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Esoteric Psychology II - Chapter II - The Ray of Personality - The Coordination of the Personality |
The man who has awakened to full consciousness in the various
aspects of his nature - emotional, mental and egoic - realizes himself first of all as a
personality. He integrates his various bodies with their different states of consciousness
into one active reality. He is then definitely a personality and has passed a major
milestone on the Path of Return. This is the first great step. Inevitably, the
evolutionary process must bring to pass this phenomenal occurrence in the case of every
human being, but it can be produced (and is increasingly so produced today) by a planned
mental application to the task, and an intelligent consideration of the relation of the
part to the whole. It will be found that the purely selfish, material personality will
eventually arrive at the condition wherein the man will be conscious of integrated
activity and power, because he
The unselfish, spiritually oriented man also integrates the various aspects of himself into one functioning whole, but the focus of his activity is contribution, not acquisition, and, by [350] the working of the higher law, the Law of Service, he becomes integrated, not only as a human being within the radius of the prevalent civilization, but also into that wider and more inclusive world of conscious activity which we call the Kingdom of God. The progress of humanity is from one realized integration to another; man's basic integrity is, however, in the realm of consciousness. This is a statement of importance. It might be remarked - speaking loosely and generally - that
This integration constitutes alignment and - when a man has achieved this - he passes eventually through a process of reorientation. This reveals to him, as he slowly [351] changes his direction, the still greater Whole of humanity. Later, upon the Path of Initiation, there will dawn upon his vision, the Whole of which humanity itself is only an expression. This is the subjective world of reality, into which we begin definitely to enter as we become members of the Kingdom of God.
All these various integrations work out into some definite form of activity. First, there is the service of the personality, selfish and separative, wherein man sacrifices much in the interests of his own desire. Then comes the stage of service of humanity, and, finally, the service of the Plan. However, the integration with which we shall primarily deal as we study the seven Techniques of Integration is that of the personality as it integrates into the whole of which it is a part, through service to the race and to the Plan. Bear in mind that these ray techniques are imposed by the soul upon the personality after it has been somewhat integrated into a functioning unity and is, therefore, becoming slightly responsive to the soul, the directing Intelligence. |
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