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Esoteric Astrology - The Nature of Esoteric Astrology - Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations |
The secret (so-called) of the Cardinal Cross is the secret of
Life itself, just as that of the Fixed Cross is that of the soul or the mystery of
self-conscious entity, whilst the Mutable Cross holds hid the mystery of form. In these
words, you have the key to the secret of manifestation as a whole and to that mystery
which was revealed to Christ at the final crucifixion and to which He testified His
understanding reaction in the triumphant utterance recorded in The New Testament: "My
God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me." He then left the Fixed Cross and the
Identity which had hitherto been His and identified Himself with that which was then
revealed. To these words, thus translated somewhat inaccurately in the Christian Bible,
there are three meanings or true significances. The translation hinted at in The Secret
Doctrine (S.D. II. 613), [315] "The robe, the robe, the beautiful robe of my
strength no longer serves" expresses the inner revelation of the Mutable Cross, as it
was revealed to the Savior, looking at life from the angle of the soul. In the words
quoted above "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me," the mystery of the
Fixed Cross was shown to Him and the secret of the Cardinal Cross was, for the first time,
held before Hi eyes. The words, embodying that central mystery, have never yet been given
out. One of the factors which distinguished the Christ from all preceding world Saviors
was the fact that He was the first of our humanity Who, having achieved divinity (and this
many have done), was permitted to see the "golden thread of light and of living life
which links the light within the center of all the manifested Crosses"; He was
allowed to know the meaning of life as it expressed itself in the Cosmic Crucifixion,
which is an episode of cosmic life and not of death, as is generally supposed. Hercules comprehended the true meaning of the Mutable Cross and, with full knowledge, mounted the Fixed Cross, with all its attendant difficulties and labors. The Buddha comprehended, through complete illumination, the meaning of both the Mutable and the Fixed Crosses, for the secret of revelation in Taurus was His, just as the secret of directed energy in Scorpio was the source of the strength of Hercules. But the Christ, knowing both the above secrets, also understood with a living comprehension, the mystery of the Cardinal Cross, because the light of the Transfiguration (undergone in Capricorn) revealed to Him the glory and transcendent mystery. There are two words also which convey the purpose and intent of expression upon the Cardinal Cross. They give the reason why the two "Doors of the Zodiac" open [316] wide to the impulse and demand of the divine Spirit. One is the word "self-preservation" which leads to the impulse to incarnate in Cancer, which is the Door to the physical plane expression of spirit. This impulse (when the form is the prime object of the attention of the soul and that with which it primarily identifies itself) brings about the stage of static concretion in the earth sign Capricorn. The other word is "immortality" which is the divine aspect of self-preservation; it is the major conditioning factor in the creative process and leads to the whole revelation of evolution, to the recurrent appearance of life in form, and to the revelation of life in form. In Capricorn, at the third initiation, this life aspect assumes primary importance. You will see, therefore, why the Cardinal Cross is so mysterious; also why both Cancer and Capricorn are so little understood by modern astrology and why, in the last analysis, only the initiated Sons of God can grasp the significance of the four signs which comprise the Cardinal Cross, or understand the relation which exists between the four major divine energies which - pouring through the four arms of this Cross - produce the vortex of force (a synthetic force) which constitutes that "pool of pure, fiery light" through which all those who take the higher initiations must eventually pass. Those taking the first two initiations must tread the Path as it passes through the Burning Ground. Those taking the higher initiations have to plunge into the sea or pool of fire which is essentially the fire of God as it has been cleansed from every aspect of the material form through the complete purification of desire. The entire subject of rebirth is but little understood at present. Its modern presentation and the emphasis which has been laid so strongly on small and unimportant details have distorted and diverted the wide sweep of the subject [317] and ignored the true import of the process; the broad general lines of the incarnation process have been largely overlooked. In the debate as to the length of time a man is out of incarnation and in the consideration of foolish items of unproved and unprovable information, and in the puerile reconstruction of the past lives of theosophical inclined people (none of them based on any truth), the real truth and the real beauty of the theme have been lost to sight. Cancer is one point of the watery triplicity, and the symbolism which underlies the three water signs is most interesting in one particular direction. You have, as you know, the Crab, the Scorpion and the Fish Goddesses of the sign Pisces. In ancient Lemuria, the symbol of Pisces was a woman with the tail of a fish, and of this symbol the legendary mermaid is the memory. It was only in late Atlantean times (when the conscious sense of duality was becoming present in the minds of the advanced humanity of the period) that the woman part of the symbol was dropped altogether and the two linked fishes took the place of the fish Goddesses. You have, therefore, the Crab, the Scorpion with the sting in its tail and the Fish. The slow moving Crab, identified with its dwelling place and carrying its house upon its back, lives upon the land (physical plane life) and also in the sea (the life of the emotions); the Scorpion is rapid in movement, deadly in its effect upon men around it and is a creature of the land; it is also the symbol of the transformed Crab and the result of the evolutionary process, and indicates the dangerous nature of the man who is not transformed and is therefore harmful and hurtful to others; the Fishes indicate the man from whom the symbol of materiality has been taken by the removal of half of the original symbol, thus indicating freedom from matter. The three water signs give us, therefore, a brief and symbolic [318] history of man's growth and true personality development. It is a picture of the law of cause and effect. These thoughts you can elaborate for yourself and thus arrive at the evident implications. |
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