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A Treatise on White Magic - Rule Four - The Creative Work of Sound |
Third: This brings me to the third point, the problems and the
difficulties with which the Masters have to contend as They seek to further the plans of
evolution through the medium of the sons of men. In conclave wise They make their plans;
with judgment, after due [133] discussion, They apportion the tasks; then, to those who
offer themselves for service and who have some measure of soul contact, They seek to
transmit as much of the plan as possible. They impress the plan and some suggestion as to
its scope upon the mind of some man or some woman upon the physical plane. If that mind is
unstable or over-satisfied, if it is filled with pride, with despair, or with
self-depreciation, the vision does not come through with clarity of outline; if the
emotional body is vibrating violently with some rhythm set up by the personality, or if
the physical vehicle is ailing and concentrated attention is therefore prevented, what
will happen? The Master will turn sadly away, distressed to think of the opportunity for
service that the worker has lost through his own fault, and He will seek someone else to
fill the need, - someone perhaps not so fundamentally suitable, but the only one available
on account of the failure of the first one approached. It might incidentally be of value here to remind aspirants to service that much work done by many is the result of over-zealousness and is not a carrying forward of the Master's work. With wise discrimination He apportions the work and never lays upon one human being more than he can adequately accomplish. He can and does train His disciple so that it appears to the onlooking world as if he accomplishes miracles but forget not that the vast amount of work accomplished by one useful disciple only becomes possible when the control of all his three bodies is coordinated and his alignment accomplished. He who has a stable mental body that is strongly positive in reception from above, whilst negative to lower vibrations, he who has an astral body that is clear, uncolored and still, he who also has a physical body with steady nerves and stable rhythm (it will be like a casket, beautiful, yet strong as steel) will serve as a vessel meet for the Master's use, a channel [134] through which He can unhindered pour His blessing upon the world. Fourth: It should be noted that even the Great Ones Themselves have to lay Their plans largely allowing for the lack of perception of those on the physical plane through whom They have to work. They are handicapped and dependent upon Their physical plane instruments and Their main trouble concerns the point of evolution reached by the mass of men in the Occident. Remember that this point is indicative of the success of the evolutionary process and not of its failure but, because much yet remains to be done, the work of the Lodge is often hindered. The point reached at this time might be expressed as a swinging from the rank materialism of the past into a growing and profound realization of the unseen worlds without the balance that comes from self-acquired knowledge. The forces that have been set in motion by the thinkers - the scientists of the world, the truly advanced religious men, the Spiritualists, the Christian Scientists, the New Thought workers, the Theosophists and the modern philosophers and workers in other fields of human thought - are gradually and steadily affecting the subtler bodies of humanity and are bringing them to a point where they are beginning to realize three things:
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