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Esoteric Psychology II - Chapter III - Humanity Today - The New Group of World Servers |
e. The World Servers and the May Full Moon The Month of May is one of deepest significance to all who are affiliated with the Great White Lodge (as are all true esotericists) in that the Wesak Festival takes place and is of moment and deep import. The period is always one of prime interest and rare opportunity, but the Wesak Festival [684] of 1936 was unique and the Lodge of Masters prepared for it for six months. May I add also that the Buddha Himself in His high place and the blessed Lord Maitreya (known to Christian disciples as The Christ) have since then been in close communication with each other and cooperating in order to bring about a receptivity on the part of the human family to a possible outflow of spiritual force which may serve to turn the tide of the present distress, depression and uncertainty and thus inaugurate an era of peace and of soul-culture. This item of information is of interest, is it not? In connection with these Festivals every May, I am presenting you an opportunity to serve and to bring about the desired objective of peace. It is possible for us, each of us, - in our small measure to cooperate in the intended Plan, and therefore what I have to say takes on another aspect and lays the responsibility of materializing that Plan upon the Earth upon the shoulders of each and all of us. The work has been brought about through an intensive effort in two directions, - one the effort of the Hierarchy to impress that Plan upon the minds of men and to convey the needed power and understanding to effect the intended work, and secondly the effort of all disciples and aspirants to respond and bring through into manifestation that which is waiting on the subjective side of life. How, therefore, is that work at this time going forward? This planet of ours, the Earth, is at this time the focal point of much attention on the part of the Administrators of the Plan Who today are working in conjunction with certain types of force and with certain Spiritual Entities other than those to be found at this time within the ring-pass-not of our planetary life. May I give here one hint without proceeding to elaboration? This hint can be accepted or rejected according to the intuition of the individual student. [685] The Buddha has a special function at this time as an interplanetary mediator, and in this capacity (at the coming May Festivals) He will attempt to bring certain Spiritual Beings into touch with our Earth Hierarchy. They have expressed Themselves as willing to aid in the present crisis. That aid, if the effort prove successful, will come in the form of a much increased spiritual inflow of energy of a kind more potent and of a quality somewhat different to any at this time pouring into and through our planetary life. Those aspirants and disciples who can train themselves to the realization of an increased spiritual responsibility and can preserve an inner quietness and a focused esoteric attentiveness can be swept into this tide of spiritual force and can then and thus serve humanity's need. As transmitters they meet that need; as interpreters they increase the capacity of the human being to respond and to understand. In order to effect this transmission of force, a peculiar interchange of ideas and of cooperation is going on between the Lord Buddha and the Lord Maitreya, and They are subjecting Themselves to a most definite form of training in order to present to these interested Spiritual Beings Who are seeking to help the planet, more adequate channels of service. Three Masters from each of the seven ray groups of Masters are in Their turn attempting a closer cooperation with the Great Lords in preparation for the opportunity to be presented. These twenty-three spiritual forces are banded together to act as a group channel of service on the day of the Wesak Festival and particularly at the hour of the full moon. A call has been sent out to the entire Hierarchy of Masters to prepare Themselves for an intensive "Holy Month" of accelerated service, and all of the Masters on the Seven Rays - no matter what Their departmental work may at this time be - are getting into immediate cooperation and close contact [686] with the three Masters on Their particular Ray who are acting as the ray intermediaries. The service is new and peculiar and as to its particular nature there is no need for me to explain as I should not be understood. In Their turn, the Hierarchy of Masters is calling to all working initiates and disciples and to all aspirants of mental focus to cooperate as fully as they can in an intensive effort to increase the receptivity of humanity to the new forces which can be released to perform their benevolent synthesizing work during the month of May. |
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