Adam and one grain of the dust of Eve; woman one grain of the dust of Adam and two grains of the dust of Eve.
Having contemplated on this scene of mortality, we ascended seven steps to the garden of Life, the garden of Mercy and the garden of Death, all comprehended in the name it bears.
This wonderful garden once covered with every form of life, was now desolate, and nothing remained of the primitive except the Tree of Knowledge, and the Tower of Time. The Tree of Knowledge had been growing for ages and was very massive and in bloom. Its foliage could not be described, while its odor was as the perfume of many flowers combined. Its fruit resembling that of a large apple and having seven angels extending around its lower ends, while in the center were three depressed circuits, and peculiarly suggestive of many fruits and having the appearance of two bites from it, one of which nearly penetrated to the core.
In the midst of this garden rises the Tower of Time growing upon the Rock of Ages, and upon which every moment adds to its growth. It is septangular in form, and is supported by seven encircling girths, and crowned by a cross, from which is suspended the Great Balance by which the wrath of God is weighed down. As its weight increases, the scale descends towards the rock, and when it comes in contact with that—Time is no more.
Considering the rapid growth of the Tower, and the slow accumulation of wrath, I observed to my companion that if the balance did not break down the impending contact could not be very near at hand. At which he evinced some perturbation of spirit, and assured me that the Balance and the Tower had corresponding limitations, and expressly warned me to beware lest the Balance and the Tower should fall upon me.
The look, the fashion of God's ways,
Love's life-long study ere;
She can behold, and guess and act,
When Reason would not dare.
She has a prudence of her own,
Her step is firm and free;
Yet there is cautious science too
In her simplicity.
—Rev. F. W. Faber.
BY this time I became confident and very familiar with my companion, though he had humbled me at the foot of the cross, which occasion was ever present to my mind.
As we sailed away my guide informed me that we were on our way to Eden. This opened a long and curious conference about the people of Eden, of whom he talked a great deal, and why that beautiful isle was shut off from the world at large. To which he replied, "Sin hath closed it up: while sin remains, so also it remains."
We very soon came up with another ship on sea. It was a very curious one in appearance, oval shaped, long, wide, and very high without masts, funnels, or riggings of any description. I turned towards my guide for an explanation, when my attention was attracted by a large crowd of people looking over the balustrade towards us. They were all clothed in long, flowing robes, and their slippers, made of some glazed substance, were laced from the heel up. The men had their hair cut on the level with their shoulders, the women had theirs done up in long ringlets or curls and divided into three parts, one part hanging down the back, the other two hanging down by the sides of the face to a little below the breast, and cut even all round and held in position by colored braided rubber bands. Their jewelry consisted of precious stones set in a wide girdle around the waist and from which hung many pendants in which are placed all articles required by them in their daily use.
I enquired of my guide if it was my misfortune to be placed on board of this vessel, and he and I part for ever. He hoped not, he said; but in a certain sense of the word we must presently part. And all things had been done for me—as for all others. And now I was about to arrive at a crisis where two roads meet, one of which I must choose for myself, and should I miscarry after all that had been done for me, the fault was my own. And as Guardian my guide would so continue as long as I sought his co-operation.
Upon the ship coming up my curiosity to view the interior was very great. My guide having no objections, placed his hand upon my head, accepted the king's invitation to come on board his vessel. After making fast our own vessel, we entered that of the floating palace. The youthful monarch bade us welcome and at once conducted us to his state rooms accompanied with the sweetest strains of music I had ever heard, save that of the Celestial Hosts, through which I had already heard and passed. I spoke not a word, though I could understand all that was said by the king and my guide. The king was very well pleased with my companion, and entreated him to accompany him back to his kingdom (Adavonia). As he conducted us through the various compartments I had much to admire; but upon entering the library I was astonished to see there a Bible—the Scriptures! My guide perceiving my amazement turned towards me and mentally said, "Did you think the sap of the tree was confined to but one of its branches? Have I not already told thee that thou canst not solve the mind nor the ways of thy God? Wonder not, lest thou be given to wondering." Thence descending to the lower part of the vessel, I had the worldly satisfaction of examining the machinery, which was very complicated in its construction, and unlike anything on earth, while its light construction seemed incapable of exerting any power whatever. But in fact, it was an intense electromagnet, in an intensely magnetic field. The vessel being attracted or repelled by the magnetic or lodestone rock, was steered by the electric gearing, its power being derived from the intensely magnetized atmosphere in compression with highly electrified water. There were two of those machines, one in the lower vessel, the other on the upper deck or floor of the palace. The upper deck was surrounded by a high balustrade fastened to which were twenty-seven rafters coming together at the top of a central spar, over which was spread a large awning of rainbow hues, which in the refracted rays of the sun is indescribable. The whole of this capacious interior was divided into many compartments, and very comfortably furnished, and in this furnishment the absence of wood was most conspicuous.
The king accompanied us to our vessel and admired its beauty and transparency, and after viewing its machinery, asked if that vessel had not come from the outer world in the drifts. My guide replied "that whatsoever cometh by the way of the drifts applies to man only: but that which comes by the Word applies to God only." The king being greatly puzzled at this replied, "Azu! From such comes knowledge and the power of God!" And with a reverential salutation he entered his own vessel and sailed away, the king to Adavonia, we to Adam's View, three hundred leagues south of the Garden of Eden.
THIS lonely rock called Adam's View, for on his departure from the Garden it is said that here he rested on the Sabbath, and ascending a high promontory that he might take a farewell look at his native home; in doing so he beheld the Scale of Wrath hanging from the Tower. He broke down and wept, for he foreseen that it would fall upon him and upon many of his children. An angel of the Lord comforted him; and pointing to the cross upon the tower, Adam again wept most bitterly, and said: "Would that I could bear it alone, and not my Lord to suffer those things for me." Again the Angel of the Lord comforted him till he had fallen into a deep sleep, in which he saw the golden gates of his Father's house once more thrown open to him and his children.
After landing upon this desolate rock, we ascended to its summit, from which we could overlook the world.
"Cast your eyes north," said my guide, "and tell me what you see."
I did, and reviewed the Garden of Eden.
"You comprehend all this," said my guide.
"Now cast your eyes beyond the Tower, towards the point where the earth lies south of the Pole. What do you see there?"
"I see a large belt of land extending from the East to the West, and upon its lofty shores a great diversity of objects and many people."
"The belt which you see," said my guide, "is the earth. Consider it minutely, especially in relation to the human race."
"It is," said I, "like the house of a wise man, furnished throughout with all things essential for the general welfare of the household; but foolish men have disordered it; and many precious things left to decay, and things without value were exalted in their stead. Many healthy things cast aside and poisons substituted. Many useful works left undone, and useless, ruinous things in their places, and garnished as to appear what they are not. In the midst of all this, there is some wholesome fruit, which seems to flourish in an atmosphere pervaded with evil from the Realms of Darkness."
"All this," said my guide, "is human nature, which is needful of reform, and to this end every man is bound to conquer himself, and let this be your daily task."
"And how are the people occupied?"
"Many," said I, "are engaged in the pursuit of trade; but the greater part are idle, and are waiting for bubbles which float in the air."
"Aside from this materialism, what commotion do you perceive among the people."
"There is," I replied, "a great cross of diamonds and all manner of precious stones sailing through the air, and as it sways over the multitude it scatters its gems amongst them. The multitude are divided into three distinct groups, the first striving to seize the cross for its jewels, the second stand afar and gaze timidly at it, and flee whenever a jewel falls among them, but a shower overtakes them; the third is comparatively small, and stand gazing wistfully upon it, and rejoice whenever a stone reaches them; but it is now swaying over them, and their heads are reverently bent . . . The cross bursts asunder, and its showers bear the devoted to the earth!" I shuddered, and said, "What a pity! To burst amongst them while in the act of devotion."
"Judge not," said my guide. "The strong bears the burden of the weak. The first group are those who have no knowledge of the Redemption of the world; but many would take up the cross and follow their Lord to glory. The second are those who know the true value of the cross, yet are not willing to bear it. The third are the few bearers of the cross; and seek you to be found among them."
"Look again and discover the result of that heavenly visitation."
I did so, and saw many arise blind, deaf, dumb, and lame, and variously afflicted; yet they were not depressed, and had a perfect resignation to the Divine will (the surest passport to life).
"What else do you see?" asked my guide.
"A fathomless gulf, over which there is no passage except a high, broken, precipitous path," said I.
"And what lies beyond the gulf?" asked my guide.
After contemplating it for some time, I answered: "A high, rocky wall surrounding a pyramid of light, on which stands a child pointing up to a crevice between two golden clouds, and from those clouds descend a ladder of light to the wall. A man is on the wall. He has reached the ladder, and is ascending it higher and higher. And now disappears into the glory beyond!"
"How are the people affected by these things?"
"The majority does not appear to perceive them, and there are many who do perceive them, but shrink from the cross and from the necessity of crossing the dark waters, and there are many, in spite of their infirmities, press onwards and endeavor to cross the dark gulf; but some of those miss their footing and fall into the pit."
"Remember this view in its season, and fear not, and fail not to gain access through the golden gates your Lord points out to you. And take your cross and follow Him, for He is the way! And guards and guides shall attend you as long as the Lord abideth with you."
And upon looking forth again, I saw but the Great Balance towering in the distance.
We descended from Adam's View, and again sailed towards the equator, passing by ships, continents and islands, till we came to Adam's Mount, so called, for it is here asserted that Adam conquered the enemy seven times in a single day. And at the foot of this mount is a small town in which is erected a great monument on which Adam is displayed hurling his antagonist over his head into a precipice below.
Here my guide informed me that the hour of grace had come, and that I stood at the entrance of two great eternal spheres, one of which I must choose for myself, and though I could not see him, yet he would faithfully attend me as long as I walked in the path of the Lord. I deeply regretted this, but resigned myself to Fate. And being unconscious of what had happened, and where I was, I fell asleep, and in that dreamy state of sleeping and waking I lay, till it suddenly dawned upon me that this was my day of trial. I arose, but my eyes did not rest upon my faithful guide—he was gone! and I was alone in my apartment. When the first bitterness of my disappointment had subsided, I endeavored to console myself by recalling the sayings of my guide—and seemed to hear him reiterate all that he said the day before. Then came a loud voice calling "Dais zulen, dais zulen," accompanied by the sound of many feet in confusion, hurrying to and fro. I ventured out of my apartment, to find myself on board the lower vessel of an Edenic ship, fast between two rocks, from which its upper portion, with all its passengers, were cast loose and far out to sea, and I was alone.
Oh, it is hard to work for God,
To rise and take His part
Upon the battle-field of earth,
And not sometimes lose heart.
Muse on his justice, downcast soul!
Muse and take better heart;
Back with thine angel to the field,
Good luck shall crown thy part!
Rev. F. W. Faber.
IN a strange land I was left to perish in a storm upon an unknown sea. I tried to recall how I came to be on board this ship without my guide, but in vain—it was all a blank. I now deeply regretted having left my own home and friends to follow in the wake of a will-o'-the wisp. Could it be really so? But the fact remained; here I was left alone, forsaken, and left to perish in the storm, within a strange ship and in an unknown sphere, and attired just as I left my own home on that fateful night to go forth with my guide. Now I began to consider how I could save myself, and for that purpose went up onto the deck; but the storm was still raging and the waves coming over the sides drove me down below into the already partly filled hold, which in every few minutes was fast becoming filled by the waves breaking over the sides of the vessel, thus forcing me nearer and nearer to an impending watery tomb.
Suddenly the storm abated, and I hurriedly went on deck in the hopes of finding some means of escape. It was now becoming dark and as far as my eyes could reach there was no sign of land. I next gave the vessel my only attention. It had been driven by the storm lengthwise onto a forked rock, on which there were many such forks, and extending high up out the water (which I afterwards learned were called the devil's cages). In one of those lower forks the vessel became tightly wedged. I could see that if the fork was deep enough to allow the vessel to sink, should the sea become lower, it might disengage itself and drift away or become fast within another fork. The vessel was built entirely of wood with no metal about it whatever but that of the magnets.
As there was plenty of loose lashing lying around I concluded to make a raft from whatever I could detach from the vessel. So I immediately set to work upon the raft and worked away at it until it became too dark, and the storm abating for a short time only, came on again with renewed vigor.
I went below, both tired and hungry, and with every intimation of perishing before morning. I gave up all hope, and throwing myself down upon the damp floor cried out in despair.
How long I remained thus I cannot tell; but until I heard the voice of some one say in English, "Peace! What avails this despondency?" I started at the sound of the voice, but more so at the language, it being in English, and I knew of no English being spoken in this strange land (Eden). It still being dark I could not see, but answered, "Who are you?"
"One who has come to help you," he replied.
My heart swelled till I nearly choked on hearing this glad news of help being so near at hand, that I gasped out, "How did you come here?"
"This is a cage," he replied, "and you were caught by an evil bait, and before I can save you I must change the bait."
Though the storm had somewhat ceased it was yet dark, and from the sound of his voice I knew he was dose by me, and I asked him what the evil bait was.
"Despair," he replied.
"Despair!" I exclaimed in astonishment.
"Yes, despair," he again replied.
"Then with what are you going to bait it?" I asked.
"Patience, perseverance and resignation to the Divine Will," he said.
I was so startled at this reply that I asked him if he were my late guide, to which he made no reply.
I called again to find out on what part of the vessel he was, and again I received no answer to my inquiry. Thinking that he had gone upon deck to get things ready to take me, I also groped my way up in the darkness, calling out as I did so. But when I reached there everything was as silent as the tomb. The storm had now entirely subsided, and not a ripple could I see or hear.
And my preserver—whatever became of him! He was nowhere in sight, nor yet within hearing. Surely he would not come here to save me, and then forsake me, that does not look natural; but he did it all the same! Be that as it may, it however gave me some hope, with a little more strength and faith to know that I could with a raft and a little persevering patience, and a perfect trust in the Divine Will, save myself. With this resolve firmly fixed in my mind I sat down to study the best way to make my raft. I had studied out three or four different makes of rafts without settling definitely on one when my eye caught the outline of one of those treacherous forks moving in the distance. I jumped up. The vessel was free. I grasped a tight hold of a lever connected with the magnet and stood riveted to the spot expecting every moment to be dashed against one of the forks or again to become fast between them. When I could see the outlines more distinctly I saw that they were very slowly receding and this itself made me more cheerful. A sudden jar—the vessel had struck a rock below throwing me on one side, and with me came the lever. When I regained my feet I saw the forks diminishing at a very rapid rate, while the vessel was cutting through that water like an express locomotive under full head of steam on the down grade. Had I but let go of the lever the vessel would have gone on and left me behind in the water, so strong was the current produced by the increasing speed of that unrestrained vessel in its flight towards its "mother lode" (that is the Southern Pole of the earth's magnet). I threw back the lever to its original place and awaited the result. It was as I expected—in my fall I had brought down the lever with me, thus setting free the electromagnet independent of its electrical gearing, causing the vessel to bound forward with that ever increasing speed towards its destination.
After the vessel came to a stand still, I noted the position of the other levers; they were all thrown back out of their ratchet-wheels, but communicated with the electromagnet and its gearing. The one next to that which I knew would start the vessel. I put down to the lowest notch and threw out the first which accidentally started the vessel. It did not move, I then raised the second lever a few notches, and was delighted to see it move slowly forward. I waited a few minutes for an increase of speed, and it not coming I raised the lever a few notches the result of which was more satisfactory, and raising it a few more, I was going along at a pretty fair gait. I had now discovered how to run the magnet, and to use the brake, and of the other three, two, I concluded, must be for steering, and to find this out, I lowered the next lever in rotation; but this arrested the motion of the vessel and caused it to back. I immediately returned it to its former position, and lowered the next in succession, this turned the vessel abruptly around from right to left. Being now confident that I had solved the problem of this delicate but intricate piece of mechanism, I lowered the last lever, and, as I anticipated, the vessel turned from left to right. Revolving those changes as they occurred in my mind until I had become familiar with them, I directed the vessel due south at a speed which I thought, from the current and the fast receding water, was a very fair rate, and sat down on the deck to keep my lonely watch and said, (as did some other person in less distress than mine), "So far I am monarch of all I survey."
I maintained this rapid rate till nightfall when I thought I could discover the faint outline of land away off in the distance. But not a vessel had I passed, nor as yet seen on that trackless desert of water.
In order that the vessel might hold its southerly course, I reduced the speed to almost a stoppage.
I attributed my indifference for the great thirst and hunger that possessed me, to the fact and prospect of reaching land the following day. And being also worn out with fatigue, I went below, where—
A solemn silence reigned all around—
Ev'n Nature's voices uttered not a sound;
The evening shadows seemed to tell,
And sleep upon my weary spirit fell.
After the most refreshing sleep I ever had, I arose next
morning near midday, and the vessel, I could see, was going at a
pretty fair pace, and passing ships in motion, and ships at rest,
and running parallel with the land on both sides! I bounded
forward to the deck to control the magnet; but in my haste I
stumbled and fell, receiving a severe bruise on my forehead. I
instantly regained my feet, and sprang to the
deck—I—I was taken in tow by another vessel! and was
fast approaching the point of landing, which was now within
hailing distance.
An unknown people round me gather fast,
And solemn watch my thoughts are holding,
Comes memory, panoramist of the past;
The rising morn of life unfolding.
AFTER the vessel was made fast, I was escorted on shore by the captain and his assistants.
The people, who were of an alabaster whiteness to almost transparency, were very much surprised at seeing me alive. They gathered around me, took me by the hands, and examined them, then feeling my head, they discoursed long upon my organs of combativeness and veneration, and not one word of their language did I understand. They led me to a metallic vehicle, and by horse they drove me to "Zevae," where I was introduced to the king and his queen. The king being unable to make me understand by either word or gesture, placed me in the keeping of two chancellors (learned men), to teach me the Edenic language and to interpret mine (English), I was conducted through the public halls, and temples of learning and of arts and sciences, of which there were many.
The Edenic mode of teaching me was very simple, so simple and so easily executed that it was but a few days till I could make known all my wants in both English and Edenic.
The Edenic is a soft, musical language having no alphabet but instead has thirty-six sounds blending so harmoniously together that the Edenites are never at a loss to express their ideas even if they have to build a word six inches long.
The continents of Eden are divided into many kingdoms and under monarchial rulers in whose power are entirely vested the rights and privileges of the people whom they govern. Each monarch has twelve counselors to advise him as to the best interests and welfare of his subjects; but the king's will is supreme.
Accession to the thrown is hereditary: while counselors are not admitted to that office till past their sixtieth year, and which they retain for twenty years thereafter. They are chosen by the king from any or all parts of the kingdom, and are supposed to be the most learned and wise men in the country.
All national difficulties are settled by arbitration, the arbiters being twelve kings taken from the countries nearest to those in dispute. Kings when not fit to rule are deposed in this way.
War, as we understand it, the annihilation of armies, is and has been in Eden unknown for ages. And their arms, though less ponderous than those of earth, are far more destructive, and are now exhibited as relics of their semi barbaric age.
Extreme poverty is an unknown factor, while wealth is not to be compared with honor—for man's greatest ambition is to be counted among the most learned and exalted in the country, and without honor wealth has no distinction.
All values are based upon gold, silver and bronze, having thereon the king's inscription, and are passable at its face value throughout all Eden.
The laws, though few, are adequate, simple and plain, meaning what they say, and are administered by judges without lawyers or jury, or any corruption whatever. Those judges are appointed by the Counselors, with the King's approval, to their respective courts, and hold office during the remainder of their life, or until removed for cause by the King himself.
And for no crime whatever does the law require the life of a human being. There is in all Eden but one form of religious belief. That is in one Everlasting Almighty and ever creating God, His Offspring, and the Holy spirit, with whom there is nothing impossible, though incomprehensible to human intellect, and that their immortal spirit on leaving its lifeless body will soar to the higher spheres of the Great Unknown and incomprehensible God.
The Edenic architecture is of far higher order than that of earth, more commodious, and better suited for the business and the comforts of life. While the arts and the sciences, comparatively speaking, is past earthly belief. Their knowledge of things in general, though not as pretentious as those of earth, is based on facts affirmed and substantiated; and under no consideration are theories allowed to be promulgated except in tale and fable.
Their observatories are stationed outside the poles. And through atmospheric influences and the make of their glasses the lens within the telescope are entirely kept in vacuum, which brings them into closer proximity to the greater worlds beyond. And under favorable conditions and at certain times they behold in those far off spheres universes much unlike our own in sculpture and nature; but withal, endowed with the necessaries indispensable for mortal habitation, though their days would not be very conducive to the health of earthly mortals, who are required to toil from morn till night.
But unlike worlds have unlike mortals and they in turn have unlike natures.
"Thus," they say, "is the handiwork of God most seen, where it is the least comprehended, in the firmament."
Telegraphy in Eden is similar to that on earth; but in more common use, being the principal means of communication between the people and the kingdoms in Eden, or in fact the postal or mail service of that magnetic zone.
All public needs and necessities are under the supervision of officials appointed by the Council and King's approval.
Telegraphy is taught and acquired in childhood, their instrument, instead of representing dots and dashes, write out the Edenic language in full, roll up the message as it is being transmitted; at its termination the paper is cut, gummed, and in its rotation becomes automatically sealed, and it in turn is inscribed with the name and destination of the receiver and then falls into the eck or large box for assortation. This is the mode of international communication. But in their own country they wire direct to their friend's fireside. Every house and habitation within the country is equipped with telephone and telegraph, but the latter for some reason is more preferable and more in use.
The street and railroad cars were not very much unlike those of earth, save in their construction and motive power. They were constructed of a very light and durable bronze colored non conductive metal, and their locomotion was effected by electricity whose motor power was derived from compressed chemical energy at its explosive force.
The climate is one perpetual summer, excepting the time of the semi-annual forty days rain, which occurs north and south of the equator at equal different times; that is the northern downpour is followed by the southern one six months later, and so on in succession, thus giving to each hemisphere but one annual rainfall. And under those conditions the flowers are constantly in bloom, while the cereals never cease to exude from that impoverishable soil.
Edenites are a non carnivorous people, likewise a healthy and long lived race, with whom alcoholism is unknown while diseases are rare.
Physicians are partially responsible for the lives of their patients between the ages of ten and seventy years. Physicians have to record all the births and deaths occurring within their precincts every month; and a bad record will disbar them from farther practice for two years, daring which time they will have to renew their studies by re-entering the Student's Hall or giving up the practice altogether and get at something else less accountable. I had, myself, to be treated for a severe cold which I caught in the Devil's Cage.
I was conducted to a dark room where I was told to disrobe, and was then placed standing with my back in the opening of what I thought was a metallic coffin. In this position I could not move and the penetrating rays of their lens were turned upon me and my whole system became transparent and by the means of long, thin, flexible, fine pointed instruments, one of which was inserted into my body directly under the breast bone. I became unconscious; but the instruments, removed the effects of the cold in its first stages, and I did not have to have a repetition of the operation.
There is a substance taken from the soil which they sometimes use to petrify, and preserve the lifeless bodies of those whose memory they wish to perpetuate, and erect them in the public halls or squares much as we do monuments on earth. This substance has not only the peculiar property of transforming everything into stone, except metals, but also the property of retaining the exact original color of the objects petrified.
For two reason the Edenites were at first astonished at seeing me. The first was: "Being the only living creature that ever came to them from the outer world," the second was "How I came there, a mysterious, unsolved problem, they say."
Be that as it may, I was more astonished when I for the first time saw, on entering the Hall of Unknown Knowledge, not only an earthly being, but Europeans, Mongolians, Hindoos, The Dark and the Red Indians, the Negroes, the Gorilla and monkey, all of whom at one time had living blood coursing through their veins, now red, white, black, brown and yellow lifeless stones.
One of those stones that attracted my attention most was a military looking man, dressed in dark blue clothing, had a small telescope hanging from his side, on his breast were three stars and a medal, one of which was awarded by France, the others by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and of the time of George the Third. The effects of this personage were watch and neck chain attached, seal and signet ring, and a long narrow tin box much in the form of a cigar case though somewhat longer, in which were some documents, very much obliterated by the action of damp and time. They were written in English and were passed over to me for perusal and interpretation. In a careful examination of the obliterated writing all that I could make out was the following:—
July 30, 1845.
Crushed in by the ice, provisions landed August 27th, 1845, Lat. 76° 30' Long. 67° 24'
Got separated Lat. 79° 15', Long. 68° 13' May 9th, 1846.
John Franklin.
Among the effects of the others were watches, rings, knives, pins, pipes and guns, and chains, and coin of both gold and silver inclosed in pouches and purses, and astronomical instruments etc. Among all those representations of the outer world not one whatever appertained to the female sex of the earth.
The Edenic Press issues morning and evening papers wherein the freedom of speech and the opinions of the public is tolerated. The views and the opinions of the people are published as editorials, while the editors themselves remain in the background, as it were the servants of the public, and as such are debarred from expressing any opinion whatever in their own issue; but they may use that of another the same as any other contributor. Those papers, unlike that of earth, are the great disseminators of facts and of knowledge, and no theories nor sensational rubbish crowding out of its columns the more befitting realities of life. A blank space rather than derogate the freedom or character of any person, and in its perusal from beginning to end you are brought face to face with facts and facts alone.
Labor in Eden is not dependent upon capital, but on the contrary capital depends upon labor.
Labor is compulsory between the ages of twenty and seventy- five years. All labor is taxed according to its value, and no man is exempt from labor between those ages. Thus the king himself is forever busy with the affairs of the kingdom for nine months of the year; he, and he alone, is exempt from taxation.
Woman's labor is to woman only given in all that appertains to their sex. Women when married are ineligible to labor while their husbands are capable of performing it, but single women and widows are not exempt from the labor and are accordingly taxed.
There is a marriage law, but no divorce law; but a partial separation is allowed to either husband or wife for cause, and a total separation or divorce is by law prohibited, while partial separations are of very rare occurrence.
Society is divided into three classes, and is jealously watched. The first class are those of the king's court, his officers and appointees, men of learning, of honor and renown.
The second class are those engaged in the arts and sciences and literary professions.
The third class are those engaged in manufacture and trade, the manufacturer and his employees, the merchant and his assistants, the master and the workman. The millionaire, if he has no other talents than those of trade and commerce, is in the third class, and as such cannot go beyond it.
All Edenites are great judges of human nature. Man's internal nature is undeniably printed and stamped upon his external nature, the face, the open book for all that is good or bad. A long study of this phenomena has made them great mind readers. As ideas come to the mind they make an imprint upon the features, and remain there till replaced by another. When the mind conceives more ideas than it can properly imprint, then the mind becomes confused, and no amount of self composure can restrain these exterior imprints, and nothing, absolutely nothing but a vacuum of ideas can do so.
To the accustomed eye those imprints are forever taking place, whether in solitude or silence, the din of society, asleep or awake, they are ever portraying the past or present as well as the future.
The best judges of human nature are those endowed with superior will power. They not only read and know the will of those less gifted but also influence it to a very great extent whether in sight or out of sight, near or far, and by no other means than that of their own stronger will power. Will desires may take effect, and they may not, but in any case they exert an almost uncontrollable influence upon the person so willed, as this seems to be the mode of hypnotizing. They do not claim for it all that has been done and said of earthly hypnotism, although some very wonderful things have been performed by the stronger will power over the weaker will power in Eden.
Thus with delight I yearn to survey
The promised joys of Eden's unmeasured way;
And musing on each new discovered scene,
More pleasing than all the rest hath been;
Forms of resplendent beauty now 'round me throng,
While from angelic lips flow soft and holy song.
I HAD now been in Eden six months when the rainy season set in, a season given entirely to festivities, balls, theaters, and private receptions, day and night, without intermission.
I could now speak the Edenite language fluently, and being a protege of the king's chancellor, Lee Von La, I was strictly guarded from any influence outside the royal household; and to whom I related the facts I knew from my own memory, and from the promptings of my tutors, Lee Von La and Me Du Zi, the facts and sayings, which I related to the best of my knowledge, of the customs, ways and workings of my country, besides those of the other countries of which I had read a great deal.
They were really sorry for the plight of the poor, downtrodden workmen and women, and more so for the thousands of itinerant mendicants, tramps, and hoped it would not be long before the outer inhabitants would come to realization of a more civilized and intellectual body of people, and bitterly denounced the Christian ministers of all denominations for their selfishness and their tardiness in spreading the gospel of light among their simple, uncultivated, barbarous neighbors. But they were very much pleased as they reflected upon the great interest being taken for the benefit of knowledge and science by explorers and learned men.
And for the want of more absolute knowledge the king ordered the manuscripts of all that I had said to be printed in book form and to be disseminated throughout all Zevae as "Tales and Fables from the Outer World."
The king generously gave me the freedom of the country, to come and go, and placed no restraint whatsoever upon my actions, and also supplied me with a well filled purse.
Lee Von La had become so attached to me that he was very much dejected and implored me to stay with him while I remained in the city. I promised him to do so and earnestly thanked him for all that he had done for me.
I afterward accompanied my friend, Lee Von La, to one of those receptions given by the king, and among the many guests assembled there were several priests, who desired very much to converse with me, and for that purpose sought the aid of Lee Von La, and upon his telling them that I was now free from all restraints they entreated me to remain with them during the remainder of the season. I told them that I had promised to remain with Lee Von La during my stay in the city.
We discussed upon many topics, finally arriving at the worship of God. Upon this they gave great attention to my explanation of the various denominations, all striving in their own way for salvation.
I asked them what they thought of this varied mode of worship.
They deplored the lack of Christian intelligence for being antagonistic toward one another, but with the mysterious ritual of the Catholics they were astonishingly delighted as being more in conformity to the teachings of their own doctrine, save that instead of forty days' fast and penance they feast and rejoice.
Promising them to attend their service after the festivities I left them to join in the merry but sometimes earnestly beseeching and deeply expectant throng till the following morning.
I was now noted throughout Eden, and many distinguished personages came to visit me during this carnival, among whom was the king of Adavonia, whom I had already seen in his beautiful sea palace in the north of Eden.
I was by this time very well satisfied and contented with my position in life—one continuous happy world of excitement—too good to last long, I thought; but those thoughts were soon dissipated by the ever increasing invitations tendered me till the close of the season.
After the season closed I began to feel weary for the want of rest, but the season just past being a general festival in which all partook, I was now importuned to accept as many private ones by many distinguished personages whose curiosity was now aroused by the immensity of the world outside them, but I concluded to take a short rest, and so denied myself from all intercourse outside the family of Lee Von La, and did not appear again in public until the following Sabbath when I attended divine service, attended by Lee Von La and his family. The priest on this occasion was Aus Ti Ne Ka, with whom I had a conversation at the royal reception.
The temple was an open structure, built of stone in the form of a side mount, without roof or covering, and built to an elevation of forty-five feet from the base, with an incline length of three hundred feet and a width of ninety-five feet. A passage or an aisle ascends in the center, and at the top is erected a small platform upon which stands a large stone having the Ten Commandments engraved upon it, and directly under those commandments (but still high above the priest's head) are inscribed in large gold letters, "Sacred to the Lord." In front of this stone and under those sacred writings stood the priest while preaching to the people. On each side of this center aisle are sixty seats, each seat forty feet in length and with side aisles three feet wide ascending to within seven feet of the platform, or holy ground, as it is called, whereon none but those of the priesthood stand.
The temple has a seating capacity for three thousand people and there are three services given upon each Sabbath day.
Zevae, the capital city of De Vo Nia, has a population of about three millions, covering an area of seventy square miles, and embracing one hundred and thirty-seven temples of worship, looked after by as many priests, and twelve bishops, all upheld by the annual appropriations of the kingdom.
The laws of the kingdom have no bearing on those of the church, neither have those of the church any bearing on those of the kingdom; while the king rules over the affairs of the kingdom a council of seven high bishops rule over the affairs of the church, not only in Zevae but throughout all Eden, and those seven bishops must act as a unit before they can pass any binding laws.
It is a beautiful picture to see the priest standing upon the top of a mountain, as it were, preaching to the multitude below him, while he smilingly assures them of the inheritance God has promised to His children. And in conclusion he spoke of the children of other worlds not only walking in the path of righteousness but also sacrificing their worldly existence to promoting and teaching the sacred writings among wild, ferocious, man-eating tribes, as well as to a stiff-necked race of unbelievers.
To the Edenites this sermon was all that could be desired, for they not only hear the words but also see them (a thing not practiced on earth) as they come and spread out before them in the form of a panorama. Thus hearing they see, and by seeing they understand.
I have not heard of one insane or mad person throughout all Eden, thus showing a non-wondering race of people.
The season was now well passed over, and I was so greatly invigorated by my seclusion that I concluded to make a tour through the northern part of Eden, and with this intention I took a temporary leave from my old tutors, Me Du Zi and Lee Von La and his family, and alone I set out for my journey north of the magnetic equator.
A few convulsive quivers and a spasmodic eruption of the water,
And the monster of the deep arose a helpless carcass.
I TOOK an overland route as much as possible and continued without intermission till I reached Me Von Da Za, the most northern part of the country inhabited by man.
The people here and all along the route were of the same color, spoke the same language, had the same customs and used the same manners, and at no point could I see where a line of distinction could be drawn on these people, except that of a class.
My being able to speak the Edenite language fluently was a source of great pleasure to me and to those with whom I became acquainted, and accustomed as I was to the higher class of society I had the freedom of many dwellings thrown open to me. But I selected the hospitality of Va Lo Na, a navigator, engaged in whaling, hides and furs, and but a few days returned from an expedition.
The principal part of Va Lo Na's cargo consisted of two Orkinos and one Sokani, or a sucking whale.
The Orkino is an amphibian about forty feet long and about five feet in diameter, with a long, narrow head, having its jaws filled with long tusks, which are much used in the trades for a variety of purposes. The hide makes a very expensive and durable leather, the fat makes the best lubricant known, the intestines are manufactured into a very strong, transparent skin from which many musical instruments are constructed, and its refuse manufactured into ropes and cables.
The Orkino are found in the volcanic territory lying a great distance out from the pole.
This territory covers several hundred square miles, was at one time the habitation of man and beast; but now it is partly submerged and ice-capped in winter, being near to the ice barriers.
The Sokani is the largest sea monster in Eden, like the whale it is valued for its oil, bone, gum, etc.
This monster is eighty feet long, fifty feet wide and thirty feet deep. This sucking sokani has not only swallowed men but can also draw a small boat down into its capacious pouch, or food sac. The food-sac is a long suction tube extending from the back of the mouth down on the outside of the breast to the upper part of the abdomen, a distance of about twenty-five feet from the opening of the mouth. Into this pouch the sokani is always drawing the water which pours out at the other end, straining it from whatever it may contain of food matter.
This is a very dangerous fish to capture, it can draw toward it any movable object within one hundred yards of itself, and, should it have occasion to repel anything from entering its mouth, it can do so with such force and an amount of water as to not only swamp a boat and its occupants but to stove in the sides of the boat.
Whenever a sokani comes within sight the boats are lowered to which are attached orkino ropes, and which ropes are made fast to the ship's side so as the men in the boat can approach or retreat at will. Each boat carries with it a battery connected with the electrical gearing of the ship, and the batteries are in turn connected with the baits set out for the sokani. The bait set out is principally fish lashed to an air sack with silver wire. Whenever they approach the slightest suction power of the sokani the air sacks start toward the monster, while the boat is kept from going farther by means of being attached to the ship, as the bait goes to its destination it rapidly unwinds till it reaches the bottom of the food-sac, then the whole force of the current from the ship is turned on to that attached to the bait. A few convulsive quivers and a spasmodic eruption of the water and the monster of the deep rose a helpless carcass. The men approach now and affix their barbed lances into the lifeless body of the sokani, and then make fast the orkino ropes to the lances, thus anchoring it to the ships, as it were.
Of course everything in the food-sac, whether living or if living would be killed by the shock of several thousand volts administered within that food sac.
This volcanic territory was at one time the habitation of crude, and advanced civilized races, whose art and science in warfare proclaim that of no far distant date. The spiked iron and bronze chariot, the chain armour for man and horse, the battle axe, the spear and lances, bow and arrows, pottery engraved with hieroglyphic characters, cooking utensils of stone and burnt clay and of bronze and iron and large burnt bricks used in constructing buildings; likewise the long straight two-edged and curved bladed swords are occasionally coming to the surface.
Reason cannot show itself more reasonable than to leave reasoning on things above reasoning. —Sidney.
AFTER remaining some time with my northern friend, Va Lo Na, he proposed to take a trip to Fon Fe Dor, an island highly charged with electricity and by a very peculiar atmosphere having the property of suspending movable bodies in the air, though encompassed by huge ice barriers.
I asked Va Lo Na the nature of this trip. He replied for Volna and Swaja. The Volna, he said, was extensively used in the arts, and Swaja, a light, flexible, transparent mineral, was used for a variety of purposes, such as window-lights, or diurnaes, which answer the same purpose as the window-glass of the outer world, except the coloring which is of very light bright colors giving to each apartment in the building a different but very pleasing shade. But all buildings in Eden do not have the Swaja glass on account of its expense. It is also used for household utensils, balloons, or in fact, anything that requires lightness, flexibility, transparency and durability.
The King of Adavona requested me to procure for him sufficient swaja to construct a small ship; but to what purpose he intends to put the vessel I cannot conjecture.
I grasped the King's idea in a moment, but held my counsel—it was to be a counterpart of the ship which brought me to Eden, and to what perfection it came this world will shortly know.
In a few days all was ready and again I accompanied Va Lo Na on another voyage to the north, but this time in a different direction from the volcanic territory.
Nothing worthy of note occurred during our trip to this part of the arctics till we reached the point favorable to laying up the vessel and facilitating its loading. Here the rubus was brought up on deck— a large mass of transparent metal, rolled and tangled up like so much canvas. This rubus or balloon when expanded is oval-shaped, and from the center on each side extends a screw fan or propeller, much resembling those of an ocean steamship. These propellers in turning one way beats the air down, thus forcing the rubus up, and in turning the other way beats the air up, thus forcing the rubus down. Thus, by their rotation, they lower and raise the rubus. But in steering the rubus to the direction desired the propellers themselves are made to rise and fall as do the wings of a bird. The work of expanding the rubus was by means of small hand pumps attached, and filled to a little over two-thirds full with air. The rubus then begins to waver—being constructed from swaja, a substance far lighter than the air it displaced. The work of heating the air in the rubus was by means of batteries in the car attached, which drew off the carbonic part of the atmosphere from the bottom substituting in its place the nitrogen and oxygen till sufficient buoyancy was obtained. And to offset this buoyancy carbon was introduced to weigh the rubus down. These arrangements were necessary in case of the propellers becoming out of order as they were the factotum or controllers of the elements.
When all was ready several of us got into the car, and like a monstrous eagle the rubus soared towards and over the high peaks and alighted on the other side—oh, so gently, so nice, that the very elements themselves seemed to assist our rubus rather than to offer any resistance such as would occur to the silken bag balloon of the outer world.
A long endless swaja belt having many small scoops attached was adjusted over a roller which was made to revolve above the car and another was placed away out from the car fastened to two stakes between the lower part of the belt; this contrivance when set in motion began to scoop up the volna and carrying it up over the roller at the top of the car into which it was dropped until the car was filled, which was very soon accomplished; and away we went to deposit our cargo in the vessel. Our mode of unloading was like as to a bird carrying substance within its claws, and hovering above a certain spot let it fall and then set out for more till it had all it required. We merely dropped the bottom of the car, and down went the contents into the hold of the vessel.
After gathering sufficient volna we arranged a proviso deck for swaja, and set out to another part of the island for that silken crystallized powder.
Volna, said Valona, on our way for the swaja, though odorless, colorless and of apparently no value, is in fact one of the most coloring agents we now possess, it giving all the colors of the rainbow—colors which cannot be described nor imitated by the knowledge of man; and chemically combined with other substances produces such an enormous pressure that it is used for creating the motive power for both magnetic and electric gearings, etc.
I had not proceeded very far before I experienced a buoyancy pervade my whole system, and I called the attention of Valona to this peculiar sensation. He assured me that there was no danger for the forces acting on the outer system was breathed into the inner system, thus giving the body control of the atmosphere it breathed. This I found to be so. And through space I made my aerial movements in the most fantastical forms imaginable. And were it not for its barrenness, and isolation, a more delightful place to reside could not be found outside the Celestial Kingdom.
I asked Valona if he knew the nature of this peculiar suspension. He said he did not, no more than he knew the nature of electricity or magnetism. It is needless for me to relate our trips to and from the vessel with the swaja, sufficient to say this was transported and loaded in packages otherwise away from the island it would float off into space unless saturated by liquid. There were also on this island several vapory springs roaring up into space for a thousand feet or more, descending in the form of a heavy shower of rain into a circular basin which it had hewn out of the earth and to again disappear into the many sinks as to give the basin the appearance of merely damp ground.
Upon our return homeward I asked Valona if the rubus would not scale the barriers and proceed to the outer world.
He said: "Such as we have now in existence could not do it, for around the selvedge of the poles was a current of wind, they say, equal to and proportionate to the velocity of the earth at its equator, and the sun not having the power to dissipate it, it creates a vacuum within its vortex, and so produces such an intensely dense atmosphere around it as to freeze the waters around it for thousand of miles. Thus in coalition with the sun, whose heat it tempers, the poles are as necessary to the maintaining the life of the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms. Take the poles away and our earth, like the moon; will wander through space an airless, lifeless orb."
After our arrival home, I staid but a few days with Valona, much to the sorrow of my Northern friend and his wide circle of acquaintances with whom I enjoyed many, many happy delightful days, and then set out for a journey to the magnetic zone.
THE works of Nature will bear a thousand views and reviews; the more frequently we look into them, the more occasion we shall have to admire their beauty.
MY next visit was to the Star continent of the Magnetic Zone.
A continent sculptured by Nature into the form of a seven pointed star. Within the very center of this star-like continent and towering high toward the heavens is a large mountain called by Adam and Eve, "The Rock of Penance," for on this mount they prayed unremittingly to their God for a restoration of that blessing they once enjoyed. And here it was that the Angel Gabriel came to them as a messenger from God and told them that the Lord had heard their lamentations and had prepared for them a place within His own kingdom; and that he would come among their children and redeem them, and prepare for them large kingdoms on the face of the earth over which they would have dominion in all things save that of God alone Adam and Eve were exceedingly glad when they heard this and asked the Angel to accompany them to the summit and there choose a sight upon which they could erect a memorial to the Lord's promise of redemption and love. The Angel accompanied them and a large number of their children and grandchildren and great grand children to the highest summit of the mount, and to Eve was given the privilege of choosing the rock from which the memorial was to be hewn, and the sight upon which it was to be placed, and she called it Mount Afhoe, which means the mount of sacrifice, never thinking that years afterwards that at the foot of this very mount that her son Cain would murder his brother Abel.
Now it ought to be remembered here that at that time the descendants of Adam and Eve were very numerous, and that Adam and Eve were very much older than they ever got the credit for being.
Upon this mount did I see the memorial which was erected by Adam and Eve, and under their personal supervision was placed upon the highest part of the summit of Mount Afhoe. My dear reader do not let the idea of the actions of the elements during those long ages since the memorial was erected so tarnish your reason as not to reason with reason. From the foot of this mount did the smoke of Abel's sacrifice ascend to its summits showing that God was pleased with Abel's sacrifice, while that of Cain's near the same place at the foot of the mount, rolled along the surface of the valley showing that God was displeased with Cain's sacrifice. This made Cain exceedingly angry with his brother Abel, and they being alone the evil spirit entered Cain's heart, and in a fit of jealous envy he slew his brother. Cain showing no remorse for the killing of his brother—his brother's blood cried from the foot of the mount to heaven for vengeance. At the foot of this mount did God ask Cain what became of his brother Abel. We all know Cain's answer, "That he knew not," thus lying to his Maker, and fixing another crime to his account, while transmitting it to his progeny or race. From the foot of this mount Cain took his wife and his children and his children's children and wandered from the sight of the Lord and from Eden into a strange land (the outer world) and there settled down to husbandry. From the foot of that mount Cain carried the mark of the evil spirit with him from Eden to the outer sphere, and who of us his race can say I have not got the brand of Cain. For I am not jealous, I am not envious, I am not prone to murder, neither do my lips proclaim a lie. I can venture to say that not one in a hundred of us have eradicated one of those marks, but on the contrary we are adding more, and branding our ancestors mark into body and soul deeper and deeper. From the foot of this mount rolled the mighty waters of the deep that covered up Cain's passage behind him forever separating and shutting off all means of communication between himself and his kindred in Eden, who are the unmarked people of the Lord.
Had I to live one hundred years upon this earth with half its wealth at my command, gladly would I exchange it for only one year's existence in Eden. Eden, the land of joy—not of sorrow; the land of peace—not of strife; the land of love—not of envy; a land of God—what more can be?
From the foot of this mount extends seven long belts or strips of land running far out into the sea, and through three of those strips the sea had cut deep channels, thus affording a continuous passage by water from pole to pole.
From the foot of this mount comes the orders of the King, and at its foot lies the largest capital city in Eden, and its population numbers more than the whole of Europe's combined. This continent, the largest in Eden, is ruled by one king and is under the same form of government of which I have previously spoken, and still goes by the name our Mother gave it (Afhoe), at whose foot I remained for five years, disseminating what knowledge I possessed in relation to the Outer World.
During my stay there I had not one cause for regret; no longing for home or friends I left there gave me uneasiness. My sojourn in Eden was as an Edenite, and, like them, whatsoever I done my body was composed; whatsoever I thought my mind was tranquil, and my whole spirit seemed to be at rest though I knew that I was from the Outer World; but my whole system had gone under some transformation past my comprehension.
It was upon the eve of the fifth year in Afhoe when an irresistible impulse urged me to go to the southern hemisphere, so taking leave of my many acquaintances, I again embarked on board a ship for my destination to the cooler climate of the South Pole Islands.
"The love of knowledge grows apace,
A pace that quite terrific is;
To-day the whole of Eden's race
Devoutly scientific is."
AFTER a delightful trip of ten days we arrived at Uleha, an island isolated from the mainland and lying well out to the southern pole.
This country is the most busy mart in Eden, in fact its workshop.
Along its clydes were many ships in course of construction but abandoned for a time. Its smokeless furnaces ceased to emit their roaring flames; its intricate looms were lying dormant, and factories of every description were at rest, while its inhabitants were attired in their gala metallic dress.
It was raining. The annual forty days' rain of the Southern Hemisphere.
During all this downpour of rain the country for hundreds of miles around was lit up by magnetic waves of light, sinking into insignificance the electric lights by which the cities were lighted.
The waves of this magnetism can at times be seen in the Arctic Circle of the Outer World, and called by its inhabitants the Aurora Borealis. This light, as bright as sunshine but of a more mellow influence, occurs in Eden during the rainy season only.
I was met here by a multitude of people and escorted to the reception hall.
I thanked them very much for the interest they had taken in my behalf, and expressed the hope that my sojourn among them would be beneficial, as I thought of aspiring to and mastering one of the arts or sciences as a vocation through life. And what that art or science may be, I have not yet decided. And after remaining with me for some time I gratefully dismissed them, when they took their departure very much pleased with their entertainment.
The festival in this hemisphere was lacking nothing from those of the equatorial or northern countries.
Those who die during the festival are embalmed, and retained from burial until after its termination. This embalmment preserves the body in all its naturalness while being exposed to the atmosphere; but when hermetically sealed in its casket and placed in the tomb, very soon crumbled into dust, and that without going through any stage of putrefaction.
At the close of the festivity I was called upon to attend the burial of a woman, the mother of a weaver, who departed from this life at the age of one hundred and thirteen years, about the average duration of life in Eden, which life is unaccompanied by any bodily infirmities, save that of physical weakness which dawns upon it very fast after its hundred years of existence. I accepted the invitation and attended the burial rites, which was performed at the foot of the mount. Thence the body was conveyed to the consecrated tomb prepared for it, and placed therein in an upright position—an emblem of our Savior's death.
Upon our return home, Le Vo Zu, the weaver, importuned me to stay with him. And I consented to do so.
There was something in his vocation that had an attraction for me. He was a weaver of gold, silver and bronze metals.
I accompanied him several times to his place of business, and for hours at a time watched and listened to the musical sound of the flying shuttles as they passed to and fro, carrying with them their spider-like threads of bronze, silver and gold, intermingling them in a very artistic manner—not into a web, but into a garment complete in itself both as to size and form.
Picture to yourself persons attired in garments of this material, thinner and lighter than the silks we wear, and having the advantages, when necessary, of being proof against heat or cold, besides being absolutely watertight. It can be washed and rubbed dry in a very few minutes, and that before clothing yourself in the morning. Of course there is the silk, the hair and woolen apparel worn in Eden, for variety and other causes.
But peace, I must not quarrel with the will
Of highest dispensation, which herein,
Haply, had ends above my reach to know.
MA VO ZU, one of the weaver's sons, a most holy priest given entirely to God, preached from the mount every Sabbath day, and with whom I had many conversations upon religious topics relating to the Outer World. In one of these I asked him why professed Christians were skeptical of the ways and the means that God used men as instruments in His hands.
He replied: "Their knowledge of God and His works is blunted for want of cultivation. They seek Him not where He can be found, that is, ever present before them. And wherever they cast their eyes He is there. And would rather seek Him where they cannot see, and fathom that which they could not understand; and if, understanding that which they try to fathom, and seeing that which they try to see, their familiarity with such stupendous power would make them as vain as Lucifer, which seven generations could not eradicate."
"The knowledge of God, like the knowledge of music or any other classical knowledge, must be acquired only by patience and earnest toil, accompanied by some little personal sacrifices. Where God is not manifestly known among people of very low talent, they seek Him and fail to find Him; and for want of teaching and a cultivation of this knowledge, they adore His works, thus making use of the greatest talent which God gave to all mankind, that of veneration."
Ma Vo Zu now requested me to visit him at his home, where he lived alone and apart from all intercourse with people, save an occasional visit from one or two priests who came to consult with him.
I considered this a great honor shown me by such a man that I never could repay.
I told him I would be with him on the third day following.
And taking leave from the father to visit his son, I arrived at his residence at the appointed time.
Ma Vo Zu was alone. He led the way to his studio, a plain apartment with uncovered floors, necessary but no luxurious furnishment; manuscripts and books in profusion, and conspicuous among his many volumes were several books entitled "Tales and Fables from the Outer World."
This was not the first time I had seen those titles, being accustomed to see them wherever I went. But until now they occasioned no remark nor comment from me. Here it was different. My thoughts quickly reverted to home, to my Guide, my being in Eden, and the promised return.
O, how I dreaded that last thought, "Return." A return to that miserable prison of misery.
This good man read my thoughts instantly, and gently rebuked me for my sinful soliloquy, and said "Come to the reception room and eat," and he led the way with such gentleness, and reproved me for being unresigned to the divine will with such skill that I keenly felt the truth of what he said, and remained remorsefully silent till we entered the room.
He bade me be seated while he prepared the noonday meal.
This was very soon accomplished, being an assortment of uncooked fruit and nuts, wheaten bread, water, in which was steeping an acidiferous fruit imparting to the water a most delicious flavor.
While sipping this beverage, and being seated where I had a complete view of the sea as it extended to the horizon, I confessed to this man all that had been said between my Guide and I since I came with him on my visit to Rome, including my journey through the water, my visit to the Garden, and my being abandoned at sea; and hoped that my allotted time would be of short duration, so that I could with my Guide share his endless ride through eternity.
He said I was a most happy and favored mortal.
"Look upon that picture," he said, indicating with a nod of his head to the one referred, "and tell me the meaning thereof."
I was vainly trying to interpret that picture or work of art while he was preparing the repast, and informed him so.
The first on top was the Lord, and before him was an angel and his followers, having a reproachful look and a defiant mien; at the lower left hand corner those rebellious angels are en route to another sphere which has been awarded to them by their Lord and Creator; the lower right hand corner is the sphere into which those fallen angels are fast disappearing in the darkness of its lower depths.
"It is the downfall of Lucifer," said Ma Vo Zu, sorrowfully. "On top you see him defying the Lord and seeking a kingdom over which he may reign; in the lower left hand corner you see the sphere God allots to him; in the lower right hand corner is the sphere of darkness into which those mortified rebels are sinking to the lowest depths, there to chafe, to fume and burn forever."
We discoursed for some time upon this picture, and the artist whose dexterous hand and mind made all his portrayals appear to stand out in prominent relief.
After the repast we gave the remainder of the day to a most absorbing conversation, and then retired to rest, each to a room apart. I hastily disrobed, anticipating a long night's rest; but in this I was mistaken, for I tossed about in a very restless manner, and do what I would sleep would not overtake me.
Thus lying sleepless, I pondered over all I heard and said to my learned entertainer, and wondered much what the outcome of it all would be, and again gave way to a despairing soliloquy.
"Peace, peace! Why reason thus?" said a voice which I instantly knew to be that of my guide.
Joyfully and quickly I sprang up into a sitting posture to confront my long absent companion of the chariot.
There he stood before me—a living light that I had not seen for seven long years.
"O what earthly joy, what earthly bliss is there compared to pleasures like this?" A transformation of the body; a transformation of the body into the soul and the soul into the body. I was again with my guide and with him on an ethereal journey through the starry realms of space.
Declare, O Muse! in what ill-fated hour
Sprung the fierce strife, from what offended power?
MY guide led me to a cavernous sphere whose surface was aglow with variegated flames. These flames represent the various kingdoms of the Dark Gulf, and arrayed in tiers, one below the other, and each tier having its own special torment to correspond with the degree of punishment awarded sinners for their own peculiar vices. Every kingdom had its name, and every inmate had its number stamped upon its brow. In the very center of those tiers was the dark and fathomless Gulf of Despair; that is a gulf having no bottom and its inmates held in suspension by the same force as would occur in the center of the earth; between its surface and Eden's, where they penetrated through from one to the other by God, and not by nature, for nature cannot work against itself, for it is not natural to be going down and coming up at the same time.
This bottomless chasm was the Babylon of hell, and here dwelleth the primitive devils wearing a crown of misery and wielding a scepter of despair. In the midst sat his Satanic Majesty Lucifer wearing a crown of fire, and upon his knees lay a large open book in which he was forever making entries as fast as his officials brought him prisoners under sentence from the judgment seat.
I observed those devils conducting new comers, one after another, to this satanic sheriff for committal, and who was well pleased with the officers who brought him culprits for capital punishment, but very much disconcerted at the inactivity of others whom he called idlers.
While I was contemplating this piteous spectacle the chief electrician of Hell arose and announced a dispatch from General Bumza, commander in chief of his majesty's forces then besieging the House of Prayer. Stenor took the telegram and read aloud: "Most Gracious Sovereign, the House of the Lord is strongly fortified by nature, and men say it is deathless, and I fear it is, for we have not frail humanity only to contend with, but also with the hosts of Heaven, marshalled under the dreaded banner of Michael; nay, Most Gracious Sovereign, we have the Almighty to contend with, for He Himself receives and defends the vilest wretch that calleth upon His name, therefore we are hard pressed by the hosts under Michael, whom men call the 'Guardian Angels;' and the Lord Jesus hath appointed an armed angel to guard and guide the vilest wretch that beareth the cross and calleth upon the name of Him that died upon the same. Therefore, I pray thee, send us reinforcements without delay. It is true our numbers are already great, but the enemy is infinitely greater." When his majesty had received this message he said to the electrician: "Tell Prince Beelzebub to send Riches, Poverty and Misery, with seventy times seventy thousand legions to reinforce Alcohol to sap and undermine the foundation of that impregnable fortress of Virtue, and to prosecute the siege until we come in person, when I warrant this proud house must fall." And immediately this reinforcement was under march. And when I saw this great army go forth and remembered that it was but a daily reinforcement to maintain that dark conflict in which I and my Christian brethren in particular were engaged and on the issue of which all things depended.
I shuddered and asked my guide if all the forces of Hell would be directed against us. He replied, "They soon will be for they have been driven from world to world until they had gained a foothold upon earth through Adam's disobedience and raised their standard over the murder of Abel, and will not now relinquish without a final struggle besides making the most strenuous effort to overthrow God and retain their hold upon earth, for when driven thence they would be driven into their own kingdom, the gates of which would be closed upon them for ever and ever."
"Why do they persist in this wailing despair; why not rather repent?"
My guide replied, "Give them not thy sympathy lest thou hast fellowship with them, for repentance is a holy thing, it is the key to the mercy of God which the sons of Adam lost, and blessed are they who find it, but here it can never be found; therefore keep this in your remembrance, 'The happiness of Heaven is such as the eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, neither can it enter into the heart of man to conceive,' and the same is true of the misery of this realm; however you may apprehend it you cannot comprehend it."
For I must speak what wisdom would conceal,
And truths, invidious to the great, reveal.
Bold is the task when subjects, grown too wise,
I aim to instruct where error lies.
SEEING all this misery about me I asked my guide how hell came into existence. He told me. Prior to the creation of the present universe the heavens were inhabited by a spiritual creation called Avedores. The Avedores was a being such as the immortal soul of man would be divested of its earthly clay, and were endowed with a free will, a most retentive memory, and almost angelic comprehension, while their great aim was to become celestial. And the spirit breathed into Adam was such as was created in the Avedorean period, thus imprisoning it to limit its sphere of action and through the weakness of the flesh to humble and chasten it to bring it into humble subjection to its Maker's will. For God foresaw that Satan would try to destroy this imprisoned soul to revenge his fall.
Those Avedores inhabited large, beautiful planets, which were not then materialized by fire, and at the close of the third period Lucifer, one of the archangels, who had grown covetous and proud, was appointed guardian of one of these planets, a star as large as the sun, for God wished to chasten and humble him; but he would by no means endure his Lord's rebuke, and especially despised the rank of guardian angel, which was the lowest of three angelic orders, the highest of which was the perpetual archangels, of which proud Lucifer was prince, but he was a hypocrite and had a blind ambition to unite himself with God, and proposed that there should be four divine personages in one God, of these the fourth, the "Most Holy," should be himself. With this end in view he bowed and meekly observed that if the orb in question was proportionate to his dignity as prince of the archangels he would condescend to accept the guardianship for one period. At which his Lord whom he did most envy and despise, being grieved, said, "Thus far have I borne with thee, and My love would even now humble and spare thee, but thou will not spare thyself or Me." Lucifer answered: "Lord, when Thou didst create those who are now archangels Thou did also create me, and Thou hast made me prince of Thy creation second to Thyself only; therefore it is meet that this orb of mine should be second only to this or Thine, and like Thine, should be a kingdom in itself, for it becometh not the prince of the archangels to stoop to the guardianship of a single orb when each of the archangels under him reigneth over ten myriads such orbs in a single constellation." God was very angry and said, "Must it be done? Then it is done." And answering said to Lucifer, "Go thy way. Build thy city as thou wilt, and gather into it thy own people, and bring them back to their allegiance, or I say unto thee it shall be unto thee and thine as ye would not."
And Lucifer went forth, and gathered into one great sphere to which he gave his name, a third part of the stars of heaven. And he took the Avedorean families out of the stars he had demolished and choose his own people from among them and gave the rest to Michael who received them into his cities for he was an archangel and reigned over the great constellation that bore his name, in the neighborhood of which Lucifer had founded his kingdom. And Lucifer, having gathered his people together appointed them guardians and for a space reigned well for he began to repent, but when he perceived that he gave God glory thereby he closed his heart again and thought it meritorious to bring back to their allegiance those whom he had led away, and for doing so he thought he deserved not pardon but reward, and the only reward he desired was to be absorbed into God as a fourth divine person. But God said: "Thou hast taken to thyself a third part of my kingdom and a third part of my children, yet cravest thou the glory of the Lord thy God!" And Lucifer in great wroth went forth and began to corrupt his brethren and to excuse and accuse them without ceasing to tempt the Lord. At length he proclaimed himself a god infinite, having a free will and angelic power, did many mighty works in his own kingdom that he deceived his people and many did worship him; and such as would not acknowledge him he drove ignominiously out of his kingdom. But Michael received them into his orbs, which so incensed Lucifer against him that he immediately declared war. But God summonsed him to render up his kingdom and answer for his misdeeds; but he treated the summons with scorn, and told Gabriel, the bearer, that he had founded the kingdom and it was his, he had peopled it and its people were his own and that God could not quench him; so he meant to live, and while he lived would live a king and even be a god. So he summonsed his armies and went forth to attack God. Learning, while on the march that God had given to Michael a banner resembling the cross in form with the impress of the Godhead upon it, and many brilliant stars about its borders, he was exceedingly wroth and told his followers that this proved God to be perfidious and false; for the four ends of that banner, he said, signified "Four Divine Persons in one God, which God denied; yet had by the presentation of this emblem given to Michael the preference that he, Lucifer, sought." He swore by himself, "Never to repent, never to relent, till God had atoned for this affront." And his followers taking the same solemn oath gave up their power to him, and he chose six hundred and sixty- five of their number whom he absorbed into himself, calling them divine persons and gave them crowns of glory; and he made a great crown decked with six hundred and sixty-six stars and placing it upon his head intimated that henceforth he should be the Godhead. And having made a banner resembling a great star of fire with six hundred and sixty-six spiral arms, he stamped it with his new impress. And he bade prince Beelzebub to set this seal on the foreheads of all the angels and Avedores that had thus sworn allegiance unto him, and led them forth to invade the Avedorean orbs under Michael, who, marshalling his angels under the banner of the Lord, drove Lucifer into his own kingdom, which the wrath of God had set afire and cast forth out of the heavens, and thus the fourth period closed and hell came into perpetual existence.
The ejection of this great sphere had made a great rent in that part of the heaven where the eruption occurred—the universe now called. To occupy this space till the end of time, which had but two periods to endure, when the heaven that then was, and yet is, should pass away, God took the little city of Victory, an orb somewhat larger than the sun being that on which Michael and Lucifer had fought; and said, "As the child of the last period shall have the same enemy to overcome, I will give him for a habitation and a trophy the city of Victory. And thou, Michael, who hast this day championed heaven shall marshal my sons beneath my banner on that great battlefield that I shall make out of this orb of thine." And setting the orb afire by the contention of the love and anger He had bound up in it, He cast it into space, which He caused it to fill. In course of time it became the parental center of the present universe; thus was the face of heaven ornamented with material orbs, formed by fire out of the immaterial city of Victory. As all things must return to their original source, so must those orbs by fire be dissolved again that a new and beautiful city of Victory may appear to be dissolved no more. "Even so," concluded my guide, "shall fire try and purify thy soul ere it can enter that city of God."
And so the little cross I quickly took,
But all at once my frame beneath it shook,
The sparkling jewels, fair were they to see,
But far too heavy was their weight for me.
And when I thus my chosen one confessed
I saw a heavenly brightness on it rest;
And as I bent, my burden to sustain,
I recognized my own old cross again.
AS we left the Gulf a party of angels met and saluted us. "Let us go with them," I entreated. "If thou repenteth?" he replied, with an interrogative air. I reflected a moment and assented, and was delighted to learn of our going with them.
Presently we came in view of a lofty pyramid, in form resembling the Tower of Time, and its eminence was crowned with a glorious cross, growing like a tree, having foliage as of jewels intermingled with flowers in blossom and in bloom.
Here our angelic escort formed itself into two long lines, extending parallel quite to the foot of the pyramid, with a measured pathway of seven feet between them, at the entrance of which my Guide stationed himself with me.
Suddenly a Supreme Brightness dawned upon us, and all immediately bowed the knee, and a burst of angelic music made me start and look upon the pyramid, and there stood the Blessed Vision of the Second Divine Person—the Brightness of Eternal Light.
The Edenite language has but seven words that would do credit to a scene like this; the tongues of the Earth have none. Wondering and worshipping and adoring, I gazed with awe-struck feeling upon the Blessed Vision as He approached the foot of His glorious Cross, and from among its foliage plucked several gems and flowers, and of them made a small but beautiful cross that grew resplendent within His forming hand.
As I reflected upon what I saw, and wondered what it might signify, an inward voice made reply, "Come and see."
And at the same moment the angelic ranks arose, my Guide and I did the same, and, amid the rejoicing of the whole choir, conducted me to the foot of the pyramid, upon the lower step of which he immolated me, and made me kiss the third step upon which the Blessed Vision had paused to receive us. This done he bade me breathe forth a prayer from the depths of my soul, and to let that prayer be the coinage of my soul's most cherished desire. I did so, but cannot recall that prayer, save that it concluded with the words "May this be so."
Then the Blessed Vision said: "If you will it so, so shall it be. There is but one thing that I seek in return, and that is thy unwavering love. If thou love Me, receive from Me this one token and pledge thereof (presenting me with the little cross He had formed out of the gems and blossoms plucked from His own Cross). It is a staff, walk henceforth with it, for My ways are in it; it is a tree, planted by My own hand, which if cherished beareth fruit and bringeth forth garlands that smell sweet and blossom in the dust. Of these flowers is made a wedding robe and a crown of glory for the faithful soul that bringeth them forth. Therefore be watchful and diligent, lest the flowers now blossoming forth on this, thy cross, wither and die, for of these only can thy crown be made."
And I took the little cross and gratefully acknowledged the token, and rejoiced in the possession thereof.
When I again raised my eyes I saw not the Divine Investor, and as I stood looking proudly from my sparkling passport to my enraptured guide the angelic choir congratulated us and departed, leaving us to resume our journey.
Before us lay a sphere of brilliant domes and stately minarets to which my guide was leading me.
Upon this sphere he led me to a dome of many shades and colors all inharmoniously blended together.
I asked my guide why this unsightly dome was left to mar the beauty of all the others.
He again admonished me and said, "Remember all I have told thee and all thou hast seen; have a perfect resignation to the divine will, and swerve not from the narrow and straight path of God on to the wide and crooked road to destruction. Do ye this, and behold I am with you always."
And opening the portal of this hideous dome he bade me enter. I entered and all was dark. I cried out for my guide but he came not.
The realization was so sudden and unexpected—I was on earth again and in my own room surrounded by my own kindred whom I could not see nor hear, and have not yet seen since my leaving them to follow my Sovereign Guide.