The Second Purpose of Deity
Ray II. Love-Wisdom
The Word is issuing from the heart of God, emerging from a central point of love. That
Word is love itself. Divine desire colors all that life of love. Within the human
hierarchy, the affirmation gathers power and sound.
The Word in the beginning was. The Word hath dwelt and dwells with God. In Him was
light. In Him was life. Within His light we walk. [66]
His symbol is the thunder, the Word that cycles down the ages.
Some of the names of this ray Lord which convey his purpose are as follows:
- The Displayer of Glory
- The Lord of Eternal Love
- The Cosmic Magnet
- The Giver of Wisdom
- The Radiance in the Form
- The Master Builder
- The Conferrer of Names
- The Great Geometrician
- The One Who hides the Life
- The Cosmic Mystery
- The Light Bringer
- The Son of God Incarnate
- The Cosmic Christ
The legend tells us that the six Brothers summarize His qualities in the following
- Send forth the Word and speak the radiant love of God. Make all men hear.
Quality - love divine.
- Let the glory of the Lord shine forth. Let there be radiant light as well as radiant
Quality - radiance.
- Draw to thyself the object of thy search. Pull forth into the light of day from out the
night of time the one thou lovest.
Quality - attraction.
- When light and love are shewn forth then let the power within produce the perfect
flower. Let the word that heals the form go forth. That secret word that then must be
Quality - the power to save.
light, and love, with the magnetic power of God, produce the word of wisdom. Send forth
that word, and lead the sons of men from off the path of knowledge on to the path of
Quality - wisdom. [67]
Within the
radius of the love of God, within the circle of the solar system, all forms, all souls,
all lives revolve. Let each son of God enter into this wisdom. Reveal to each the oneness
of the many lives.
Quality - expansion or inclusiveness.