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The Rays and the Initiations - Part Two - Section Two - The Aspirant and the Major Initiations |
Just as there is a group of Contemplative Initiates, called in
the Eastern phraseology "Nirmanakayas," Who function in deep meditation at a
point midway between the Hierarchy and Shamballa, so this much higher group of Ray Lords
function in the deepest cosmic meditation between our planet, the Earth, and our sister
planet, Venus. You would find it useful to read with care The Secret Doctrine and A
Treatise on Cosmic Fire and refresh your minds as to this relationship. A lower
correspondence to these two important groups has been forming midway between the Hierarchy
and Humanity, and to it we give the name of the New Group of World Servers. All these
three groups are fundamentally "transmitters of energy"; the two highest are
exceedingly susceptible to cosmic impression and to the vibratory quality of the
extra-planetary body of Avatars Who hold Themselves in readiness to function as destroying
or building Energies in any part of our solar system and are under the direction of the
Solar Logos. The Avatar of Synthesis, Who is working in cooperation with the Christ, is one of Them. Bear in mind that these extra-planetary Avatars have not arrived at Their high state of spiritual unfoldment on our planet or even in our solar system. Their origin, source and spiritual relationships are a great mystery even to the planetary Logoi - to Whose help They go when the invocative appeal of any planet is adequate. Think not that They come to put wrong right or to arrest evil. A few, a very few, may do so, but They work along the line of the seven ray energies in the solar system and produce certain energy effects desired at any particular time; the constructive work of the Avatar of Synthesis will be apparent to you in the name He is known by; He is coming to the Earth in order to further the manifestation of unity, of oneness and of interrelation, and He comes, therefore, to wield and apply first ray energy. He will charge or galvanize the three groups - the directing Agents in Shamballa, the Nirmanakayas and the New Group of World Servers - with dynamic energy and, in a mysterious way, relate them to each other so that a [735] new synthesis and alignment will be present upon the Earth. All these Avatars embody energy to the extent that any particular planet is capable of receiving it. These are interesting items of information but are only of value in so far as they convey to you a sense of planetary integrity and of solar synthesis, and present to you a closer spiritual interrelation in which you, as individuals, can share if you are linking your fate and service to that of the New Group of World Servers. Then you will be in the direct line of spiritual descent, of divine energy; in this thought you have the clue to the doctrine (so travestied and misused) of the Apostolic Succession. The details, the personnel and the techniques of the two higher groups lie beyond your ken; They work in cooperation with the planetary Logos Himself, and Those Who compose these groups are all initiates of degrees higher than the fifth. Most of the Nirmanakayas have taken the sixth and the seventh initiations, whilst the group which functions midway between the Earth and Venus have all taken the eighth and ninth initiations. Some of Them, as I mentioned earlier, aid the initiate of the seventh degree; a still larger group of them participate in the activities of the two final initiations. This seventh initiation gives the initiate the right to "come and go in the courts of Shamballa" as Their work may dictate and Their service may require. It is there also that he goes for the needed periodic or cyclic rechargings which enable him to work. There is one aspect of initiation which is apt to be overlooked. Every initiation is a process of energy transmission from a higher center of energy to a lower; every initiation charges the initiate with electrical force, and this charging and recharging is related to what H.P.B. calls "the mystery of electricity." These transmissions of energy enhance the magnetic-attractive force of the initiate, and at the same time are eliminative in their effects. In this fact lies a great planetary truth and the key to the science of planetary redemption. When the spiritual and the [736] electrical charging of the three major centers on the planet - Shamballa, the Hierarchy and Humanity - has reached a high stage of receptive efficiency, a certain cosmic Avatar will "become conscious of the vibratory quality of the little point of light within the solar sphere" and will then "turn His gaze and send His force unto that point of light, and cosmic evil will be driven out and find no more a place on Earth." Two more initiations remain to be considered, but so high is their potency and so mysterious their working that I find myself unable to deal with them in any way. They are: |
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