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Esoteric Healing - Chapter VIII - The Laws and Rules Enumerated and Applied |
We will now pass on to a consideration of the second Law and
of Rule One.
This Law is most comprehensive in its statements and really constitutes a summation of two laws, one of which is controlling at this time and one which will eventually control. Let us, for the sake of clarity, and because people usually read so carelessly, divide this law up into its various statements, and thus gain a better idea of its implications:
This law throws a man in his thinking back to the basic law of karma which, as you know, there is no avoiding, and which the modern healer in the present healing cults and organizations consistently overlooks. With these influences and predisposing causes we have already dealt, and there is no need further to elaborate them here, beyond remarking that one of the most helpful things for a patient to remember and for the healer to bear in mind is that disease has its roots in the past (a group past or an individual past) and may, in the last analysis, be a beneficent way of paying off ancient debts. This induces in the patient a constructive attitude of acquiescence - not an acquiescence which leads to non-action, but one which produces a sense of responsibility for right action. This right action will lead either to full payment of the penalty through the well-known process of death or to the success of the steps taken to induce health. In the case of the healer, it will lead to a recognition of potent forces working through the patient and a willingness [545] for the destined fate to take place; in both cases the feverish anxiety so often present will not intervene between the healer's intention and the patient, preventing sound happenings. The second important thing is for the patient to remember, if his condition permits, that what he is enduring is the fate and the lot of the majority, and that he is not alone. A right handling of ill health is a major factor in breaking down separateness and a sense of aloneness and isolation; that is why the effects of bad health, when rightly handled, lead to a sweetening of the disposition and a broadening of the sympathies. Sharing and a sense of general participation has usually to be learnt the hard way - such again is the law. In this law we have the clue to that which will ultimately sweep disease from the earth. Let me put it quite simply. When the majority of the inhabitants of the earth are being rapidly oriented towards good, towards righteousness, as the Bible expresses it, and when the bulk of human beings are inclined towards goodwill (the second major expression of soul contact and influence in the individual's life and in the life of mankind - the first being the sense of responsibility), then ill health will persistently, even if only gradually, disappear and die out and finally be non-existent. Slowly, very slowly, this is already happening - not yet in the disappearance of disease, but in the bringing about of a more correct orientation. What this really means is that the channel of contact between the individual and his soul and the soul of humanity is becoming more direct and unimpeded. Alignment is being brought about. You can see again, therefore, why the emphasis in the life of the healer must be laid upon contact and alignment, and why so few succeed. There is little if any contact to be found among healers today, and little direct consciousness of the necessity, [546] and no real understanding of the techniques to be followed. It is wise to grasp this important point, for it will negate disappointment. Disease is not going to disappear miraculously and suddenly from a world in the immediate period, heralding the New Age. If it did, the implications would be that the Law of Karma no longer controlled, and this is not the case. The final sentence of this second law gives a basic indication of the time period: the Law of Dominating Good will be brought into activity by the spiritual will of man. What does this mean? It means that only when truly large numbers of men are controlled by the Spiritual Triad, have built the antahkarana and can therefore use the spiritual will, can disease be stamped out and only good control. It will of course be a gradual process, and in the early stages almost imperceptible. Again, why is this? Because evil, crime and disease are the result of the great heresy of separateness, and because hate and not love controls. Forget not that he who loveth not his brother is a murderer - ever the symbol of hate. As yet, the sense of universality and of identity with all is not to be found, except in advanced disciples and initiates; the mass consciousness and the demonstration of the herd instinct must not be confounded with the sense of Oneness which marks the rightly oriented person. In the New Age, teaching anent the antahkarana and the constitution of man, principally from the angle of the "three periodical bodies," and not so much from that of the lower threefold man, will be emphasized, particularly in the higher schools of learning, thereby laying a sound foundation for the esoteric schools which will be slowly emerging. A new perspective upon humanity will be thereby attained. The nature of the spiritual will will be taught in contradistinction to that of the selfish personal will; [547] by its means tremendous new potencies will be released, and safely released, into daily life. |
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