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Esoteric Astrology - The Nature of Esoteric Astrology - Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations |
By the word "influencing" I here refer to the
energies pouring from these three aspects of the Sun through the three Crosses to our
planet. Ponder on this and remember also that our Sun is traveling through space (carrying
our solar system along in its sphere of influence) around our own central and conditioning
star which it has been rightly presumed exists in the constellation Taurus, the Bull,
being found in the Pleiades. At the same time it appears, from the standpoint of our
planet, to be passing through the twelve signs of the zodiac; this is a symbol
macrocosmically considered, of the dramatic centralized point of view of the individual
human being, the microcosm. It is interesting to [112] compare the symbolism and the
underlying truth connected with the lesser and the greater zodiacs and with their twelve
month and their 25,000 year cycles. They bear out much that I have given you anent the
soul, influenced by the esoteric planets eventually, and the personality, influenced by
the orthodox planets. The greater zodiac is symbolic of the soul and the lesser of the
personality. In the personality cycle, the lesser zodiac conditions the personality career
and the twelve planetary houses are of dominant importance. Later the influence of the
twelve signs supersedes the influence of the planets. I would like also to emphasize - perhaps unnecessarily - that Sirius, the Great Bear and the Pleiades work through the medium of the twelve constellations, pouring their influences through nine of them in particular, but that these major constellations are not part of the zodiac with which we are concerned. They, with the seven solar systems of which ours is one, are the ten constellations connected with a still greater zodiac which is not conditioned by the numerical significance of the number twelve. Hence ten is regarded as the number of perfection. There is confusion in the minds of some of the less learned students (astrologically considered) on this point. It is rather difficult for you also to grasp that the involutionary process for all the kingdoms of nature is related to the passage of the soul (this time the anima mundi or world soul) from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus and not vice versa. The anima mundi on the involutionary arc proceeds this way and not as the personality proceeds. The anima mundi passes to Pisces at the close of every great cycle and not to Taurus. It emerges into outer manifestation in Cancer, the sign of mass or group life, of mass or [113] group activity; its diffused consciousness has not yet been individualized as has the consciousness of man. When the world soul after having progressed around the Great Wheel, reached Cancer and the time came for the fourth Creative Hierarchy to manifest through the fourth kingdom in nature, a reversal took place and then proceeded as now. It should be remembered with emphatic care that it is only man, individualized man whose progress we are studying, plus his reactions to zodiacal and planetary influences; we are dealing with his reactions, mental and emotional, to the great illusion and to spiritual reality as these two work in his life, objective and subjective. We have, in the larger issue, to consider the influence of the zodiac and the planets upon:
The above triple division expresses the three major aspects of the ancient and esoteric science of astrology and its three divisions as the Hierarchy today studies them. Humanity, [114] having lost the consciousness which permits contact with the spirit of the planet (subhuman consciousness, and which was the basis of animism) and having not yet developed the consciousness which permits him to enter into the Life and Mind of the planetary Logos, has dealt only with the second division and that in its lowest aspect. Two other points might here be touched upon, and for their understanding you will have to accept my statements as temporary hypotheses at least, for you are in no position to know them as truth for yourselves. Exoteric astrology has said and it is widely accepted that Vulcan, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune do not govern signs but only have affinity with them. I am touching upon this here because we are going to consider the planet Pluto in relation to Pisces. This affinity has only stated a partial truth and is only temporarily true from the standpoint of the modern astrologer. Their existence has only been inferred or discovered within the last two or three centuries though it has always been known to the Hierarchy. I have indicated to you the signs of which they are the rulers and the astrology of the future will accept my statement and work with these planets. Much earlier in human history, they had to accept the fact of Mars and Mercury as rulers of zodiacal signs in a hypothetical manner, and then start to prove the accuracy of the hypothesis. Ancient astrology was obviously incomplete but until man became patently responsive to the influences which come to him from Uranus or Pluto, for instance, which affect the soul life far more than they do the personality life, they remained undiscovered except by trained esotericists. Today, humanity is rapidly responding to the higher spiritual influences and, therefore, we can look for the discovery of increasingly subtle forces. [115] |
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