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Esoteric Astrology - The Nature of Esoteric Astrology - Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations |
As we resume our initial theme, I would call your attention to
the fact that through the exoteric or orthodox planet, Venus, this sign Taurus is related
to Gemini, Libra and Capricorn. It is of interest to note that Taurus is, therefore,
related to the Mutable Cross by a linking stream of energy, via Venus, but is at the same
time linked in a dual sense with two arms of the Cardinal Cross, by a Venusian connection
with Libra and Capricorn. There is therefore to the true Taurian who reaches illumination
one link with the body and soul aspects of expression and two links with soul and spirit -
the higher octave of manifestation. Thus is shown the perfection of the sublimation
process, for aspiration has entirely superseded desire as a motivating agency. The soul is
linked with form but its major link is with the spirit. It is for this reason that in
Taurus, the man comes to the point wherein the real goal or the true vision appears.
Desire in its lowest expression is linked with the form in Taurus. Aspirational idealism
in its highest possible expression is also achieved in Taurus. Aspiration is linked,
however, in its lowest expression with the soul and in its highest with spirit. Self-will
relates man to form; the will of God relates the soul of the man to the spirit. It takes
three initiations to make this clear to the disciple. Looking at the matter from another angle: Venus, the mind or the soul in Libra reveals to man the exoteric significance and results of desire. In Gemini, Venus reveals the desire of the pairs of opposites for each other for this is the underlying theme of the entire creative and evolutionary process - the interplay of the opposites. In Capricorn, Venus reveals to man that desire for the whole, for the universal, [392] which is the hallmark of the initiate and the true expression of the spiritual life. When we come to a consideration of the esoteric ruler of Taurus, we find ourselves confronted by Vulcan, one of the veiled and hidden planets and one which is, therefore, little known or understood. I have earlier referred to Vulcan as the Fashioner of divine expression. In a peculiar sense, the energy which streams from Vulcan is fundamentally the strength and potency which sets the world evolutionary process in motion; it embodies also the energy of the first ray, that force which initiates or begins and that which also destroys, bringing about the death of the form in order that the soul may be set free. Vulcan is the ray or planet of isolation for, in a peculiar sense, it governs the fourth initiation wherein the depths of aloneness are plumbed and the man stands completely isolated. He stands detached from "that which is above and this which is below." There comes a dramatic moment when all desire is renounced; the will of God or the Plan is seen as the only desirable objective but as yet the man has not proved to himself, to the world of men or to his Master whether he has the strength to move forward along the line of service. There is revealed to him (as there was revealed to the Christ at the fourth great initiatory crisis in His life) some definite, active undertaking which embodies that aspect of the will of God which it is his peculiar function to appropriate and make possible of expression. This has been called in the Christian phraseology, "the Gethsemane experience." The Christ, kneeling beside the rock (symbolic of the depths of the mineral kingdom and of the activity of Vulcan, the fashioner), raises His eyes upward to where the light of revelation breaks forth and knows at [393] that moment what it is He has to do. Such is the test of Vulcan, ruling Taurus, of the soul, ruling desire, of the Son of God, fashioning His instrument of expression in the depths, grasping the divine purpose and so bending the will of the little self to that of the greater Self. The depths have been reached and there is no more to be done. The light from the eye of the Bull which with ever increasing radiance has guided the struggling soul must give place eventually to the light of the Sun, for Vulcan is a substitute for the Sun; it is spoken of sometimes as being veiled by the Sun and at others it stands for the Sun itself. It stands between the man and the Sun, the soul. Therefore, we have in this connection three symbols of the light:
Thus from every angle, illumination remains the theme of this sign. We have somewhat considered the rays and their effect and relationship as they, through Taurus and its rulers, pour their force and energy into individual man, or into humanity as a whole. The two rays which directly affect the sign are, as we have seen, the fifth (through Venus) and the first (through Vulcan). These two when viewed in combination with the Earth (which is an expression of the third ray) demonstrate a most difficult combination of rays, for all are along the line of the first Ray of Energy: [394]
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