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Esoteric Astrology - The Nature of Esoteric Astrology - Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations | |||
In connection with
the Mutable Cross, the rays of the Sun in a threefold form (combining the lowest energies
of the threefold Sun) pour into and through the man, via Jupiter. Jupiter is the agent of
the second ray which the Sun expresses - cosmically and systemically. Hence the triple relation of the Sun to Leo which is unique in our solar system, and hence the importance of the triangle which controls the man born under Leo - the Sun, Uranus and Neptune. The energy of Leo is focused through the Sun, and is distributed to our planet via the Sun and the two planets which it veils. Neptune, being the sign of the Deity of the waters, is related to the sixth ray which governs the astral or emotional plane of desire. When Neptune is thus active in the advanced Leo subject, then emotion-desire have been transmuted into love-aspiration and are dedicated to and oriented [298] to the soul; the entire emotional or sensitive nature is responsive to energies coming from "the heart of the Sun," and when this is the case, it indicates that the disciple is now ready for the second initiation. This orientation is brought about by what is called "the sublimation of the influence of the Moon" which is, as you know, the mother, symbolically speaking, of the form nature and reflects the Sun, or the Father aspect. The above statement is exceedingly occult in its significance. Esoterically speaking, you have the emergence of an interesting triangle of force which affects the Leo subject - the Sun, the Moon and Neptune; these are an expression of Rays 2.4.6 and, where these three are dominantly active, you have the establishing of that "inner alignment and attitude which forces open the Door into the Holy Place." I use these old phrases here because they express concisely what it would take many pages to elucidate and because they have that note of esoteric stimulation which awakens, in the disciple, the power of abstract thought. In connection with the horoscope of the Leo subject and the theme of initiation, I would point out that when the Sun, the Moon (hiding a planet) and Saturn are all combined in a certain house in the horoscope you have what is called the "sign" of the man who is to take initiation. Leo, being the fifth sign of the zodiac, counting from Aries via Taurus, and also the eighth sign, counting from Aries via Pisces, is closely connected through numerical affinity with Mercury, who is esoterically called "the Messenger at the eighth gate"; Mercury was active at the time of individualization when the "eighth gate" was opened and a major initiation of our planetary Logos took place, producing, in the human kingdom, the process of individualization. From another angle, as might be anticipated, Leo is related [299] to Scorpio, whose numbers upon the zodiacal wheel are the same as those of Leo, being five and eight. You have, therefore, the formation of the triangle to which I earlier referred: Leo-Scorpio, leading to initiation in Capricorn. As we are upon the subject, one other point might be touched upon here. August, which is ruled by Leo, is the month of the Dog-star, or of Sirius, which thus brings Sirius into close relation to Leo. Leo, in the cosmic sense (and apart from our solar system altogether) is ruled by Sirius. Sirius is the home of that greater Lodge to which our fifth initiation admits a man and to which it brings him, as a humble disciple. Later, when the new world religion is founded and is working, we shall find that the major, monthly festival in August, held at the time of the full moon, will be dedicated to the task of making contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force. Each of the months of the year will later be dedicated (through accurate astrological and astronomical knowledge) to whichever constellation in the heavens governs a particular month, as Sirius governs Leo. This I shall later elaborate in the papers to be written anent the new "Approaches" to spiritual reality. Mercury again comes, at this point, into our discussion, and you thus have the formation of an esoteric quaternary, affecting powerfully the major quaternary of man - spirit, soul, mind and brain. This energy brings about an interrelation and an inner awakening which prepares the aspirant for initiation. This higher quaternary is Sirius-Leo-Mercury-Saturn. You have, therefore: |
Sirius | Leo | Mercury | Saturn |
Spirit | Soul | Mind | Brain |
Life | Quality | Illumination | Appearance |
Inhalation | Interlude | Exhalation | Interlude |
[300] The above tabulation gives you the clue to the basic reality and necessity of meditation as practiced by the disciple and the initiate. This may not be apparent to you at first sight and I may not further expand these suggestions, but the directed reflection of the illumined mind may bring insight to you in time. The influence of Sirius is not consciously felt until after the third initiation when the true nature of the spirit aspect begins to dawn upon the liberated, intuitive perception of the initiate. For the advanced initiate in this sign, and after the third initiation, Sirius becomes a major life factor. He begins to respond to its vibration because he now rules the Sun and the Moon and is controlling those two planets, for that is what the Sun and the Moon have become to him - simply planets to be ruled. This is a great mystery and I simply state the fact. Sirius, Leo, the Sun, the Moon and Mercury are now the influences with which the initiate is concerned. The influences of Sirius, three in number, are focused in Regulus, which is, as you know, a star of the first magnitude and which is frequently called "the heart of the Lion." There is more real occultism hidden in the names given to the various stars by astronomers down the ages than has yet been realized, and here you have a case in point. | |||
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