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Esoteric Astrology - The Nature of Esoteric Astrology - Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations |
A study of the characteristics and qualities of the man who is
born in the sign Capricorn will reveal a great deal anent the human family because the
Capricornian can express all the worst of which a man is capable and all the best. It is a
sign of extremes, and this because at the time there were only ten signs, Capricorn was
the first on the ordinary wheel and the last on the reversed wheel. This is obvious.
Esoterically, all world Saviors and Sun Gods are born in Capricorn but also the very worst
type of man - hard, materialistic, cruel, proud, selfishly ambitious and egoistic. The
head rules the heart in such cases, whereas in the perfect example of the influences of
Capricorn, head and heart are perfectly balanced. Capricorn rules the knees and this is symbolically true, for only when the Capricornian subject learns to kneel in all humility and with his knees upon the rocky mountain top to offer his heart and life to the soul and to human service, can he be permitted to pass through the door of initiation and be entrusted with the secrets of life. Only on his knees can he go through that door. As long as he arrogantly stands where he has not earned the right to stand, he can [170] never safely be given the information which is imparted to all true initiates. The ancient mode of pilgrimage in India, by which the devotee passed or progressed from one holy place to another upon his knees, is indicative of this deep need of the Capricornian for humility. India is ruled by Capricorn and India knows this truth. Though India has permitted the physical act to usurp the place of a spiritual attitude, yet the symbolic meaning is eternally true. When the man born in Capricorn can kneel in spirit and in truth, he is then ready for the initiatory process upon the mountain top. The symbolism underlying the astrological fact that Mars is exalted in Capricorn, whilst the power of the Moon is lessened in that sign, and Jupiter and Neptune both fall, is significantly beautiful and instructive. Mars is the God of War, the Producer of conflicts, and in this earthly sign Mars triumphs in the early stages of the evolution of the fourth Creative Hierarchy and in the life history of the undeveloped and average man. Materialism, the fight for the satisfaction of personal ambitions, and the conflict with higher spiritual tendencies goes steadily forward, and this most material of all the signs is the battleground of the old established order and habits and the new and higher inclinations and tendencies. India, governed by Capricorn, has been a battlefield right down the ages; Port Said, ruled by this sign, is synonymous with the satisfaction of all the earthly and animal desires of the baser sort and is one of the wickedest cities in the world - a meeting place for the evil of three continents. But as evolution proceeds, the power of the Moon, which is the symbol and ruler of form, grows less and less, and the man upon the reversed wheel is steadily freeing himself from the control of matter. The attractive lure of that [171] which is material wanes increasingly. Jupiter, which has been the ruler of Pisces and also of Aquarius, falls in this sign. This fall must be studied from two angles, for Jupiter in its lowest aspect gives the fulfilment of desire and satisfied demand, whilst in its highest Jupiter is the outgoing expression of love, which attracts magnetically to itself that which is desired - this time the good of the whole. In Capricorn, therefore, Jupiter reaches its lowest point of expression in the densest material aspect, and then - as love and selflessness triumph - this lowest aspect vanishes and disappears. It is to the "fall" of the highest aspect that the symbolism refers, and then later to the fall or disappearance of all that is base and low. Love is fallen and blinded when desire is rampant; desire vanishes when love triumphs. Neptune is often spoken of as falling in this sign and for the same reasons. Neptune is the God of the waters, and is esoterically related to Pisces. It should be noted that both Neptune and Jupiter are exalted in Cancer, the great sign wherein the desire for incarnation finds its fulfilment; the power of both is lessened in Virgo, wherein the first signs of the Christ consciousness are felt; both fall in Capricorn, when the Christ life and consciousness come to full fruition. There is much, as you can see, to be worked out along these three lines and the above suggestions will indicate how a comparative study and a philosophical research can be fruitfully made. In Capricorn we have the triumph of matter; it reaches its densest and most concrete expression; but this triumph is followed by that of spirit. There is full expression of the earthly nature in Capricorn but also immense spiritual possibilities. India, for instance, expresses a widespread degradation, but at the same time the heights of spiritual attainment; a study of India - her history, characteristics [172] and spiritual qualities - will reveal much anent the influences and possibilities of this sign. |
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