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Discipleship in the New Age II - Teachings on Initiation - Part IX |
Points of Revelation We have already dealt with two of the points of revelation and have therefore considered the two which have reference to the first two initiations; these are taken upon the physical and the astral planes respectively. At the second initiation, the initiate begins for the first time (though in the most elementary form) to employ the will aspect and - in the revelation accorded - he takes a major step toward the third Initiation of the Transfiguration. This connotes the transfiguration of the personality and its liberation from the alluring imprisonment of the three worlds. Now he faces that great transitional initiation and is confronted with the revelation which has been expressed for its in the following words:
These are mysterious words and can only be understood if brought into relation with the previous revelation, involving the Will and the Law of Sacrifice. It should be remembered that the Law of Sacrifice (in its destroying aspect) is dominant during the second, the third and the fourth initiations.
The significance of these "destructive episodes which produce the freeing of the prisoner of the planet" (i.e., the divine, spiritual man) lies in the fact that, after the fourth initiation, the light of purpose is the sole controlling factor in the career of the initiate; he enters then upon a stage wherein he steadily approaches closer to the "center where the will of God is known." It is an elementary revelation of the divine Purpose which is given at the third initiation; only the first stage of that mysterious all-embracing Purpose is at that time revealed; the remaining six initiations progressively reveal (to the Master) the all-enfolding Purpose. Earlier I told you that three words should be considered in relation to the Points of Revelation: Procedure, Location, Objective. All three of them are of use here in considering the nature of the impending revelation. The recognition of these Points of Revelation falls automatically into two main procedures or planned processes:
You can see from the above how abstruse all this advanced teaching must necessarily remain - veiled and protected in order to protect and guard the initiate. This dual procedure in relation to the crucial moment in each of the initiations is always most scrupulously guarded. The moment "wherein the initiate, standing upon the point within the triangle and not upon the square," sees (in a flash of time) the great aligning procedure which will carry him from the immediate point of revelation on to the final glory, must and will be forever protected. The location of this particular point of revelation is on the mental plane; through the alignment of the concrete, lower mind, the Son of Mind and the abstract mind, a direct channel for vision is created. The medium of revelation at this initiation is the antahkarana, which is rapidly being constructed and can thus prove the connecting link and the esoteric mode of vision. The instrument of reception is the third eye which - for a moment - is temporarily suspended from its task of directing energy upon the physical plane and then becomes a stationary, receptive organ, turned inward toward the higher light. The head center is therefore involved, and a secondary alignment takes place between the ajna center, the head center and the soul body. All this takes place at a high point during the third initiation; for the first time in his personal history the initiate is completely [400] aligned and can function straight through from the head center to the highest point of the Spiritual Triad. You have, therefore, the reason for the sudden inflow of transfiguring glory. This is the objective of the initiation, and the triangle of procedure, location and objective is created, flashes into being, and then - at the close of the initiatory process - fades out, leaving however a permanent, new, spiritual and instinctual trend towards monadic perception and livingness. |
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