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Esoteric Healing - Chapter IV - The Basic Requirements for Healing |
Second. The etheric double of a man, a planetary Logos,
and a solar Logos, being shattered, becomes non-polarized as regards its indweller, and
permits therefore of escape. It is (to word it otherwise) no longer a source of
attraction, nor a factual magnetic point. It becomes non-magnetic, and the great Law of
Attraction ceases to control it; hence disintegration is the ensuing condition of the
form. The Ego ceases to be attracted by its form on the physical plane, and proceeding to
inbreathe, withdraws its life from out of the sheath. The cycle draws to a close, the
experiment has been made, the objective (a relative one from life to life and from
incarnation to incarnation) has been achieved, and there remains nothing more to desire;
the Ego, or the thinking entity, loses interest, therefore, in form, and turns his
attention inward. His polarization changes, and the physical is eventually dropped. [420] The planetary Logos likewise in His greater cycle (the synthesis or the aggregate of the tiny cycles of the cells of His body) pursues the same course; He ceases to be attracted downward or outward, and turns His gaze within; He gathers inward the aggregate of the smaller lives within His body, the planet, and severs connection. Outer attraction ceases, and all gravitates towards the center instead of scattering to the periphery of His body. In the system the same process is followed by the solar Logos; from His high place of abstraction, He ceases to be attracted by His body of manifestation. He withdraws His interest and the pairs of opposites, the spirit and the matter of the vehicle, dissociate. With this dissociation the solar system, that "Son of Necessity," or of desire, ceases to be, and passes out of objective existence. Third. This leads finally, to the scattering of the atoms of the etheric body into their primordial condition. The subjective life, the synthesis of will and love taking active form, is withdrawn. The partnership is dissolved. The form then breaks up; the magnetism that has held it in coherent shape is no longer present, and dissipation is complete. Matter persists, but the form no longer persists. The work of the second Logos ends, and the divine incarnation of the Son is concluded. But the faculty or inherent quality of matter also persists, and at the end of each period of manifestation, matter (though distributed again into its primal form) is active intelligent matter plus the gain of objectivity, and the increased radiatory and latent activity which it has gained through experience. Let us illustrate: The matter of the solar system, when undifferentiated, was active intelligent matter, and that is all that can be predicated of it. This active intelligent matter was matter qualified by an earlier experience, and colored by an earlier [421] incarnation. Now this matter is in form, the solar system is not in pralaya but in objectivity - this objectivity having in view the addition of another quality to the logic content, that of love and wisdom. Therefore, at the next solar pralaya, at the close of the one hundred years of Brahma, the matter of the solar system will be colored by active intelligence and by active love. This means literally that the aggregate of solar atomic matter will eventually vibrate to another key than it did at the first dawn of manifestation. We can work this out in connection with the planetary Logos and the human unit, for the analogy holds good. We have a correspondence on a tiny scale in the fact that each human life period sees a man taking a more evolved physical body of a greater responsiveness, tuned to a higher key, of more adequate refinement, and vibrating to a different measure. In these three thoughts lies much information, if they are carefully studied and logically extended. d. By the transmutation of the violet into the blue. This we cannot enlarge on. We simply make the statement, and leave its working out to those students whose karma permits and whose intuition suffices. e. By the withdrawal of the life, the form should gradually dissipate. The reflex action here is interesting to note, for the greater Builders and Devas who are the active agents during manifestation, and who hold the form in coherent shape, transmuting, applying and circulating the pranic emanations, likewise lose their attraction to the matter of the form, and turn their attention elsewhere. On the path of outbreathing (whether human, planetary or logic) these building devas (on the same Ray as the unit desiring manifestation, or on a complementary Ray) are attracted by his will and desire, and perform their office of construction. On the path of inbreathing (whether human, planetary [422] or logoic) they are no longer attracted, and the form begins to dissipate. They withdraw their interest, and the forces (likewise entities) who are the agents of destruction, carry on their necessary work of breaking up the form; they scatter it - as it is occultly expressed - to "the four winds of Heaven," or to the regions of the four breaths - a fourfold separation and distribution. A hint is here given for careful consideration. Though no pictures have been drawn of death bed scenes nor of the dramatic escape of
the palpitating etheric body from the center in the head, as might have been anticipated,
yet some of the rules and purposes governing this withdrawal have been mentioned. We have
seen how the aim of each life (whether human, planetary or logoic) should be the effecting
and the carrying out of a definite purpose. This purpose is the development of a more
adequate form for the use of spirit; and when this purpose is achieved, then the indweller
turns his attention away, and the form disintegrates, having served his need. This is not
always the case in every human life, nor even in each planetary cycle. The mystery of the
moon is the mystery of failure. This leads, when comprehended, to a life of dignity and
offers an aim worthy of our best endeavor. When this angle of truth is universally
recognized, as it will be when the intelligence of the race suffices, then evolution will
proceed with certainty, and the failures be less numerous. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. I: All severing of links produces severe reactions. Yet if you could but realize it, the severing of the outer physical plane links is the least severe and the most impermanent of all such events. Death itself is a part of the great illusion and only exists because of the veils which we have gathered around ourselves. All of us, as workers in the field of [423] glamor (the new field in which humanity must learn consciously to work), have been honored and trusted. Death comes to all, but for disciples there should be none of the usual glamor and distress. I would say to you, look not back at the past. In that direction lie glamor and distress. It is the usual direction and the line of least resistance for the majority. But such is not the way for you. Look not either to revelation or to the imparted illusory comfort of those who hover on the dividing line between the seen and the unseen. Again, that is not the way for you. You are not a distressed and bereaved disciple looking anxiously at the separating veil and hoping for some sign to come through which will convince you that all is well... Reach up to
the heights of the soul, and having sought and found that pinnacle of peace and that
altitude of joy whereon your soul immovably stands, then look into the world of living men
- a threefold world in which all men - incarnate and discarnate - are to be found. Find
there that which your soul can and will recognize. The glamors of one's own distress, the
maya of the past, distort ever one's point of view. Only the soul stands clear from
illusion, and only the soul sees things as they are. Mount, therefore, to the soul. |
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