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A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - Section Two - Division D - Thought Elementals and Fire Elementals | |
The fifth principle of manas is embodied in the five Kumaras, and if the student studies the significance of the first five petals which are unfolded in the egoic lotus, he may touch upon the fringe of the mystery. The fifth Ray, which is the Ray of the fifth Kumara, is potently responsive to the energy flowing through the fifth Hierarchy. As the student of occultism knows, the Lord of the fifth Ray holds that place in the Septenary enumeration, but under the fivefold classification, he holds the third or middle place. | |
1. The cosmic Lord of Will or Power. | |
2. The cosmic Lord of Love-Wisdom. | |
3. The cosmic Lord of Active Intelligence | 1. |
4. The cosmic Lord of Harmony | 2. |
5. The cosmic Lord of Concrete Knowledge | 3. |
6. The cosmic Lord of Abstract Idealism | 4. |
7. The cosmic Lord of Ceremonial Magic | 5. [705] |
This should be pondered on, and His close connection
therefore, as a transmitter of force within the Moon chain, the third chain, in connection
with the third kingdom, the animal, and with the third round, must be borne in mind. One
symbol that may be found in the archaic records in lieu of His Name or description is an
inverted five-pointed star, with the luminous Triangle at the center. It will be noted
that the points involved in this symbol number eight - a picture of that peculiar state of
consciousness brought about when the mind is seen to be the slayer of the Real. The secret
of planetary avitchi 35 is hidden here, just as the third major scheme can be
viewed as systemic avitchi, and the moon at one time held an analogous position in
connection with our scheme. This must be interpreted in terms of consciousness, and not of
locality. In the fifth round, at its middle point, certain things will eventuate. The fifth Hierarchy will rise to its full power. This will precede the Judgment Day, and will mark a point of tremendous struggle, for the manasic vehicle "manas" (which they embody) will rebel against the translation of the life within (the buddhi). There will, therefore, be seen on a racial scale and involving millions simultaneously, a repetition of the selfsame struggle which embroils the man who seeks to transcend mind and to live the life of Spirit. This will be the final Armageddon, the planetary kurukshetra, and will be succeeded by the Judgment Day when the Sons of Manas will be cast out and the Dragons of Wisdom rule. This only means that those in whom the manasic principle is over-potent or underdeveloped will be considered as failures and will [706] have to wait for a more suitable period for development, while those who are living the buddhic life, and in whom it is waxing stronger - spiritual men, aspirants, disciples of various degrees, initiates and adepts - will be left to pursue the natural course of evolution on this scheme. The mystery of Capricorn is hidden in these five and in the Biblical words "the sheep and the goats." 36 The Christian hints at this when he speaks of the Christ reigning on earth a thousand years during which the serpent is imprisoned. The Christ principle will triumph for the remainder of the manvantara, and the lower material nature and mind will be held in abeyance until the next round, when fresh opportunity will arise for certain groups of the discarded, though the majority will be held over until another system. Something similar again will take place on the fifth chain but as it concerns a center in the planetary Logos of which we know but little, we need not here enlarge upon it. The planetary chains embody centers, and as they are awakened and come under stimulation, they swing into physical incarnation certain types of manasaputras. The type dominated by the fifth chain energy is little known as it is yet in process of evolution within another scheme, the fifth, so it is waste of our time to consider it. It is connected with the unfoldment of the fifth egoic petal of a planetary Logos on His Own plane and consequently with the activity of the fifth spirilla. When the hour strikes, these units of energy will "come in" from another scheme on a stream of cosmic energy which will swing through a particular systemic triangle, just as when the egos came in this round. It might here be pointed out that the solar Angels concerned with the fifth Hierarchy are naturally a potent factor in the evolution of the fifth or spiritual kingdom; they are that which make it possible, for they not only [707] bridge the gap between the fourth and third kingdoms, but bridge that found between the fourth and fifth. We need not consider any further this question of the fifth principle, for two reasons: First, that the subject has been sufficiently covered for our purpose in an earlier section, and secondly, that the full revelation in connection with cosmic manas and the entities who come in on that influence may not further be revealed at this moment. That which is given in the Secret Doctrine, and supplemented here by further details, will suffice for the investigations of students for another generation. Each generation should produce those able to ascertain subjective fact for themselves; they will utilize that which is exoteric and known as stepping stones on the path to perfect knowledge. They will know, and they will give out, and only the next cycle of fifty years after their work is accomplished will see the recognition by the many of the truth revealed by the few. In the case of H. P. B. this is apparent. On the tide of the present endeavor, the Secret Doctrine will be vindicated and her work justified. 35 Avitchi. A state of consciousness, not necessarily after death or between births for it can take place on earth as well. Literally it means "uninterrupted hell." The last of the eight hells we are told where "the culprits die and are reborn without interruption - yet not without hope of final redemption." See S. D., III, 510, 521, 528, 529. 36 Bible. Rev., 20:6-7. Matt., 25:32. |
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