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Esoteric Healing - Chapter III - Our Karmic Liabilities |
It is interesting to note that the Jews who inhabited southern
Palestine, and whose chief city was Jerusalem, have succeeded in doing this and have fused
with and been assimilated by the British, the Dutch and the French in a way that the
Israelites, ruled from Samaria, have never done. I commend this to you for your
consideration. If the Jewish race would recall, therefore, their high symbolic destiny, and if the rest of humanity would see themselves in the Jewish people, and if both groups would emphasize the fact of human stock and cease thinking of themselves in terms of national and racial units, the karma of humanity would radically change from the retributive karma of the present to the recompensing good karma of the future. Regarding this question from the long range vision (looking backward historically as well as forward hopefully), the problem is one to which the Jews themselves must make the larger contribution. They have never yet faced candidly and honestly (as a race) the problem of why the many nations, from the time of the Egyptians, have neither liked nor wanted them. It has always been the same down the centuries. Yet there must be some reason, inherent in the people themselves, when the reaction is so general and universal. Their approach to their direful problem has been one of supplication, or of distressed complaint, or of unhappy despair. Their demand has been for the Gentile nations to put the matter right, and many Gentiles have attempted to do so. Until, however, the Jews themselves [266] face up to the situation and admit that there may be for them the working out of the retributive aspect of the Law of Cause and Effect, and until they endeavor to ascertain what it is in them, as a race, which has initiated their ancient and dire fate, this basic world issue will remain as it has been since the very night of time. That within the race there are and have been great, good, just and spiritual men is unalterably true. A generalization is never a complete expression of the truth. But, viewing the problem of the Jews in time and space, in history and today, the points which I have made will bear careful consideration by the Jews. What I have said in no way mitigates the guilt of those who have so sorely abused the Jews. You have a proverb, have you not? that "two blacks do not make a white." The behavior of the nations towards the Jews, culminating in the atrocities of the second quarter of the twentieth century, have no excuse. The law must inevitably work. Though much that has happened to the Jews originated in their past history and in their pronounced attitude of separateness and non-assimilability, and in their emphasis upon material good, yet the agents who have brought the evil karma upon them equally incur the retributive aspect of the same law; the situation has now assumed the form of a vicious circle of error and wrong doing, of retribution and revenge, and in view of this the time must come when together the nations will confer upon this problem, and together they will cooperate to bring to an end the wrong attitudes on both sides. All karma of evil nature is solved by the presentation of an accepting will, a cooperative love, a frank acknowledgement of responsibility and a skillful adjustment of united joint activity to bring about the good of humanity as a whole, and not just the good of an individual nation or people or race. The Jewish problem will not be solved [267] by taking possession of Palestine, by plaint and demand and by financial manipulations. That would be but the prolongation of ancient wrong and material possessiveness. The problem will be solved by the willingness of the Jew to conform to the civilization, the cultural background and the standards of living of the nation to which - by the fact of birth and education - he is related and with which he should assimilate. It will come by the relinquishment of pride of race and of the concept of selectivity; it will come by renouncing dogmas and customs which are intrinsically obsolete and which create points of constant irritation to the matrix within which the Jew finds himself; it will come when selfishness in business relations and the pronounced manipulative tendencies of the Hebrew people are exchanged for more selfless and honest forms of activity. The Jew, owing to his rays and point of development, is outstandingly creative and artistic. This he must recognize and not seek as he now does to dominate in all fields, to grasp all opportunities away from other people, and so better himself and his own people at the expense of others. Release from the present situation will come when the Jew forgets that he is a Jew and becomes in his inmost consciousness an Italian, an American, a Britisher, a German or a Pole. This is not so at this time. The Jewish problem will be solved by intermarriage; that of the Negro will not. This will mean concession and compromise on the part of the orthodox Jews - not the concession of expediency but the concession of conviction. |
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