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The Rays and the Initiations - Part Two - Section Two - The Aspirant and the Major Initiations |
Initiation has been defined as "a progressive sequence of
directed energy impacts." These impacts are characterized by points of tension, and
these lead inevitably to points of crisis; the whole process is governed by the Law of
Cause and Effect. It is this latter point which I seek now to emphasize, because it has a
definite and mysterious relation to this sixth initiation. The Master, as He makes His
decision and chooses one of the seven Paths which unitedly form the planetary antahkarana,
is forced thereto by the accumulation of past karma. All evil karma has necessarily
been worked off, but His accumulated good karma makes His final decision
inevitable; from that instant of decision He stands entirely free and liberated from all
aspects and all forms of planetary karma, which is greater and more vast than his little
individual karma, be it good or bad. He is then - in Himself - the summation of all past
experience. Unless He deliberately chooses the Path of Earth Service and decides to remain
within the field, scope or influence of the planetary Life, He faces a solar or a cosmic
future of which He knows relatively little, but for which the Path of Evolution, the Path
of Discipleship and the Path of Initiation have fitted Him. Even He does not know the
conditions into which His "decision" commits Him, or those into which He will
have to penetrate; He does know, however, and "appropriates the fact and the
faculties" (as one Master has expressed it) of complete revelation and future
opportunity. You have oft been told that there are four Lords of Karma associated with the Council Chamber at Shamballa. They represent - in Their totality - the three Rays of Aspect, and one of Them represents the four minor Rays of Attribute. It is the Lord of Karma Who implements the destinies of Those Who are conditioned by the third Ray of Active Intelligence (and this is ever the case with Those Who are taking the sixth initiation) and Who - symbolically speaking - "wipes clean the slate" of this particular group [725] of initiates at this particular time. Karma no longer holds Them. The revelation accorded to the Initiate in the first stage of the initiation gives Him a complete picture "in a flash of endless time" of the processes which have brought Him to this creative moment of decision. Immediately He achieves a point of tension which He will continue to hold until the final or ninth initiation, the Initiation of Refusal, wherein He rejects, refuses or repudiates His entire past and enters upon His chosen path entirely "free of recollected concepts, but exhibiting to Those Great Lives Who welcome Him upon the new and untried path all that He is and the essence of His Being." In dealing with these higher initiations of which I myself have no experience, there is naught for me to do but clarify your minds, and mine also, through the use of ancient phrases and the oral teaching which is permitted to escape into the minds of men. The point of crisis which ever follows the attainment of tension is the expressed moment of the final decision. Then follows the revelation of what may be, and the initiate knows that he faces the final resurrection and that from being the eternal pilgrim or the planetary wanderer, he now becomes a fixed point upon another cosmic plane, for the physical is, for him, eternally left behind. This initiation is therefore governed by the third ray, the Ray of Intelligent Activity. This ray is closely related to the mental plane of our planetary life, to the Law of Fixation and the Law of Cleavages. Much anent this I have written earlier, and a search for the significance of certain passages in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire may bring enlightenment. Fixation is not permitted to the eternal pilgrim upon our little planet, the Earth, but when that is left behind entirely at the ninth initiation the initiate becomes a "fixed or stationary point of light within his chosen Place, the Place of the Most High and the point of fire upon the mountain-top. From that point he will no more go out." [726] The concept of cleavage is latent here also. The Master severs all connection with the past and with the planet, but never with the One Life which permeates all spheres and forms of being, which makes possible all states of consciousness and leads to endless activity. Creativity was one of the three words which I gave you earlier (see page 340) in connection with this sixth initiation. The final four initiations are all distinguished by a "revelation in the living light." At the sixth initiation the Master is brought to an understanding of the nature of creation, of the reason for the intelligent manifestation of substantial forms and their creation to provide forms for Being and for Life, and of the quality of that which He - in the future - must and will create. At the seventh Initiation of Resurrection, He is accorded a revelation of the quality which must express itself through all created forms: the quality of love-wisdom which has animated our planetary Logos and is the basic quality of our entire solar system. In other spheres and in other solar systems and on other cosmic planes, other qualities, unknown to us, may be demonstrated by the appropriate initiates; but those who attain resurrection and liberation upon our planet will always be spiritually qualified by divine love, and that will also be the underlying quality of all that they may later create when freed from our planet. You can see, therefore, why the phrase "God is Love" is really our planetary keynote. At the eighth Initiation of Transition the purpose of all our planetary activity is revealed to the Master, and all Masters or initiates of this eighth initiation (working either through the Hierarchy or in Shamballa) are needed at this initiation so as to stimulate the point of tension of the new initiate in order to make the revelation possible. |
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