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The Rays and the Initiations - Part Two - Section Two - The Aspirant and the Major Initiations |
The Jews are governed by the third Ray of Active Intelligence,
the energy which permeates and controls matter or substance. They were also, during the
years immediately following the war, under the control of a glamor imposed by the Zionist
Dictators, who were attempting (somewhat unsuccessfully) to be to the Jewish people what
Stalin and his group, and Hitler and his gang, have been to their people. They worked
through the same methods - terrorizing, withholding information, browbeating their
opponents, making false claims and bribing and corrupting. They were and are a minority,
but a powerful minority because of their great wealth and their being in positions of
power. They are claiming a land to which they have no possible right and which the Jews
have ignored for two thousand years. Their attitude is perhaps the culminating aggressive
action of the age and marks a climaxing point; it has produced a serious world tension,
but out of this good may come and a "point of emergence for mankind" be reached.
The issue of aggression can be more clearly seen because of their activities. Very few
lands today are in the possession of their original inhabitants, and if restoration is
made to all original inhabitants (which is not possible) an impossible situation would be
brought about just as legitimate as the Zionist position. If the Zionist claims are to be
considered (and they have been) they in their turn [635] should realize that (if The
Old Testament is to be believed) they originally took the land of Palestine
away from its original owners nearly three thousand years ago, at the point of the sword
and through an unprovoked aggression. This conflict which the Zionists have precipitated is basic and useful. It constitutes a test case, being based upon physical plane aggression, being fought with the most violent emotional disturbance and being founded upon completely illogical premises. The Jew has ever been (could he but usefully remember it) the symbol of humanity - evolving, seeking, restless, materialistic, separative and greedy. He is the symbol of the mass consciousness, presenting this consciousness in an exaggerated form; he is ever seeking and searching a home and is the true Prodigal Son of The New Testament. Curiously enough, the Jews have never been a fighting race since the time of the sorry story of the conquest of the early tribes in Palestine; they have been persecuted and repudiated down the centuries, but have retaliated simply by moving on - the wandering Jew seeking a home, wandering humanity, saying always, "I must arise and go to my Father." The motive given to the Prodigal Son in the Gospel story is a strictly material one, and we have here an outstanding instance of the prophetic knowledge of the Christ. The Jewish people have not only repudiated the Messiah (which their race produced), but they have forgotten their unique relation to humanity; they forget that millions in the world today have suffered as they have suffered and that - for instance - there are eighty per cent of other people in the concentration camps of Europe and only twenty per cent Jews. The Jew, however, fought only for himself, and largely ignored the sufferings of his fellowmen in the concentration camps. I have enlarged thus upon the Jewish conflict because it is the symbol of all past conflicts in human history, based upon universal selfishness and the greed of undeveloped humanity, and because the crucial test of the nations and [636] of the United Nations Assembly is to be found in the decisions which they made and may make concerning Palestine. The test, as far as the nations are concerned, lies in their willingness to give refuge to the Jews, and such a refuge would have been offered if the partitioning of Palestine had been refused. The unwillingness of the nations to admit the Jews (though many have willingly offered), and particularly the refusal of the United States to admit them, is separative, wrong and based upon political expediency. The test, as far as the United Nations is concerned, was whether they would endorse partition, and thus perpetuate the spirit of aggression and territorial greed, against which the Forces of Light were arrayed in the last war. The United Nations has already made a major mistake by their original admittance of Russia - a totalitarian power, as was Germany - to their councils. Now they have made another. In the first mistake they precipitated into the United Nations the element of conflict and that spirit of "fanatical imposition" which is distinctive of the totalitarian ideology; in this second case, through the endorsement of partition, they perpetuate the ancient technique of taking what is wanted (with force of arms, if necessary) from the rightful owners. It was a test for the United States, for it is the American Jews who have created the situation, with relatively little help or endorsement from the Jews of other nations. The United States, urged by expediency, by the financial weight of the Zionists, and by the strategic position of Palestine, have thrown the weight of their influence into the conflict on the side of aggression and of territorial theft. They could have worked for the Principle of Harmony and permitted time and the non-separativeness of the nations to adjust and solve the Jewish problem. More I will not say; the symbolic nature of this basic world problem and its dynamic importance to humanity have led me thus to enlarge. The decision anent the Jews is one of hierarchical importance, owing to the karmic relation of the Christ to the Jewish race, to the fact that they repudiated Him as the Messiah and are still doing so, [637] and of the interpretive nature of the Jewish problem as far as the whole of humanity is concerned. |
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