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Esoteric Astrology - The Nature of Esoteric Astrology - Spiritual Effects of the Zodiacal Constellations |
Taurus, as you know, rules the neck and the thyroid gland.
This is essentially the region whence must emanate the creative activity of the man who is
upon the Path. The throat is a point to which the energy of the sacral center must be
lifted so that creation through love and by the will eventually will prove the sublimatory
effect of the transference to higher use of the sex energy. The right use of the organs of
speech gives the clue to the processes whereby the disciple must bring about certain basic
changes. The Taurian upon the way of liberation would do well to employ the [398] method
of directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature in order to
transform himself from one who goes wilfuly on his personality way into a wise
cooperator with the Plan. By this I mean that, as man translates his ideals into words and
acts, he brings about transformation, transmutation and eventually translation upon the
mountain top of Initiation. The results of this creative work of materializing the vision
must be carried to the point of effectual demonstration in Scorpio in which sign the final
tests are applied to prove that the energy is flowing freely and without impediment and
obstruction between the throat and sacral centers; to show that right direction has been
achieved and that there is no longer any fear that the Taurian subject will blunder
blindly forward again in his own self-interest but will, in the future, move intelligently
upon the Way of Liberation - the way that brings about his own release and at the same
time sweeps him into those activities which bring about the release of others. In Scorpio,
the man who has mastered his lessons in Taurus must demonstrate that creativity which will
work under the inspiration of aspiration and vision and constructively attempt to express
the beauty which all forms intrinsically veil, thus bringing to all revelation of that
underlying purpose which motivates all events and forms. All these aspects of basic change
in purpose, interest and orientation must manifest in Scorpio, thus proving the
effectiveness of the evolutionary processes undergone in the great repeated transition
from Scorpio to Taurus and from Taurus to Scorpio. This cycle of moves constitutes (with
the greater cycle) a rhythm of experience of tremendous moment. These seven signs are
pre-eminently life-experience signs. The preceding sign of Aries is the "sign of
[399] institution" whilst the four which come after Scorpio prove to be signs of
discipleship and initiation. This is on the reversed wheel and the implications along the
same line on the ordinary wheel can easily be applied by you. It is the recognition of these goals and a grasp of the Taurian problems which will make clear to you the position of the planets in this sign. I would remind you again that the exaltation of a planet in any particular sign, its fall within the sphere of influence of a sign as well as the lessening of a particular planetary influence in any sign cycle (making it what has been technically called "in detriment") is purely symbolic of the effects of energy as it impinges upon the form-nature, meeting resistance or non-resistance, evoking response or non-response, according to the caliber of the planetary instrument subjected to the impact. In this sign, the Moon is exalted. Symbolically this means that the form side of life is a powerfully controlling factor and one with which the man must ever reckon. The Moon is the Mother of the form and in this case veils or hides Vulcan - which might be expected. The Moon, therefore, stands here for the fashioner or molder of the form, bringing in both the feminine and masculine aspects of form-building, the dual functions of Father-Mother. This is a point for astrologers to remember. This process of interplay brings about two phases of the needed fashioning:
personality aims and desires are the motives bringing about activity. The Moon and Taurus activity. The exaltation of the form, ruled by the Moon, can be traced throughout the entire zodiac and provides in itself an interesting and progressive story with which I have not at this time the intention to deal. It is told by the various women who figure in the different constellations and around them some day the astrology of the form will be built. There is Cassiopeia, Venus, Coma Berenice, Andromeda and one or two others, as well as Virgo, the Virgin, the most important of them all. I can only indicate here a field of thought and of astrological investigation hitherto untouched but I have not time for the interpretation of this vast and profitable field of knowledge. "Our Lady, the Moon" is related to all these and before the great disruption in an earlier solar system which led to the Moon becoming a dead planet, the energies of these stars and certain of the planets which were produced through their activity, were all focused in and transmitted by the Moon in a most mysterious yet powerful manner. Through desire translated into terms of spiritual will, the form is esoterically "exalted" and of this fact the exaltation of the Moon in Taurus is a symbol. To this the ordinary astrological symbol of the Bull's horns testifies. This is the crescent Moon and also the symbol of the destructive nature of the form life of the Bull. Forget not that in this connection the destruction or death of the form and the ending of form influence thereby is the goal of the process which changes desire into aspiration. |
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