Compendium of Alchemical Tracts Vol. 1 Bacstrom, Sigismond 260 pages Title page 1977 1 "Curious Aphorisms concernlng the Universal Salt of Nature", copied fron a small octavo Msc: without name communicated to me about 20 years ago by Mr, F. La Fountain. Ano. 1797. 15 pages. 2 "Antimonial Labours" of Alexander von Suchten M.D. & Philosuphus. Franckfort, 1680. German. Third Treatise of Antimony. 17 pages. 3 Letter To the Curlous of Natural Things, concerning Things omitted, or taken Little notice of in Chymistry; candidly discovering Secrets of great moment and Things hitherto thought not to exist. Joel Langelottus M. D., Physician and privy Councellor of His Serine Highness the reignlng Duke of Holstein Gottorp. Translated from the Latln Msc. by S. B. 1798 15 pages. 4 Archidoxes of Paracelsus Aureoli Theophrasti Paracelsi Archidoxorum seu de Secretis Naturae Libri decem. item Manualia duo etc. Bavilea M. D. L.XXXIII. 3 pages. 5 Lully's Theory of the Philosophers Fire Explained by George Ripley Copied from an old manuscript Translated by S. Bacstrom, M.D. 4 pages 6 The Work of the Great Elixer Transcribed from an old M.S. Translated by S. Bacstrom, M.D. 13 pages 7 Alchemical Aphorisms Translated by S. Bacstrom, M.D. 19 pages 8 The Work With the Butter of Antimony As communicated verbally to Mr. Hand by a possessor from the files of Sigismond Bacstrom 6 pages. 9 Of the Medicine or Tincture of Antimony, as well to preserve Mns body in Health, and to divert all desperate and incurable Diseases, as also to cure the Leprosie of Metals, to purifie and to transmute them into the best Gold. Written by that Noble and Learned Philosopher, Roger Bacon From the Files of S. Bacstrom 19 pages. 10 Some Thoughts on the hint given by Basil Valentine of a Via Sicca Regenerationus Principiorium Translated by S. Bacstrom, M.D. 1797 8 pages 11 The Work of the Jewish Rabbi A Particular Labor, communicated to S. M. Belisario, by Rabbi Isacc Calvo of Jerusalem Communicated to Calvo by a Rabbi at Constantinople The process was written in good, old Hebrew with points. Translated by S. Bacstrom, M.D. 6 pages. 12 Process for the Lapis With Nitre & Salt Translated by S. Bacstrom, M.D. 9 pages. 13 The Work with Wolfram, A process communicated to Mr. Frederic La Fountain by a Venetian Nobleman, who at the same time presented him with a ponderous Red powder, with which he afterwards transmuted one pound of Copper in pure gold. 11 pages. 14 The Process of The American Adept obtaining the tincture from Urine. Communicated by A Clergyman in America to Mr. Lentz. Contains also an extract from Greylings Vindication of Alchemy, relating to the work of Herman Brown. Translated by S. Bacstrom, M.D. 9 pages 15 A Thought of Dr. Bacstrom Saturday Night - 1/2 past 8. 6th of April 1805 12 pages 16 An Anonymous Letter to Mr. Fords on the Lapis Philosophorum Translated by S. Bacstrom, M.D. 4 pages 17 The Mineral Gluten or The Philosophical double mercury The Long and Short way for obtaining The Universal Tincture by Dorothea Juliana Wallachin A female Adept Leipzig 1705 trans Bacstrom 8 pages 18 A treatise concerning The Tincture of Antimony Communicated to his friend Theodore, in the year 1536 by Theophrastud Paracelsus Taken from the note-books of S. Bacstrom. 23 pages 19 Three processes for obtaining The Tincture from Nitre & Sulfur Enigmatically represented under this character Sulfur of Nitre by Baron De Welling Extracted from his opus Mago Cabbalisticum Hamburg 1735 - 4to by S.Bacstrom, M.D. 1797 14 pages 20 Neuman on Nitre The Nature and difference of Salt Petre 6 pages 21 Sir Kenelm Digby's Sal Enixum & Abbe' Rousseau's Primum Ens Salis 31 pages 22 Hermetical Extracts from the Works of Becher 15 pages 23 Myriam the Prophetess (Sister of Moses) Her conversation with AROS King of Egypt, concerning her work. Translated from the German by Sigismond Bacstrom, M.D. 6 pages 24 The Epistle of Arnoldus de Villa Nova to the King of Naples, in the 13th Century. Translated from the German by Sigismond Bacstrom, M.D. (for the use for his friends). 8 pages Extra texts Conserva Fontinalis extract Baron De Welling trans Bacstrom 3 Chemical Moonshine trans. S. Bacstrom (1980) 6