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Esoteric Psychology II - Chapter II -
The Ray of Personality - Problems of Disciples and Mystics |
The psychical
difficulties, which eventually are many, fall into three general categories: [583]
- Those
arising from the premature awakening of the centers. In these cases, the psychic has no
control whatsoever over his powers. He simply knows that he sees and hears that which
cannot be seen and heard by the average man. His problem is to live consciously and
simultaneously upon the physical and astral planes. He cannot stop himself seeing and
hearing and his life becomes most complex and complicated. Where there is this premature
awakening in the case of the intellectual man, it frequently produces great difficulty,
nervous tension, brain disturbance and always misunderstanding from those around. There is
many times a definite drift into insanity. In the case of the average unintelligent
person, there is usually a shift of the life-emphasis on to the astral plane and away from
the physical plane where it is intended that men should express all that is in them. The
psychic then lives altogether in the world of glamor and of lower psychic phenomena.
What he sees and relates is truly and sincerely what he has noted but there is no
interpretative ability. It is seldom of a high order because the psychic is not of a high
order of mentality or influence himself.
- Those
arising out of a loose connection existing between the physical body and the etheric body.
This produces the various stages of mediumship, of control by entities of some kind or
another, of trance conditions and of many kinds of obsession, temporary or permanent.
I do not include in this list the work of the materializing mediums, for their work is of
a totally different kind and though not so dangerous to the personality of the medium is
perhaps still more undesirable. So completely is the medium divorced (as an
astral-mental-soul individual) from his physical body that it becomes [584] dominant in
its own field (the material) and can absorb - through the many etheric orifices - the
stuff of which certain of the lower forms are constituted; it can attract the primitive
substance of a low grade which can be built into shape (and often is) by the thought,
either of a sitter or of a group of sitters in a so-called "materializing
seance". With these the medium is en rapport subconsciously. This is not a telepathic
rapport but a solar plexus, a psychic rapport. The subject is too abstruse for elaboration
here and this form of mediumship must inevitably be discarded as the evolution of the race
- Those which
are indicative of an exceeding sensitivity to impressions, to conditions and to
atmospheres, surrounding the psychic. This sensitivity is of a somewhat inchoate
nature and is difficult to define, but it is analogous to the general sense of Touch.
There is no part of the human frame which, if it is touched in a certain manner, will not
react. So the sensitive will register psychic awareness of a more general nature than that
of the defined powers.
We have consequently:
Physical |
Psychic |
Higher Correspondence |
a. Hearing |
Clairaudience |
This leads eventually to mental telepathy and
finally to spiritual knowledge. |
b. Sight |
Clairvoyance |
This leads eventually to spiritual vision and
finally to spiritual identification. |
c. Touch |
Sensitivity |
This leads eventually to spiritual aspiration and
finally to spiritual impressibility. |
It might here be pointed out that mystical
development and aspiration are the way of escape from the highest aspect of the
Atlantean consciousness. This is itself astral in nature. [585] Occultism and science
are the way of escape from the highest expression of the concrete mind, and from the
Aryan consciousness, which is mental in nature. Sensitivity or the psychic sense of touch
is etheric in nature, is general in expression and must eventually give place to that
spiritual impressibility which enables a man, like the Christ, simply to "know"
what is in his fellow man and to be aware of his condition and of the condition of life in
all forms. It is the first step towards that universal spiritual key of which psychometry
is the lowest expression.
In the above paragraph and differentiations I have given you much food for thought and
indicated a sequence of unfoldment which is individual, racial and universal.
If we extend these ideas into their planetary connotations (which is interesting but
probably quite useless to you) I would add that:
- Touch - is the keynote of the evolution proceeding at this time on Venus. It is
sensitivity to spiritual impression.
- Hearing - is the keynote of the evolution proceeding at this time on Mars. It is
spiritual telepathy and knowledge.
- Sight - is the keynote of the evolution proceeding at this time on the Earth. It
is spiritual vision leading to identification.
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