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The Rays and the Initiations - Part Two - Section One - The Aspirant and the Mysteries of Initiation |
It is the principle of freedom which enables Sanat Kumara to
dwell on the Earth and yet stand free from all contacts, except with Those Who have
trodden the Path of Liberation and now stand free upon the cosmic physical plane; it is
that which enables the initiate to achieve a state of "isolated unity"; it is
that which lies behind the Spirit of Death and forms the motivating power of that great
releasing Agency; it is that which provides a "pathway of power" [417] between
our Hierarchy and the distant sun, Sirius, and gives the incentive towards the
"culture of freedom" or of liberation which motivates the work of the Masters of
the Wisdom; it is that which produced the ferment and the vortex of conflict in far
distant ages and which has been recognized in the present through the results of the Law
of Evolution in every kingdom in nature; this is that which "substands" or lies
under or behind all progress. This mysteriously "exerted influence," this
"pulling away" from form (as we might simply call it), emanates from Sirius and
for it we have no name; it is the law of which the three cosmic laws - the Laws of
Synthesis, of Attraction and of Economy - are only aspects. None of these three subsidiary
laws imposes any rule or limitation upon the Lord of the World. The Law of Freedom,
however, does impose certain restrictions, if one can use such a paradoxical phrase. It is
responsible for His being known as the "Great Sacrifice," for (under the control
of this law) He created our planetary life and all that is within and upon it, in order to
learn to wield this law with full understanding, in full consciousness, and yet at the
same time to bring release to the myriad forms of His creation. The Law of Economy affects humanity as a whole today throughout every phase of its life; the Law of Attraction is beginning to gain some control, particularly in the work which the Hierarchy undertakes to do; and many initiates and senior disciples are becoming aware of the significance of the Law of Synthesis and are reacting to its impact. Later on, when moving to one of the seven Paths, the Master will work with the Law of Freedom. This is not, as you may well surmise, its true name, for in the last analysis, freedom and liberation are effects of its activity. This unique and mysterious law governs the Life and the Lives upon Sirius, and it is to that unknown "sphere of functioning and intelligent activity" what the Law of Economy is to our planet - the lowest of the laws controlling existence in planetary form. This Law of Economy includes, as you know from my earlier writings, many lesser or subsidiary laws; it might therefore be stated that this Law of Freedom also does the [418] same. Until more divine attributes are realized as existing and recognized as aspects, it is not possible for the name of the law which embodies the Law of Freedom to be given, for there is no word in our language adequately available. The above information will, however, link Sirius and our little planet, the Earth, in your minds. Masonry, as originally instituted far back in the very night of time and long antedating the Jewish dispensation, was organized under direct Sirian influence and modeled as far as possible on certain Sirian institutions and bearing a slight resemblance also to our hierarchical life - as seen in the light of the Eternal Now. Its "Blue Lodge" with its three degrees is related to the three major groups of Lives on Sirius, for there are there no kingdoms of nature, such as we possess; these groups receive all Those Who choose the fourth Path, and train Them in the mode of existence and the type of livingness which is found on Sirius. This will make it plain to you that the least developed of the Sirian Lives are - from our standpoint - all of Them initiates of very high degree. Masonry is, therefore, connected in a peculiar way with the fourth Path. Down the ages, the Masonic tradition has been preserved, changing its nomenclature from time to time, reinterpreting its Words of Power, and consequently getting further and further removed from its original beauty and intent. The time has now come, under cyclic law and in preparation for the New Age, for certain changes to be worked by Masons with spiritual understanding. The present Jewish coloring of Masonry is completely out of date and has been preserved far too long, for it is today either Jewish or Christian and should be neither. The Blue Lodge degrees are entirely Jewish in phrasing and wording, and this should be altered. The Higher Degrees are predominantly Christian, though permeated with Jewish names and words. This too should end. This Jewish coloring is today one of the main hindrances to the full expression of Masonic intention and should be changed, whilst preserving the facts and detail and structure of the Masonic symbolism intact. Whatever [419] form the new nomenclature will take (and this change will inevitably come), that too will pass away after due service rendered. Thus the cyclic transformation will proceed until such time as the bulk of humanity, standing upon the fourth Path, will pass through the initiatory process on Sirius, of which our E.-. A.-. degree is a faint reflection. |
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