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The Rays and the Initiations - Part Two - Section One - The Aspirant and the Mysteries of Initiation |
But both groups of aspirants (the black and the white) stand
before the door of initiation and take the needed steps to open it on two similar
occasions. Both overcome glamor after the second initiation, and see their way clearly
ahead; but their goals emerge as widely different; one treads the broad way which leads
ever deeper into matter and materialism, into darkness and "black power"; the
other leads to the straight and narrow way, to the razor-edged path which leads into light
and life. One group has never freed itself from the principles which governed the first
solar system. They were principles entirely related to matter and substance, and were at
that time and in that period (so remote that the number of years of distance can be stated
only in super-astronomical figures) the conditioning factors for the initiation of the
time. Certain units of humanity - then existent - were so completely conditioned by these
material principles and so deliberately unready for moving on to the comprehension
of another set of principles (more expressive of the divine nature) that they remained of
"fixed and selfish material purpose" and a planned distortion of the
divine will was intelligently created by them. You have here a hint as to the nature of
evil and a clue to a part (though only a part) of the mystery to be noted in the statement
that evil and good are reverse aspects of the same one reality, and evil is that good
which we should have left behind, passing on to greater and more inclusive good. Forget
not that the black magicians of today were the initiates of a previous solar system. When
the door of initiation is ready to open for the third time, the parting of the ways takes
place. Some follow selfish intention and the fixed determination to remain with the
separative condition of matter; and to others, the divine will is clearly impressed upon
them and becomes the motivating power in their lives. It was under instructions from the
Great White Lodge on Sirius that the door remains [351] closed the third time to the dark
brothers. Evil, as we understand it, has absolutely no place on Sirius. To the black magician, at this third opportunity, the door of initiation presents an insuperable barrier and obstacle; to the true spiritual neophyte, the door connotes "overcoming." We shall not consider further the approach of the black brothers to that door, but shall confine ourselves to a consideration of the initiations of the Great White Lodge. This door of initiation is connected with the great problem of what H.P.B. calls the "mystery of electricity"; the door is itself an electrical phenomenon essentially. Having said this, even if you do not understand my meaning, you can, however, grasp the possibility that (being electrical in nature) it can easily present an obstructing force, a repelling energy to the approach of the aspirant; this is the correct way to look at it. It is only when the electrical energy of which the door is constituted and that of which the man is constructed at any particular time synchronize and vibrate in unison that the aspirant can pass through to greater light. This gives you a somewhat new and rather abstruse definition of initiation. Nevertheless, as science arrives at a better understanding of the human being as an electrical unit of power and light, and of his triple mechanism as created of three aspects of electricity, a truer comprehension of the significance of initiation will eventuate. The three fires of which all things are made are electrical in nature and - speaking symbolically - it is only when "fire by friction" is dominated by "solar fire" that the first four initiations can be taken, culminating in the fifth initiation in which these two fires are subordinated to "electric fire" emanating from the monad and giving a new revelation. This monadic process begins at the third initiation. It might be added that the third initiation (culminating in the Transfiguration) is taken on the three higher levels of the mental plane, and that it is therefore upon the fourth level of the mental plane that the aspirant first of all stands before the door, seeking initiation. That electrical unit or phenomenon of electricity [352] which we call the fourth kingdom in nature, on this fourth subplane of the mental plane esoterically "ejects" the unit of electricity which is ready to be absorbed by the higher form of electricity. Fire by friction dies out and solar fire takes its place, and the relationship between the two higher forms of electricity becomes established. It is solar fire which forms and likewise guards the door of initiation for the first four initiations. It is the electrical fire which forms the door of initiation for those initiations which guard the Way to the Higher Evolution. There are four types of fire by friction which create the "obstructing door" in unison with solar fire, of which it is essentially created. These are as follows:
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