2275.2 William SALMON.
Medicina Practica: or, the Practical Physician: Shewing the True Method of Curing the most Usual Diseases Incident to Humane Bodies, viz. All Sorts of Aches and Pains, Gout, Agues, Apoplexies, Feavers, Cholick, Scurvey, Fluxes, Shortness of Breath, Apostems, Thrushes, Quinseys, Deafness, Dropsie, Stone in the Reins or Bladder: Women's Distempers, etc. with The Preparation of the Pr�cipiolum: Or Universal Medicine of Paracelsus. To which is Added, The Chymical Works of Hermes Trismegistus, Kalid King of Persia, Geber King of Arabia, Artefius Longaevus the Jew, Roger Bacon. Nicholas Flammel's Hieroglyphicks. George Ripley's Marrow of Alchymie. And an Account of their Lives. Collected from the Works of the most Eminent Authors, both Ancient and Modern; and Faithfully Translated from their Respective Originals, By William Salmon, M.P. Adorn'd with Variety of Curious Sculptures.
8� London: Printed and Sold by Edmund Curll at the Peacock without Temple Bar. 1707
As in 1692 edition.]