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Discipleship in the New Age II - Teachings on Initiation - Part X |
The motivating power for his coming is being provided by all
disciples and initiates; it is therefore a joint movement, qualified by the desire and the
motivation of the united Hierarchy and Humanity; this Invocation cannot consequently be
denied. Astrologically, the time is propitious; from the planetary angle, great and
momentous events are imminent, as the planetary Logos is taking a cosmic initiation; the
energy which produces order and which magically brings spirit and matter together (the
energy of the seventh ray) is already organizing human affairs and these three great
coinciding events in time and space make it possible for the seventh ray energies to reach
a high point of fused activity and of blended cooperation. The result will be the creation of a direct channel for the precipitation of "light supernal" into the three worlds and its [427] dominant focusing upon the physical plane. Thus will be brought about the new civilization and the new world order, and the new approach to divinity will be rendered possible; the initial steps will then be taken to create the "new heavens and the new earth." You will need here to discriminate carefully between symbols and facts; more, I need not here indicate. In our consideration of this fifth point of revelation, a most complete picture is given of the three stages of the process, which I mentioned earlier: Penetration, Polarization, Precipitation. In this particular revelation, all the planes (of the cosmic physical plane) are involved; this, in itself, is unusual; the entire proceeding concerns the penetration of the blended seven rays throughout all the states of consciousness as indicated by the seven substantial planes. This must be remembered, because the concept of "planes" is almost irretrievably (and I use this word advisedly) associated with the idea of matter or of substance. This is basically correct, and yet the emphasis must be upon the aspect of consciousness as it informs substance. The effect of the penetration with which we are now dealing is upon the many varied types of consciousness which express themselves through the seven types of substance. The blended energies penetrate through the medium of stage after stage of conscious awareness; nevertheless, they only affect those forms of life which react instinctively to their influence. The importance of the present penetration lies in its completeness and in the fact that response to these blended energies is definitely more rapid and inclusive than ever before in planetary history. There are, therefore, three stages in the penetrating process at this particular time:
We are therefore, my brothers, living in a time of spiritual crisis. When a human crisis and a spiritual crisis coincide, there comes one of the major periods of opportunity and decision in general human affairs; hence the extreme gravity of the present moment. All I can do is to call it to your attention; it is for you to watch and interpret current events, and it is for you to note the expression of the precipitating and penetrating energies, in order to cooperate as far as your [429] insight permits, and thus further the right production of the required effects. |
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