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Esoteric Astrology - The Science of Triangles - Conclusions |
I would like here to call your attention to an interesting
point which has a definite bearing upon the power of the individual to grasp the new
astrology and to comprehend the Science of Triangles. The astrological symbols for Virgo
and Scorpio are triple in nature - the only two which are. When the disciple grasps the
meaning behind this triplicity, he will be ready to grasp the significance of this
abstruse science and to work with the new astrology. Virgo and Scorpio are two signs
connected with the growth of the [481] Christ consciousness; they mark critical points in
the soul's experience - points of integration wherein the soul is consciously at-oning
itself with the form and at the same time with spirit. I said the soul's experience, not
the experience of the man upon the physical plane. When the experience undergone in Virgo
is consummated in Pisces and the tests of Scorpio have led to illumination in Taurus, then
the effect of these four energies (Virgo, Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus) will be to make man the
true triangle, expressing the three divine aspects or energies as they come from the three
major conditioning constellations: the Great Bear, the Pleiades and Sirius. I could fill many volumes with the indications of the various triangles as they are discovered to be related in time and space. Under the will of Deity and the unalterable energy at the heart of the manifested zodiac, they produce the changes in consciousness which make man divine at the close of the world cycle. But the theme is too vast and all I seek to do is to point the way towards a new science and towards those esoteric combinations of energies which will, when recognized, enable humanity to make more rapid progress, fuse and blend the energies of the three planetary centers and transform our Earth (through the agency of human thought, reacting to zodiacal influences) into a sacred planet. It is, therefore, the influence and combination of energies as they affect the aspirants and disciples of the world which must suffice for any increased understanding; with these I shall gradually deal and I shall also in the final part of this section give you an exegesis of the tabulation. In that tabulation is given the relation between the rays and the constellations and this is basic in its implications. Certain of the forces with which we are dealing govern [482] humanity in a peculiar manner and the effect of their influence is to bring about the at-oning of the three planetary centers. There are four constellations, as you know, which convey the required energies which will make humanity divine. They are Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. I need not enter into an analysis of them as this was covered when we studied each of them earlier and separately. I would, however, like to point out that each of these constellations is closely connected, as a transmitter of energy, with certain stars, lying outside our zodiac altogether, thus connecting our tiny planet with certain great focal points of energy. Aries, the initiator of impulses (either the impulse to incarnate or the impulse to return to the originating source) is closely in touch with one of the stars in the Great Bear to which we give the name "Pointer" in common parlance. This Pointer is a "major star of direction" because through it (in this world cycle) flows the will to unify and to bring about synthesis. This is the force which brings about the fusion or integration of the personality, the at-one-ment of personality and soul, the unification of humanity or the Great Approach of the Hierarchy to Humanity. It will produce also the integration of our Earth into the body of the "sacred planets" and the consequent establishing of a triangle of force composed of the Pointer, Aries and our Earth. This triangular relationship will have a potent effect upon the solar system as well as upon the planet itself and is also one of the factors producing the shift in the Earth's axis. Related to this triangle is a secondary one within our sun's orbit, composed of Vulcan, Pluto and the Earth. In the Archives of the Great Lodge this is referred, to symbolically as: [483] This is one of the most interesting and informing astrological symbols I have given you and indicates a most momentous relationship. You have here two major and three minor energies brought into close relation; this is analogous to the two major rays and the three minor rays which condition a human being in manifestation. These are the five energies which concern the informing life of our planet. They produce, in humanity, conscious evolution, direction and the founding of Shamballa upon the Earth. They are the five energies connected with the will-to-be, but from the consciousness angle and not the material expression of manifestation. Their activity and united influence in the realm of consciousness produced the appearance of another triangle: Leo, Polaris and another of the Pointers and these two groups form an interlocking directorate, potently effective in the evolution of consciousness. You have, therefore, through these related triangles, the appearance of Shamballa and Humanity - the two poles of divine expression - will and activity. We come now to another triangle, the activity of which produces the manifestation of Hierarchy - the intermediary between Shamballa and Humanity: Scorpio, Sirius and Mars. These, in relation to our Earth, produce the four streams of energy (initiating and transmitting) which lead humanity towards discipleship and initiation. When the work, of, all these triangles has been concluded, [484] humanity (and in a mysterious sense our Earth) will be functioning in perfect rhythm and will respond to the energies pouring in from Alcyone. |
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