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The Rays and the Initiations - Part Two - Section One - The Aspirant and the Mysteries of Initiation |
In this connection I would remind you of the relation existing
between the sacral center (the physical creative center) and the throat center, and of the
teaching anent the raising of the energies from this lower center to the throat center.
This can be seen happening in the human being as he progresses along the Path of
Evolution, and is equally present in the life and experience of the planetary Logos. This progressive "creative raising" necessarily produces a cycle of tremendous difficulty in the life of the aspirant to initiation, for the microcosm undergoes - in his minute living process - what the planetary Logos undergoes in a cosmic process. When - as is the case today - Humanity itself is in process of becoming creative in the higher sense, and when this synchronizes with a major creative planetary activity, then a cycle of very great disturbance eventuates which necessarily affects every individual within "the race of men." Hence the sexual disturbance to be seen everywhere, with the license present in every country and the apparent breakdown of the marriage relation. This indicates the emergence eventually of a creativity of such wondrous dimensions that the world will stand amazed; nothing like it will have been seen before. A creative planning for human well-being and a political expression, implementing this planning, will demonstrate in every country; a creative thinking will be apparent which will express itself in writing and in poetry; creative imagining will produce the new art, the new colors, the new architecture and the new culture; a creative responsiveness to the "music of the spheres" will bring forth the new music. All this will be in response to the creative reorganization and the newly directed energies which are engaging the attention of the planetary Logos at this time. [553] All this reorganization and redirection of energies is carried forward in the realm of the divine third aspect, that of divine active intelligence. Therefore the human center registers this major aspect and becomes intensely invocative; this invocative appeal, being unitedly directed towards the second major center, the Hierarchy, inevitably evokes a response. Invocation, accompanied by the creative imagination, will produce that new creative activity which will bring "the new heavens and the new earth" into being. Three points I would like to make here; they have a definite bearing upon our subject:
The three points made here will demonstrate to you the factual nature of the circulation of energies. All these happenings are part of a process of planetary initiation; [555] such an initiation cannot take place without important effects, both in the Hierarchy and in the human family. In old Atlantean days, it was the Masters (facing the same sixth initiation) Who "decided" to bring that ancient civilization to an end; They therefore sacrificed the form aspect of manifestation and created a situation in which the soul of humanity was liberated from the prison in which it found itself. Today, a material catastrophe, such as the flood, has not been deemed necessary; it is believed that humanity can and will find its own way out of the world difficulties. [556] |
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