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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Section One - Division C - The Etheric Body and Prana | ||
3. The Prana of Forms It must first be pointed out that forms are necessarily of two kinds, each having a different place in the scheme:
There is also the still simpler form embodied in the substance of which all the other forms are made. This matter [95] is strictly speaking the atomic and molecular matter, and is animated by the life or energy of the third Logos. In dealing with the first group of forms, it must be noted that the pranic emanations given off by units of the animal and vegetable kingdom (after they have absorbed both solar and planetary prana) are naturally a combination of the two, and are transmitted by means of surface radiation, as in solar and planetary Prana, to certain lesser groups of devas of a not very high order, who have a curious and intricate relationship to the group soul of the radiating animal or vegetable. This matter cannot be dealt with here. These devas are also of a violet hue, but of such a pale color as to be almost grey; they are in a transitional state, and merge with a puzzling confusion with groups of entities that are almost on the involutionary arc. 42, 43, 43a [96] In dealing with the second group, the human form transmits the emanative radiations to a much higher grade of deva. These devas are of a more pronounced hue, and after due assimilation of the human radiation, they transmit it principally to the animal kingdom, thus demonstrating the close relationship between the two kingdoms. If the above explanation of the intricate interrelation between the sun and the planets, between the planets and the evolving forms upon them, between the forms themselves in ever descending importance demonstrates nothing more than the exquisite interdependence of all existences, then much will have been achieved. Another fact which must also be brought out is the close relationship between all these evolutions of nature, from the celestial sun down to the humblest violet via the [97] deva evolution which acts as the transmitting transmuting force throughout the system. Lastly, all work with fire. Fire internal, inherent and latent; fire radiatory and emanative; fire generated, assimilated and radiated; fire vivifying, stimulating and destroying; fire transmitted, reflected, and absorbed; fire, the basis of all life; fire, the essence of all existence; fire, the means of development, and the impulse behind all evolutionary process; fire, the builder, the preserver, and the constructor; fire, the originator, the process and the goal; fire the purifier and the consumer. The God of Fire and the fire of God interacting upon each other, till all fires blend and blaze and till all that exists, is passed through the fire - from a solar system to an ant - and emerges as a triple perfection. Fire then passes out from the ring-pass-not as perfected essence, whether essence emerging from the human ring-pass-not, the planetary ring-pass-not or the solar. The wheel of fire turns and all within that wheel is subjected to the threefold flame, and eventually stands perfected. 42 Involutionary Arc is the term applied to the first part of the evolutionary process. It covers the "path of descent," or the coming down of Spirit into ever denser matter until the lowest point is reached, the point of densest concretion. The latter half of the process is called evolutionary and marks the ascent or return of Spirit to its emanating source, plus the gains of the evolutionary process.43 "The Three Outpourings. In the diagram the "symbols of the three Aspects (of the Logos) are placed outside of time and space, and only the streams of influence from them descend into our system of planes... They represent in due order what are commonly called the three Persons of the Trinity... It will be seen that from each of them an outpouring of life or force is projected into the planes below. The first of these in order is the straight line which descends from the third Aspect; the second is that part of the large oval which lies on our left hand - the stream which descends from the second Aspect until it has touched the lowest point in matter, and then rises again up the side on our right hand until it reaches the lower mental level. It will be noted that in both of these outpourings the divine life becomes darker and more veiled as it descends into matter, until at the lowest point we might almost fail to recognize it as divine life at all; but as it rises again when it has passed its nadir it shows itself somewhat more clearly. The third outpouring which descends from the highest aspect of the Logos differs from the others in that it is in no way clouded by the matter through which it passes, but retains its virgin purity and splendor untarnished. It will be noted that this outpouring descends only to the level of the buddhic plane (the fourth plane) and that the link between the two is formed by a triangle in a circle, representing the individual soul of man - the reincarnating ego. Here the triangle is contributed by the third outpouring and the circle by the second..."- The Christian Creed, by C. W. Leadbeater, pp. 39, 40. 43a See S. D., I, 98, 99, 100, 103.1. The root of life was in every drop of the ocean of immortality Every atom in matter was impregnated with the life of the Logos. 2. The ocean was radiant light, which was Fire, Heat, Motion. These three are the subjective life manifesting objectively.
First Logos | Fire - Electric | The will to live or to be. |
Second Logos | Heat - Solar | Duality, or love between two. |
Third Logos | Motion - Fire by friction | The fire of mind, the relation between. |
The Sun | Will or Power. | |
Venus-Mercury | Love and Wisdom. | |
Saturn | Activity or Intelligence. | |
The Monad | Electric fire | Will or Power. |
The Ego | Solar fire | Love and Wisdom. |
The Personality | Fire by friction | Activity or Intelligence. |
The mental body | Will or Power | Fire. |
The astral body | Love-Wisdom | Heat. |
The physical body | Active Intelligence | Motion. |
The brain | Monad | Will or Power Electric fire. |
The heart | Ego | Love-Wisdom Solar fire. |
Lower organs | Personality | Active Intelligence Fire by friction. |
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