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Discipleship in the New Age II - Teachings on Initiation - Part VIII |
The First Point of Revelation: Energy follows thought and the eye directs the energy. We are not dealing here with the simple statement that thought power is an energy and that the process of thinking generates automatically an energy which produces objective forms, induces related action, and is the source therefore of all that appears or manifests. That is a platitude today, and humanity is increasingly aware of the subjective power of thought and of its consequences - objective realization. We are to concern ourselves with that which lies behind the mental perception of the ordinary man and with the revelation which comes to the initiate disciple as he stands within the ashram and perceives - as a result of the initiatory process - the nature of the divine Plan, as it can be seen working out on various planes of our planetary existence. There are three things which the initiate notes as the new panorama unfolds in flashing light before him:
Initiation is always taken on levels of consciousness higher [373] than the mental, and the initiate must not only realize the significance of the revelation but must also know the sphere of activity of which it will be the inspiration. I would have you ponder on the wording of this last sentence. Each of the five points of revelation indicates to the initiate: procedure, location and objective. Each is therefore susceptible of many and varied interpretations; these are dependent upon the initiatory status of the disciple. With these we cannot deal, because it would entail the writing of another complete treatise and this would also be largely incomprehensible to the uninitiated reader. I can, however, give you some ideas anent the five points of revelation which I have indicated, leaving your intuition to wrestle with their import - or leaving it to your imagination if the intuition is not yet creatively active; it must always be remembered that the imagination is the seed of the intuition, because that which is not existent somewhere within our apparently complex planetary system cannot be imagined. In connection with the aphorism that energy follows thought, I would have you relate this concept to the Science of Impression, bearing ever in mind that the Masters of the Wisdom work in three ways as they endeavor to implement the divine Plan:
From the angle of our studies, the revelation accorded to the initiate relates to the carrying forward of the divine Plan upon the physical plane and to the implementation of the will of Shamballa, through the medium of disciples and aspirants and of advanced humanity, working - consciously or unconsciously - in our modern world. Down upon the level of daily living, disciples are today learning three things: the Technique of Impression, the generating of energy, and the use of the ajna center. Many are responsive to impression, but fail to recognize or use the energy of which the impression is simply the forerunner; others respond to the energy, but fail to register the Plan which it is intended to implement, and the energy then leads to great but fruitless activity. Still others are learning, to use the center between the eyebrows, standing as silent and poised recipients controlling the third eye, the directing agent of the received energy. It must be carefully borne in mind that the energy to be used is not the energy which the disciple himself generates or his own life force, but is something different, something which he has received from the Hierarchy and of which he is simply the agent or channel. He has therefore to learn to distinguish between the various energies he contacts. The initiate has to master the techniques of differentiating between:
The first Point of Revelation has necessarily an unique relation to the physical plane, to the hierarchical workers in physical bodies, and to those who consciously use the ajna center. The number of those who can work with the energy of thought is now very great, because so many hundreds of thousands have taken the first initiation. This becomes clear when you realize the untold numbers of those who are definitely [376] oriented towards the light, who are spiritually motivated and are consciously trying to tread the Path or - to express the idea in Christian phraseology - to follow the footsteps of Christ. They may know nothing of the occult teaching or of esoteric techniques, but the discipline of their lives and their realized fixed intention and service bring them inevitably, eventually, on to the occult way. They are learning to think; they earnestly seek to know the right way for humanity, and desire to ascertain the will of God; they are therefore building thought-forms and are developing the power to be impressed. At present, they appear to be putting the cart before the horse, and they need to learn to think after impression; but this the spread of the various meditative processes will eventually correct. Later, the directing potency of the ajna center (the center between the eyebrows) will attract their attention and the triple process of impression, thought-form construction, and energy direction will be mastered by them, and the first point of revelation will no longer be a revelation; they will be committed to an intelligent implementing of the Plan upon the physical plane. |
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