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The Rays and the Initiations - Part Two - Section Two - The Aspirant and the Major Initiations |
This crucifixion initiation has a major instructive feature.
This is preserved for us in the name which is frequently given to this fourth initiation:
the Great Renunciation. One tremendous experience is vouchsafed to the initiate at this
time; he realizes (because he sees and knows) that the antahkarana has been successfully
completed and that there is a direct line of energy from the Spiritual Triad, via the
antahkarana, to his mind and brain. This brings to the forefront of his consciousness the
sudden and appalling recognition that the soul itself, the egoic body on its own level,
and that which for ages has been the supposed source of his existence and his guide and
mentor, is no longer needed; his relation, as a soul-infused personality, is now directly
with the Monad. He feels bereft and is apt to cry out - as did the Master Jesus - "My
God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?" But he makes the needed renunciation, and
the causal body, the soul body, is relinquished and disappears. This is the culminating
renunciation and the climaxing gesture of ages of small renunciations; renunciation marks
the career of all aspirants and disciples - renunciation, consciously faced, understood
and consciously made. I have hinted earlier to you that this fourth or Renunciation Initiation is closely linked with the sixth initiation and with the ninth. The sixth initiation is only possible when the initiate has definitely made the needed renunciations; the reward is that he is then permitted to make a [696] perfectly free choice and thus demonstrate his essential and gained freedom. The ninth initiation (that of the Refusal) has in it no element of renunciation. It is not a refusal to hold, for the initiate is at the point where he asks and holds nothing for the separated self. At that final planetary initiation the Master is brought face to face with what might be called cosmic evil, with that reservoir of evil which cyclically overflows the world, and also with the massed group of masters of the Black Lodge. He refuses recognition. This I will deal with later when we take up that particular initiation. In connection with this Initiation of Renunciation there are some most interesting correspondences which throw a bright, illuminating light upon its significance. They are known to you in some measure, because I have dealt with the significance of the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict, and the fourth kingdom, the human, in my earlier writings; it might, however, serve some useful purpose if I bring some of them together and show how this Initiation of Renunciation is of supreme importance to humanity and to the individual initiate who is, of course, a member of the fourth kingdom. First of all, this great act of renunciation marks the moment when the disciple has nothing in him which relates him to the three worlds of human evolution. His contact with those worlds in the future will be purely voluntary and for purposes of service. I prefer the word "renunciation" to the word "crucifixion" because the last word simply emphasizes the suffering undergone by the initiate as he renounces all that is of a material nature and becomes a permanent and (if I may use such a term) a non-fluctuating and unchanging member of the fifth kingdom in nature, the kingdom of God, called by us the Hierarchy. Forget not that the three worlds of ordinary evolution constitute the dense physical subplanes of the cosmic physical plane. Crucifixion embodies the concept of extreme physical suffering of a protracted nature, its last "three hours" according to the Bible story, typifying the three planes of [697] our evolution. On all three planes, the disciple renounces; on all three planes he is, therefore, crucified. It connotes the ending of a life and - from the cosmic angle - of the personality life of the soul through many incarnations. If it is a statement of fact that the time sense is the response of the brain to a succession of states of consciousness or of events, and if it is equally true that (to the soul) there is no such factor in consciousness as time but only the Eternal Now is known, then the three worlds of incarnated being constitute one unit of experience in the life of the soul - an experience which ends at the crucifixion, because the soul in incarnation definitely, consciously and by the use of the enduring will, renounces all, and turns his back upon the material world, finally and for ever. He has mastered all the uses of the three worlds of experiment, experience and expression (to use three terms with which I have familiarized you in my other books), and now stands liberated. Each initiate who makes this renunciation and undergoes the consequent crucifixion is in a position to say with the first of our humanity to do so, "I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me." So spoke the Christ. The initiate is lifted up by his renunciation - which he makes through the "blood of the heart" - out of the world of material phenomena, because he has freed himself from any desire for them, from any interest in them and from any hold they may ever have had over him. He is completely detached. It is interesting to note that the Master Jesus underwent the renunciation initiation whilst at the same time the Christ was raised up at the seventh or Resurrection Initiation. So the two stories of these two great Disciples are parallel - One so obediently serving the Greater, and the Christ submitting His will to that of His Father in Heaven. |
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