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Esoteric Astrology - The Zodiac and the Rays - The Creative Hierarchies |
Hierarchy I. The first great Hierarchy is
emanated from the Heart of the central Spiritual Sun. It is the Son of God Himself, the
First Born in a cosmic sense, even as the Christ was the "Eldest in a vast family of
brothers," and the "first flower on the human plant." The symbol of this
Hierarchy is the Golden Lotus with its twelve petals folded. The Secret Doctrine Vol.
I, 233-25O and Vol. III, 565. It should be remembered that this Hierarchy is literally the sixth, for five hierarchies have passed on, being the product of the earlier system, that wherein Intelligence or Manas was the goal. The five liberated Hierarchies are in their totality the sumtotal of manas. It is the Hierarchy which is the fifth in order, and which we are told is in [39] process of achieving final liberation, or taking its fourth Initiation, which is the cause of certain phenomena upon our planet which has merited our planet being called the "Star of Suffering." There is a karmic link between the animal kingdom and the fifth Creative Hierarchy of the earlier system which makes itself felt in man in the necessary crucifixion of the animal physical nature, particularly along sex lines. We must remember that the Hierarchies work under the Law of Attraction; it is the law of the Builders. This first (sixth) Hierarchy has for its type of energy the first aspect of the sixth type of cosmic electricity, and wields special power, therefore, in conjunction with the lowest fire, or "fire by friction," as it makes itself felt on the sixth plane. These lives are called "the burning Sons of Desire" and were the Sons of Necessity. It is said of them in the Old Commentary: "They burned to know. They rushed into the spheres. They are the longing of the Father for the Mother. Hence do they suffer, burn, and long through the sixth sphere of sense." |
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