publici Lugduni Batavi . . . . Edidit, interpretutionem
latinam,an-notationem, indices et tabulas addidit C. Leemans, Musei
antiquarii Lugduni Batavi Director. From the chemical point of
view the most interesting of the papyri then translated into Latin was
the one now known as the Leyden Papyrus X, which is under our special
consideration at the present time.
similar Egyptian papyrus has been quite recently brought to light in
Sweden and published with extensive notes by Otto Lagercrantz. An
investigation has revealed the fact that this papyrus also formed part
of the collection of Johann d'Anastasy and that it was a special gift
made to the Swedish Academy of Antiquities at Stockholm by this
collector in 1832. There it remained unnoticed until a transfer of the
document to the Victoria Museum at Upsala brought it to the attention
of the above-mentioned philologist. A comparison with the Leyden
Papyrus has established the fact that the two papyri are not only
contemporaneous, but that they were also probably the work of the same
writer. Together they form a most remarkable collection of chemical
recipes and processes. The writer hopes to publish in the near future a
complete English translation of the Stockholm Papyrus similar to the
translation of the Leyden Papyrus here given. This latter papyrus will
now be especially considered.
Leyden Papyrus X is in a remarkable state of preservation. It is formed
of ten large leaves, each about thirty centimeters long and-having a
width of around thirty-four centimeters. It contains sixteen pages of
writing of from twenty-eight to forty-seven lines each, in Greek
capital letters such as were in use during the third century A.D. It
gives evidence of having been copied from still earlier documents and
is full of grammatical errors and incorrect spellings.2 It
is written in the form of a recipe book and the recipes are often in an
abbreviated, incomplete form such as workers, more or less familiar
with the nature of the process, would use. The total number of recipes
given is one hundred and eleven. Seventy-five of these deal with
methods for purifying metals, making alloys, testing metals for purity,
imitating precious metals, and coloring the surfaces of metals and
alloys. There are fifteen recipes on methods for writing in letters of
gold and silver. Eleven recipes deal with methods of making dyes and
dyeing cloth in purple and other colors. The last eleven recipes are
simply short extracts from the Materia Medica of Dioscorides
Pedanius. They are chiefly descriptions of certain minerals. It is of
interest to note that the extracts in the papyrus are very close to the
present editions of this Greek writer compiled from quite different
sources. No translation is given of these extracts since they are
2 C. Leemans, Op. Cit., and M. Berthelot, "Introduction a L'Etude de la Chimie Des Anciens et du Moyen Age," Paris, 1889.