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Esoteric Astrology - The Zodiac and the Rays - Three Basic Statements |
It is immaterial to me whether modern astrologers accept or
reject these presented ideas. I will endeavor to give you certain facts as the Hierarchy
recognizes them; I will indicate, if I can, the subjective realities of which the outer
illusion is but the phenomenal appearance, conditioned by men's thoughts throughout the
ages; I will emphasize the fact of the livingness of the Sources from which all the
energies and forces which play upon our planet flow and emanate; I will endeavor, above
all else, to demonstrate to you that all-pervading unity and that underlying synthesis
which is the basis of all religions and of all the many transmitted forces; I will seek to
remove you, as individuals, from out of the center of your own stage and consciousness and
- without depriving you of individuality and of self-identity - yet show you how you are
part of a greater whole of which you can become consciously aware when you can function as
souls, but of which you are today unconscious, or at least only registering and sensing
the inner reality in which you live and move and have your being. This brings me to the third statement, which is so basic and fundamental that I would ask you to pause and contemplate it, even though you grasp not its full implications as yet. The Ancient Wisdom teaches that "space is an entity." It is with the life of this entity and with the forces and energies, the impulses and the rhythms, the cycles and the times and seasons that esoteric astrology deals. H. P. B. stated this in The Secret Doctrine. I would remind you that there is an astrological key to The Secret Doctrine which cannot yet be given in completeness. I can, however, give you some hints and suggest some lines of approach, and these, if carried in the consciousness of the illumined astrologers, may enable one of them at a later date to discover that key and then - turning it on behalf of humanity - reveal [8] the fourth great fundamental of the Ageless Wisdom of which three are already given in the proem of The Secret Doctrine. Space is an entity and the entire "vault of heaven" (as it has been poetically called) is the phenomenal appearance of that entity. You will note that I did not say the material appearance, but the phenomenal appearance. Speculation about the nature, the history and identity of that entity is useless and of no value. Some dim idea, providing analogy even when eluding specifications, might be gained if you will endeavor to think of the human family, the fourth kingdom in nature, as an entity, as constituting a single unit, expressing itself through the many diversified forms of man. You, as an individual, are an integral part of humanity, yet you lead your own life, you react to your own impressions, you respond to exterior influences and impacts, and in your turn you emanate influences, send forth some form of character radiation and express some quality or qualities. You thereby, and in some measure, affect your environment and those whom you contact. Yet all the while you remain part of a phenomenal entity to which we give the name of humanity. Now extend this idea to a greater phenomenal entity, the solar system. This entity is itself an integral part of a still greater life which is expressing itself through seven solar systems, of which ours is one. If you can grasp this idea, a vague picture of a great underlying esoteric truth will emerge into your consciousness. It is the life and the influence, the radiations and emanations of this entity, and their united effect on our planetary life, the kingdoms in nature and the unfolding human civilizations, which we shall have briefly to consider. The subject is so vast that I have been faced with the problem of the best method whereby to handle it. [9] I decided on brevity, the concise statement of facts (facts to those of us who are working on the inner side of life, but which must rightly be only hypotheses to you) and the avoidance of detail and of detailed discussion. We will endeavor to work from the universal to the particular and from the general to the specific, but our emphasis will always be on the universal and the general, and not upon the particular and specific. It will rest with those of you who are students of astrology to make due application of the truth to the specific. It is definitely in this connection that modern astrology has gone astray. It has reversed the true and right procedure and has laid the emphasis upon the specific and particular, upon the personal horoscope and the individual destiny, and has not laid the emphasis upon the great energies and their Source. These sources are ultimately responsible for the manifestation of the specific. This position and presentation of truth must be altered. In esoteric astrology we are, therefore, dealing with the Life and Lives which inform the "points of light" within the universal Life. Constellations, solar systems, planets, kingdoms in nature and microscopic man are all of them the result of the activity and the manifestation of energy of certain Lives whose cycle of expression and whose infinite purposes lie outside the comprehension of the most advanced and illumined minds on our planet. The next point for each of you to grasp is the fact that the ether of space is the field in and through which the energies from the many originating Sources play. We are, therefore, concerned with the etheric body of the planet, of the solar system, and of the seven solar systems of which our system is one, as well as with the general and vaster etheric body of the universe in which we are located. I employ the word "located" here with deliberation and because [10] of the inferences to which it leads. This vaster field, as well as the smaller and more localized fields, provides the medium of transmission for all the energies which play upon and through our solar system, our planetary spheres and all forms of life upon those spheres. It forms one unbroken field of activity in constant ceaseless motion - an eternal medium for the exchange and transmission of energies. |
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