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A Treatise on White Magic - Rule Eight - Cyclic Ebb and Flow |
It might here be asked what are the dangers of this midway
spot? The dangers of too violent fluctuation between land and water, or between the emotional response to life and truth or life on the physical plane. Some aspirants are too emotional in their reactions; others too materialistic. The effect of this is felt in the midway spot and produces a violent instability. This instability has a direct effect on the solar plexus center which was the "midway spot" in early Atlantean times, and is still the midway point in the transmutation processes of the aspiring personality. It transmutes and transmits the energies of the sacral center and of the center at the base of the spine, and is the clearing house for all energies focused in the centers below the diaphragm. The dangers incident to a premature and uncontrolled pouring in of pure spiritual energy to the mechanism of the personality. That vital spiritual force enters through the cranial aperture, and pours into the head centers. From them will follow the line of least resistance which is determined by the daily trend of the aspirant's thought life. Another and rather potent danger is the result, literally, of the bringing together of the land and water. It demonstrates as the pouring into the brain consciousness (the land aspect) of the knowledges of the astral plane. One of the first things an aspirant becomes aware of is a tendency to the lower psychism. It is a reaction from the solar plexus center. But this midway point can be utilized as a "jumping off place" into the world of astral phenomena. This will produce "death by drowning [250] for the aspirant's spiritual life can be swamped and entirely submerged in the interests of the lower psychical experiences. It is here that many worthy aspirants go astray - temporarily it may be, but the times are so critical that it is a matter to be deplored if any time is lost in futile experimentation and the retracing of any path chosen. A clue to the significance of these words is to be found in the recognition of the following occult fact. The place where water and land meet is the solar plexus center. The place where water, land and air meet is in the head. Land is the symbol of the physical plane life, and of the exoteric form. Water is the symbol of the emotional nature. It is from the great center of the personality life, the solar plexus, that the life is usually ruled and government administered. When the center of direction lies below the diaphragm there is no magic possible. The animal soul controls and the spiritual soul is perforce quiescent. Air is the symbol of the higher life in which the Christ principle dominates, in which freedom is experienced and the soul comes to full expression. It is the symbol of the buddhic plane, as water is of the emotional. When the life of the personality is carried up into Heaven, and the life of the soul comes down on to earth, there is the place of meeting, and there the work of transcendental magic becomes possible. This meeting place is the place of fire, the plane of mind. Fire is the symbol of the intellect and all magical work is an intelligent process, carried out in the strength of the soul, and by the use of the mind. To make itself felt on the physical plane, a brain is required which is receptive to higher impulses and which can be impressed by the soul utilizing the "chitta" or mental substance in order to create the needed thought forms, and so express the ideas and purposes of the intelligent loving soul. These are recognized by the brain and are [251] photographed upon the "vital airs" found in the brain cavity. When these vital airs can be sensed by the magician in meditation, and the thought-forms imprinted on this miniature reflection of the astral light, then the real potency in magic can begin to make itself felt. The brain has "heard" occultly the injunctions and instructions of the mind as it relays the behests of the soul. The vital airs are swept into form-making activity just as their higher correspondence, the "modifications of the thinking principle, the mind stuff" (as Patanjali calls it), are thrown into an analogous form-making activity. These can then be seen interiorly by the man who is seeking to perform the magical work and much of his success is dependent upon his ability to register impressions exactly, and to see with clarity the forms of the process in magic which he is seeking to demonstrate as magical work in the outer world. It might therefore be said that there are three stages in the form-making process. First, the soul or spiritual man, centered in the soul consciousness and functioning in "the secret place of the Most High", visualizes the work to be done. This is not a sequential act, but the finished completed work of magic is visioned by a process that does not involve the time element or spatial concepts at all. Secondly, the mind responds to the soul (calling attention to the work to be performed), and is swept into thought-form making activity by this impression. According to the lucidity and illumination of the mind-stuff so will be the response to the impression. If the mind is a true reflector and receiver of soul impress, the corresponding thought-form will be true to its prototype. If it is not true (as is usually the case in the early stages of the work) then the thought-form created will be distorted and incorrect, unbalanced and "out of drawing". |
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