Certain things should be established as occult facts in the
consciousness of the healer before he is able to work constructively.
- First of
all, that there is nothing but energy and this energy manifests itself as many differing
and varying [36] energies. Of these many energies, the universe is composed. Likewise
man's bodies or vehicles of manifestation are without exception constituted of energy
units. These we call atoms, and these atomic units are held together in body form by the
coherent force of more potent energies.
- The major
focal point of energy to be found in human beings is that of the soul, but its potency as
an agent of cohesion and of integration is as yet greater than its quality potency. In the
earlier stages of human evolution, it is the coherence aspect that demonstrates.
Later as man's response apparatus, or bodies, becomes more developed, the quality aspect
of the soul begins to demonstrate increasingly.
- Seen from
the inner side where time is not, the human creature demonstrates as an amazing
kaleidoscopic mutable phenomenon. Bodies, so called, or rather aggregates of atomic units,
fade out and disappear, or flash again into manifestation. Streams of colors pass and
repass; they twine or intertwine. Certain areas will then suddenly intensify their
brightness and blaze forth with brilliance; or again they can be seen dying out and the
phenomenon in certain areas will be colorless and apparently non-existent. But always
there is a persistent over-shadowing light, from which a stream of lights pours down into
the phenomenal man; this can be seen attaching itself in two major localities to the dense
inner core of the physical man. These two points of attachment are to be found in the head
and in the heart. There can also be seen, dimly at first but with increasing brightness,
seven other pale disks of light which are the early evidence of the seven centers. [37]

- These
centers, which constitute the quality aspects and the consciousness aspects, and whose
function it is to color the appearance or outer expression of man and use it as a response
apparatus, are (during the evolutionary process) subject to three types of unfoldment.
- That unfoldment which takes place as a physical plane child grows from an infant to a
man. By the time he is twenty-one, the centers should normally have reached the same
quality of expression as they had attained when he passed out of life in a previous
incarnation. The man then takes up life where he had previously left it off.
- The awakening of the centers through life experience. Occasionally only one center may
be dealt with in any one life; sometimes several are brought into greater functioning
- There is, finally, the awakening of these centers through the process of initiation.
This of course only happens when the man is consciously upon the Path.
The centers
determine the man's point of evolution as far as his phenomenal expression is
concerned; they work directly upon the physical body through the [38] medium of the
endocrine system. This point should be borne in mind, for the future occult healer will
approach his patient with this knowledge. He will then work through those centers and
glands which govern the particular area of the body wherein the disease or discomfort is
located. The time, however, for this has not yet come, for man's ignorance is great.
Over-stimulation of the centers, and consequently of the glands, could easily be brought
about, and the diseased condition might be stimulated also and increased, instead of
dissipated or healed.