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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Section One - Division F - The Law of Economy |
This Law of Economy has several subsidiary laws which govern
its effects on the different grades of matter. As said before, this is the Law swept into
action by the sounds as uttered by the Logos. The Sacred Word, or the uttered Sound of the
Creator, exists in different forms, and though in reality but one Word, has several
syllables. The syllables all together form a solar [217] phrase; separated they form
certain words of power, producing different effects. 92 The great WORD that peals through one hundred years of Brahma or persists in reverberation throughout a solar system, is the sacred sound of A U M. In differentiation and as heard in time and space, each of those three mystic letters stands for the first letter of a subsidiary phrase, consisting of various sounds. One letter, with a sequence of four sounds, makes up the vibration or note of Brahma, which is the intelligence aspect dominant in matter. Hence the mystery hidden in [218] the pentagon, in the fifth principle of mind, and in the five planes of human evolution. These five letters when sounded forth on the right note, give the key to the true inwardness of matter and also to its control, - this control being based on the right interpretation of the Law of Economy. Another phrase, this time of seven letters, or a letter for each of the seven Heavenly Men, embodies the sound or note of the Vishnu aspect, the second aspect logoic, the form-building aspect. By its correct or partial sounding, by its complete or incomplete reverberation, are the forms built and adapted. The Law of Attraction finds expression in the manipulation of matter and its welding into form f or the use of Spirit. Then a third Word or phrase is added to the other two, completing the entire Word logoic and producing consummation. It is a Word of nine letters, making therefore the twenty-one sounds (5 + 7 + 9) of this solar system. The final nine sounds produce spiritual synthesis, and the dissociation of the spirit from the form. We have a correspondence in the nine Initiations, each initiation marking a more perfect union of the Self with the All-Self, and a further liberation from the trammels of matter. When the sense of hearing on all planes is perfected (which is brought about by the Law of Economy rightly understood) these three great Words or phrases will be known. The Knower will utter them in his own true key, thus blending his own sound with the entire volume of vibration, and thereby achieving sudden realization of his essential identity with Those Who utter the words. As the sound of matter or of Brahma peals forth in his ears on all the planes, he will see all forms as illusion and will be freed, knowing himself as omnipresent. As the sound of Vishnu reverberates within himself, he knows himself as perfected wisdom, and distinguishes [219] the note of his being (or that of the Heavenly Man in whose Body he finds place) from the group notes, and knows himself as omniscient. As the note of the first or Mahadeva aspect, follows upon the other two, he realizes himself as pure Spirit and on the consummation of the chord is merged in the Self, or the source from which he came. Mind is not, matter is not, and naught is left but the Self merged in the ocean of the Self. At each stage of relative attainment, one of the laws comes into sway, - first the law of matter, then the law of groups, to be succeeded by the law of Spirit and of liberation. 92 ..."the Veda, the world song in human sound that was given to man for his use metaphysically from the standpoint of its meaning, and magically from the standpoint of its proper recitation. The world song obeying certain laws of proportions or the Pythagorean arithmetic and imparting its thrilling effect to the domain of cosmic substance, has induced the latter into a crystallization process that the philosopher Plato called the geometry of the cosmos. The various forms that are observed from a molecule of salt crystal to the wonderfully complex organism of the human body are all the structures of the great cosmic geometrizer known as Viawakarma, the deva carpenter in our Puranic writings. The revealed Veda whose function is to trace out the cosmos from one basic sound substance symbolized as Om, necessarily split itself into a primal three, a subsequent seven vowels and then into seven notes and then into seven combinations of the seven notes on a basic three and then into hymns. All these falling into the material field of the consonants, gradually produced the manifested crystallized forms which are collectively taken as the universe. The world to a thinker is the magic motion produced by the Orphean singer or the Hindu Saraswati..." "In the Vishnu Purana, second part, you will see that the power that resides in the sun is represented as the three-sided Vedic power, that the power as Rik creates, as Yajus preserves and as Sama destroys. Rik is therefore the creative song of the Devas in the Sun. Yajus the song of preservation and Sama the song of destruction of the Devas in the sun and construction of the Devas in the moon. Rik therefore is the song of the Devas and Sama the song of the Pitris and Yajua the intermediate song. The functions of the Vedas must of course vary according to the standpoint. If you take the Pitris, Sama is their constructive song, and Rik is their destructive note. The three Vedas correspond to every trinity in Nature and I request you will search for further information in the much abused Puranas..." "Of the various karmic agencies wielded by man in the way of molding himself and surroundings, sound or speech is the most important, for, to speak is to work in ether which of course rules the lower quaternary or elements, air, fire, water and earth. Human sound or language contains therefore all the elements required to move the different classes of Devas and those elements are of course the vowels and the consonants. The details of the philosophy of sound in its relation to the devas who preside over the subtle world, belong to the domain of true Mantra Sastra which of course is in the hands of the knowers." - From Some Thoughts on the Gita. |
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