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Esoteric Astrology - The Nature of Esoteric Astrology - Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations |
We come now to a consideration of the Rulers of this sign and
there is much to be learnt from a study of them. The orthodox ruler is Mercury who, as the
Messenger of the Gods or the "divine Intermediary, carries messages between the poles
with speed and light." In this most potent and important planet the idea of duality
is again to be found, enhancing and enhanced by the influence of Gemini. Mercury is the
expression of the dual aspect of the mind as it mediates between the higher and the lower.
This mediation again falls into two stages: the use of the concrete mind as the mediator
within the personality, conditioning the personality life, analyzing and distinguishing
between the human self and the not-self and emphasizing the "me and thou"
consciousness as well as that of the personality and its environment. Secondly, it carries
the messages between the soul and the brain and establishes right relation between the
lower self and the higher self; it is, therefore, the illumined mind, relating soul and
personality. This process of the higher relationship is carried forward with rapidity upon
the Path of Discipleship. There is a third [354] aspect of Mercury which begins to
function when the other two are perfected or in process of rapid perfecting. Mercury, in
this case, is the abstract mind - removed from all form contact as we understand it - and
relates soul and spirit, and this again in two stages. Mercury is the revealer of the
Spiritual Triad (atma-buddhi-manas or spiritual will, spiritual love and the higher mind)
to the soul, and this carries the disciples to the stage of the third initiation. It is
then the revealer of the life aspect during the processes of the higher initiations, but
upon these it is not necessary for us to enlarge. In a peculiar way, therefore, Mercury increases in the Gemini subject the latent sense of duality in its various stages and also the sense of distinction, leading to that mental agility and that fluidity of mind which is one of the major assets as well as one of the major difficulties of this sign. This agility has, however, to be rightly understood and handled. When there is facility of mental approach in any direction and in connection with the many opposites in manifestation, you have the emergence of the divine Messenger in his true character, able to comprehend extremes and to relate them divinely to each other. Gemini is pre-eminently the sign of the messenger, and this sign produces many of the messengers of God as they appear down the ages, the revealers of new divine truths and the intermediaries between the fourth and fifth kingdoms. It is for this reason that you have the exoteric ruler given as Mercury and the esoteric ruler as Venus, for they embody between them the energies of the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict and the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science which is embryonic understanding of causes and conditions resulting therefrom and also of the Plan. Again you find the note of duality in the relationship [355] (established by the activity of these two rulers) between the third kingdom of nature, the animal kingdom and the kingdom of God or of souls, the fifth kingdom in nature, thus producing the fourth or human kingdom. Between these two the influences play from Sagittarius to Gemini and vice versa. It was the activity of Venus - under the influence of Gemini - which produced the great crisis of the individualization when the two kingdoms "approached" each other. Venus, Mercury and the Earth then set up a magnetic field which made the intervention of the Great Lodge on Sirius and the dual stimulation of Gemini effective in producing significant results of which the fourth kingdom in nature is the expression. The fact that Gemini is the third sign and embodies what is called "a third potency" enabled it to reach, with its force, the third kingdom and produce that reaction which resulted in the individualizing or the humanising of its higher forms of life. You will note that Venus is also the hierarchical ruler of Capricorn, thus showing the power of the mind and its place and purpose in connection with both the major human crises: Individualization and Initiation. It relates humanity in an unique way to Gemini. In the coming world religion this fact will be noted and in the month of June, which is essentially the month in which the influences of Gemini are peculiarly strong, due advantage will be taken in order to bring man nearer to the spiritual realities. Just as Venus was potent in producing the relation of such pairs of opposites as the fifth kingdom of souls and the third kingdom (the synthesis of the subhuman kingdoms) leading to a Great Approach between soul and form, so in the new world religion this fact will be recognized. Appeal will be made to the Forces which can utilize this planetary potency in order to work out the divine plan upon the Earth. It is because Venus thus [356] relates certain pairs of opposites that she has been erroneously connected in the minds of men with sex and the sex life and with the relation of the physical opposites, male and female. |
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