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Esoteric Psychology II - Chapter II - The Ray of Personality - Some Problems of Psychology |
Given all these factors, and considering our hypothetical case
as being that of a man with a highly intelligent nature and a good equipment for daily
expression, how would the esoteric psychologist proceed? How would he deal with the man
and what would he do? On what broad and general principles would he proceed? I can but
briefly indicate some of them, reminding you that, in the case which we are considering,
the subject is definitely cooperating with the psychologist and is interested in bringing
about the right results. The answers to the following questions will be the goal of the
psychologist's effort: [446]
To esotericists, this whole problem of the at-one-ment is closely connected with the building of the antahkarana. This name is given to the line of living energy which links the various human aspects and the soul, and it holds the clue to the occult truism that "before a man can tread the Path, he must become the path itself." When the cleavages are all bridged, the various points of crisis have been surmounted and passed, and the required fusions (which are simply stages in process) have taken place, then unification or at-one-ment occurs. New fields of energy then are entered, [448] recognized and mastered, and then again new areas of consciousness open up before the advancing pilgrim. The great planetary achievement of Christ was expressed by St. Paul in the words that He made "in himself of twain one new man, so making peace." (Ephesians II. 15) In the two words "peace" and "good will" you have two keywords which express the bridging of two cleavages: One in the psychic nature of man, particularly that between the mind and the emotional vehicle which means the attainment of peace, and the other between the personality and the soul. This latter is the resolution of a basic "split", and it is definitely brought about by the will-to-good. This bridges not only the major cleavage in individual man, but it is that which will bring about the great and imminent fusion between intelligent humanity and the great spiritual center which we call the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet. It has been the almost unconscious recognition of these cleavages and of the need for their fusion which has made marriage, and the consummating act of marriage, the great mystical symbol of the greater inner fusions. May I remind you also that these cleavages are cleavages in consciousness or awareness and not in fact? Is that too difficult a matter for us to grasp? Let us ponder upon it. |
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