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Esoteric Astrology - The Nature of
Esoteric Astrology - Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations |
It is because -
speaking in parables - the light of Cancer is only diffused, vague and inchoate that the
influences of the first Ray of Focused Intention and of purposeful Will and of the second
Ray of Love-Wisdom (recognized duality and gained experience) are found to be missing.
Their influences are not present, except in so far that love and purpose underlie all
manifestation. But they are not focused in this [331] sign. Only five rays play through
this constellation which even at a relatively high point of development and upon the
returning wheel preserves ever the mass relationship for the benefit of the incarnating
individual and in order to guarantee the ultimate salvation of substance itself. Human
beings, without initiated vision, are apt to interpret all the signs and their effects in
terms of individual man, whereas the purpose of their coordinated influence is both
planetary, solar and cosmic. The initiate who has taken the three lower initiations is
occupied henceforth with the effects of the cosmic influences upon the planet and
incidentally upon the fourth kingdom in nature and with the higher mental study of their
effects as they produce basic and fundamental changes in the systemic life which, in its
turn, affects our planet, its kingdoms in nature and incidentally human beings. You can
see from this, therefore, that as the evolutionary changes are brought about and as human,
planetary and solar consciousness progressively develops, the influences pouring from the
constellations, via their intermediaries, the planets, will produce very diverse changes
and significant happenings to which man will consciously or unconsciously respond
according to his point of development. The response of the individual Cancer subject to
the incoming influences and to his environment will be different to those of the disciple
or initiate and these again will differ in every sign, thus rounding out human
development. Here again is a point which astrologers will have later to take into
consideration. I would here like to give you a tabulation which will indicate somewhat the
nature of the response of the man during the three stages of his development -
undeveloped, advanced and upon the Path - to the various influences to which he is
subjected when he enters into physical plane existence through the open door of Cancer,
and proceeds then through all the signs. [332] [333] |
Sign |
Undeveloped Man |
Advanced Man |
Disciple Initiate |
1. Aries, Keynote: Aries turns
towards Capricorn |
Blind, undirected experience |
Directed Personality effort |
Recognition and work with the Plan |
Instinctual reaction |
Desire |
Will |
2. Taurus, Keynote: Taurus rushes
blindly until Sagittarius directs |
Selfish desire |
Aspiration |
Illumined living |
The Light of Earth |
The Light of Love |
The Light of Life |
3. Gemini, Keynote: Gemini moves
towards Libra |
Mutation of relation |
Orientation of |
Right relation |
"I serve myself" |
"I serve my brother" |
"I serve the One" |
4. Cancer, Keynote: Cancer visions
life in Leo |
The blind unit is lost |
The unit awakes to that which is around |
The Whole is seen as one |
The Mass |
The House |
Humanity |
5. Leo, Keynote: Leo seeks release
in Scorpio |
The Lower Self |
The Higher Self |
The One Self |
The hidden point |
The revealing point |
The relinquished point |
6. Virgo, Keynote: Virgo hides the
light which irradiates the world in Aquarius |
The germinating energy |
The creative force |
The Christ activity |
The Mother |
The Protector |
The Light |
7. Libra, Keynote: Libra relates
the two in Gemini |
Unbalanced fiery passion |
The weighing of the opposites |
Balance attained. Divine Love |
Human love |
Devotion and aspiration |
Understanding |
8. Scorpio, Keynote: Scorpio
stages the release of Leo |
Unity of selfishness |
Conflict with duality |
Higher unity |
The Monster |
The Fighter |
The Disciple |
9. Sagittarius, Keynote:
Sagittarius, the disciple becomes the Savior in Pisces |
Self-centeredness |
One-pointedness |
The Director of men |
Experimental approach |
Directed Approach |
The controller of the Gate |
10. Capricorn, Keynote: Capricorn
consummates the work of Scorpio |
The earth bound soul |
The one who crosses the water |
The Conqueror of Death |
Fluid |
Initiated |
11. Aquarius, Keynote: Aquarius
releases Virgo from her load |
All things to all men |
Dedication to the soul |
The Server of all men |
The burden of the self |
The burden of humanity |
The burden of the world |
12. Pisces, Keynote: Pisces takes from
all the signs |
Responsiveness to environment |
Sensitivity to the soul |
Spiritual responsability |
The medium |
The Mediator |
The Savior [334] |
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