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Discipleship in the New Age II - Personal Instructions to Disciples - F.C.D. |
August 1946 MY BELOVED BROTHER: You will have, by now, read and absorbed the papers and communications which have been held for you until the close [470] of the war and the attainment of physical safety for you. There has been no great need for me to express myself on the situation which has existed, for the closeness of the link between the Master K.H., myself and you ensures understanding and precludes waste of time. You have come through a period of great difficulty and danger with no loss of your spiritual grip upon essential reality or of your spiritual vision; your strength has been such that you have lifted your family with you and safeguarded them also all the time. Having achieved one pinnacle of spiritual success, another can be glimpsed, and between the two pinnacles lies a field of service, a sphere of danger, a land of glamor and deep morasses through which you must struggle, until the point of attainment planned by your soul for this life is yours. You can achieve, and for your aiding, I and A.A.B. stand ready. A debate arose between your Master (K.H.) and myself. You had been sent (or loaned if I might call it so) to aid in my Ashram. We discussed the subject as to whether the sufferings of the past few years did not warrant your return to the Ashram of K.H.; the work there would be hard but not of the same kind, and there would not be so much need for contact work on the physical plane. I claimed that you were strong enough for the dual test; K.H. felt that you probably were, but that there was no need to ask a disciple always to drink the cup of sacrifice to its very last drop - not at least until the crucifixion initiation is your right. The task today proffered you, and its incidental strain and suffering, will be of another kind and the pain endured will be largely mental, but "you can take it," as the saying is. It was decided to let you attempt the task demanded for three years or for seven (according to your own choice) and then, if you decide to do no more along the indicated lines, you can relinquish the task... with no sense of failure. This work can be undertaken only by people who, like yourself, repudiate without any difficulty all separate attitudes and who ever act and think in terms of the one humanity and with inclusive love. You, my brother, meet all these requirements... This work is most definitely part of my work... and I shall be in touch [471] with you at frequent intervals. On that statement you can emphatically rely. Your meditation work must keep pace with your vision. I suggest that you follow the simple outline which I call "The Pinnacles," and give much time for quiet thought and for impression. Know that guidance will be given - given step by step as needed. My love enfolds you, and the way into my Ashram stands open wide for you. |
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