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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Section One - Division C - The Etheric Body and Prana |
55 The monads of the fourth Creative Hierarchy, the human Monads, exist in three main groups:
Mahachohan. The officer in our planetary Hierarchy who presides over the activities carried on in the four minor rays and their synthesizing third ray. He has to do with civilization, with the intellectual culture of the races, and with intelligent energy. He is the head of all the Adepts. Bodhisattva. The exponent of second ray force, the Teacher of the Adepts of men and of Angels. This office was originally held by the Buddha, but His place was taken (after His Illumination) by the Christ. The work of the Bodhisattva is with the religions of the world, and with the spiritual Essence in Man. The Manu. The One Who presides over the evolution of the races. He is the ideal man. He has to work with the forms through which Spirit is to manifest; he destroys, and builds up again. These three Individuals preside over the three Departments into which the Hierarchy is divided, and therefore represent in their particular sphere the three Aspects of divine manifestation. 56 Root-race. The Secret Doctrine teaches us that in this evolution or Round on this planet the Jivatma - the human soul - passes through seven main types or "root-races". In the case of the two earliest of these, known as the "Adamic" and the "Hyperborean," the forms ensouled were astral and etheric respectively: "huge and indefinite" they were with a low state or outward-going consciousness exercised through the one sense (hearing) possessed by the first race, or through the two senses (hearing and touch) possessed by the second. But with the third race the Lemurian, a denser and more human type was evolved, this being perfected in the fourth or Atlantean race. The fifth race, the Aryan, is now running its course on this globe concurrently with a large part of the fourth race and a few remnants of the third. For it must be noted that, although each race gives birth to the succeeding race, the two will overlap in time, coexisting for many ages. Of existing peoples the Tartars, Chinese, and Mongolians belong to the fourth race, the Australian aborigines and Hottentots to the third.57 In the coordination of the Monadic, Atmic and Buddhic vehicles of the Heavenly Man, the vehicles of spiritual life, the higher esoteric correspondence to the prana flowing through the lower reflection, the etheric physical body, the point of synthesis is always on the atomic subplane, and the six merge and become the seventh. In this solar system the plane of synthesis is not included in the evolutionary scheme. It is the plane of gathering in and of pralaya. In the earlier system the fourth aetheric was in this position; it was to the evolving units of that period what the atomic plane is now, the highest point of achievement. The goal for all was the buddhic plane or the fourth cosmic ether. Three other planes are the goal now, - the buddhic, atmic and monadic, each time three planes and their eventual synthesis. In the future solar system the cosmic physical atomic ether (the plane of Adi in the system now) will be the starting point and the three planes to be dominated will be the three lowest cosmic astral planes. Man starts in where he leaves off, with cosmic physical matter perfected. His lowest body, therefore, will be the monadic or the body of the second cosmic ether. This will not be then counted as a principle any more than the threefold lower physical body of present day man is recognized as a principle.The present solar system will see the surmounting of the three next cosmic physical planes, the fourth, third, and the second aethers, and the coordination of the cosmic etheric body. |
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